Australia exports pedophiles.

dont let them bend the conversation like they bend over little children.

stay on target... stay on target..... BUT LUKE! YOUR TARGETING COMPUTER IS DOWN!

so the fact is..... there are a bunch of statements about australia. all with supporting evidence. yes, there is pedophilia in other places around the world.

the 2 main points of this thread ARE 1: The rampant pedophilia and rings that are located in australia. 2: The child smuggling and enslavement of not only australians but south east asians by australians.

What are the outcomes of this thread?

Awareness. Same as all the other threads. To debate on the best possible plans of action to put into place.

What do you think should be done and how would you like to implement the procedures.

What is best for the children of not only aus, but sea and children all over the world in order to bring an end to this embarrassment. Aus can then stand as a shining beacon of hope and freedom to which other countries can look to.

or would you guys like to fight over whos fucking more children without actually doing something about it?
dont let them bend the conversation like they bend over little children.

stay on target... stay on target..... BUT LUKE! YOUR TARGETING COMPUTER IS DOWN!

so the fact is..... there are a bunch of statements about australia. all with supporting evidence. yes, there is pedophilia in other places around the world.

the 2 main points of this thread ARE 1: The rampant pedophilia and rings that are located in australia. 2: The child smuggling and enslavement of not only australians but south east asians by australians.

What are the outcomes of this thread?

Awareness. Same as all the other threads. To debate on the best possible plans of action to put into place.

What do you think should be done and how would you like to implement the procedures.

What is best for the children of not only aus, but sea and children all over the world in order to bring an end to this embarrassment. Aus can then stand as a shining beacon of hope and freedom to which other countries can look to.

or would you guys like to fight over whos fucking more children without actually doing something about it?

You missed the part where the age of consent in Mexico is so low (12 years old) that it is essentially legal there...

So much for comparisons.

How about we worry about the shit happening in our own countries first? Naah, never happens...
so the fact is..... there are a bunch of statements about australia. all with supporting evidence.

the 2 main points of this thread ARE

1: The rampant pedophilia and rings that are located in australia.

2: The child smuggling and enslavement of not only australians but south east asians by australians.

How about quantifying and correlating your above two points... AC* has not been able to demonstrate this as yet... :dunce:
and what are your suggestions to ending it? how would you go about implementing those procedures and enforcing the new laws? how would you give the children the ability to voice themselves? what are you going to do about it in YOUR country?
im not trying to "paint Australians with the same brush".

Australians are spending big money on this shit, creating a market for it.


Australia punishes pedos, you can look at the laws to back this up, in my opinon they should be tougher but it could be worse, somewhere like.. Mexico that allows adults to fuck 12 year olds is an obvious shit stain on the planet
hurrrdurrrrr an obvious shit stain on the planet

Australians are spending a lot of money on it. Australians are washing ashore on south east Asian countries and committing pedophilia. It is because other Australians are not doing enough about it. Are you suggesting there are no Australians putting money into this booming market?

This thread is about Australia, not Mexico. You are free to start one about Mexico.
Australians are spending a lot of money on it. Australians are washing ashore on south east Asian countries and committing pedophilia. It is because other Australians are not doing enough about it. Are you suggesting there are no Australians putting money into this booming market?

This thread is about Australia, not Mexico. You are free to start one about Mexico.

well iv never seen a child prostitute anywhere in Australia, I don't think iv even heard of a child prostitute in Australia.

Mexico has 20,000+ child prostitutes. Might be something to do with the much larger market in Mexico you think?

the most fucked up part of it all is that a lot of these children become child prostitutes willingly as they are so damn poor,

Mexico leaves its own children so poor that they have no option but to sell them selves to paedophiles.

Sounds like its mexico that needs to get its shit together since its the number 1 hot spot for child abuse
If this thread was really about raising awareness there would be at least one mention or link to the following;

Please note before clicking on the link below please be aware of and understand the following;

The purpose of this website/ information is to promote public awareness/ protection, prevent you and those close to you from the potential dangers posed by individuals who have committed sex offences in the past and to deter sex offenders from offending/ re-offending. Any criminal actions taken by persons against the offenders named within this site, may result in arrest and prosecution of those persons.

List of Sex offenders in Australia

Yet 17 pages and AC has failed to include this in his list of spammy butthurt....

and what are your suggestions to ending it?

Ending child molestation in Australia? While that is a very noble wish how do you intend to go about it without violating the rights of law abiding citizens who are not pederasts or have any inclination towards or endorsement of such disgusting behavior...

Legislating all the laws you can think of WILL NOT mean CRIMINALS will follow them...

how would you go about implementing those procedures and enforcing the new laws?

I feel the laws in our current system are adequate barring the re-introduction of capital punishment. This while, I may advocate for, is not the majority will of the people here. [Capital punishment/death penalty] The other consideration when pondering mandatory death penalties for the offending party is will it incline future offenders to take the life of their victims knowing, if caught, the state will take their lives... Would that increase the incidences of child homicide?

Family Violence, Child Protection and the Criminal Law - Criminal offences relating to child protection Criminal Law/criminal-offences-relating-c

how would you give the children the ability to voice themselves?

Awareness and education... The ‘stranger danger’ campaigns have been effective but in a large majority of these kinds of cases the offender is someone the victim trusts. One of the best places for children to voice any type of abuse/neglect issues is in school. Teachers receive training to recognise the warning signs and most schools now have a counsellor available for students, which are accessible without restriction. We are looking to reinforce and build on the training educators receive in regards to identifying neglect and abuse. The following paper outlines the best way to go about that.

Locating child protection in preservice teacher education
Walsh, Kerryann; Laskey, Louise; McInnes, Elspeth; Farrell, Ann; Mathews, Ben; and Briggs, Freda (2011) "Locating child protection
in preservice teacher education," Australian Journal of Teacher Education: Vol. 36: Iss. 7, Article 3.
DOI: 10.14221/ajte.2011v36n7.1
Available at:

We also have free services available to children like “kids help Line” to be able to talk about anything bothering them, anonymously, while also encouraging them to come forward to teacher/social worker or call the police...

what are you going to do about it in YOUR country?

Apart from ensuring it doesn’t happen to anyone i know and reading up on the warning signs i’m not about to go out and go all vigilante on anyone suspected of such a heinous act, reporting any verifiable concerns, especially from a child to police would be the most prudent cause of action because i am neither trained nor equipped to deal with something that is a matter for police, the courts and the resources they can bring to bear – which also includes the relevant counselling for victims as they will be forever scarred by something I cannot imagine...

and there they go again trying to bend away. ROLL THOSE CONVOS BOYS

Asking you to PROPERLY define your position through qualification and correlation is not derailment.

or would you guys like to fight over whos fucking more children without actually doing something about it?

You shouldn’t throw stones when you live in a glass house... can you show me one post where AC* has attempted to clarify his position and propose ways to combat the problem of sex abuse? Or has all the articles and blogs misdirected you?
there are pedos all over the world and you want this country to introduce child prostitution to stop pedos leaving this country?


how about all these other countries punish these fuckers instead of embracing it and the problem might be half fixed. Australia is doing its part to stop it, its countries like Mexico that let the world down by giving pedos a place to openly practice.

why are you such a dipshit?

oh, cockatoo.

you know i have mucho respecto for your trolling abilities, you are among the best.

but you fell into AC's trap here.

you are slightly angered, brethren.
that said, i'm not sure how the circumcision thread went away and this one remains.

abandon, there are much better ways to troll the angry aussie.

for example, the egyptian military, which is basically the same entity as the muslim brotherhood as they have been infiltrated by the muslim brotherhood for decades, has just massacred 580+ muslim brotherhood protestors.

this challenge to echelon's overconfident, know-it-all, internet ennui will be much more effective than pointing out that his nation was originally populated by pedo castaways.

i really wanted to forever memorialize his quote about foreskin retraction problems. that could have been on the same level of epic as "you have no idea what i'm capable of" or "apparently you reading compensation has failed you?".
hehe 'memorialise'... I would respond to your troll thread but with fishes in the water there are bound to be walruses* right BUCK*? (i'm scared of walruses:lol:)

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our women wear the same size.

i don't consider a size 8 to be a walrus. i do prefer a woman with some curves and figure rather than a stick figure that looks like a little boy, as you do (see the title of this thread), but i do not consider a size 8 to be a walrus.

you do, which is odd, since you are seeing a size 8. i guess you are attracted to walruses then. and little boy physiques.

i just hope your lover's foreskin retraction problems and your rectal prolapse issues clear up ASAP.