Australia exports pedophiles.

word twisting ya?

there is a 22 year old woman, she has given birth to a child approximately 6 months ago. Even due to this fact she is still more physically appealing then *insert target country*'s women. hes not a pedo, just has poor sentence structure.

If so he wouldn't need to dedicate a thread to his butthurt... Case in point... This thread started because I deleted him from my friends list and outed him after months of referring to Australians as pedos when he couldn't win an argument...

If you want to believe AbandonConsents* bullshit about his intentions go right ahead, this is nothing but a troll thread because he got punk'd and went full buck
Would you like to get involved in the effort to end human trafficking? More Australians ought to be involved, since Australia exports the vast majority of those caught in the worst hit areas of the world (south east Asia).

Now it's human trafficking not paedophilia? get the intentions of your butthurt thread straight moron...
[h=1]All Men Are Potential Pedophiles in the Eyes of Australian Airlines[/h]Are all men potential pedophiles? If you're a passenger on a Qantas Airways or Virgin Australia flight, the answer is yes, as both airlines have policies forbidding adult men from sitting next to unaccompanied minors. Dismayed at being so negatively stereotyped, men are speaking out down under to protest this profiling. Daniel McCluskie, the second 30-something man in a week to come forward, told The Age, "It seemed I had this sign I couldn't see above my head that said 'child molester' or 'kiddie fiddler.'"
[FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Global Pedophilia: Protected Sex Rings in Australia?
[/FONT][FONT=Times New Roman, Times, serif]Y[FONT=Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, san-serif]oung 1997 Australian Of The Year and 1996 Young Victorian of the Year for her outstanding work in the fields of child protection, Dr. Reina Michaelson of CSAPP and Brave Hearts Victoria taped meeting transcript with the Victorian Ombudsman's Office over allegations of an elite run pedophile ring operating in Australia.[/FONT][/FONT]
[h=2]Child-abuse increase feared in Australian policy change[/h]
CAMBODIAN children face an increased risk of abuse by Australian pedophiles due to
the cancellation of a specialized Australian police operation, according to an Australian
child protection organization.
The Australian office of End Child Prostitution in Asian Tourism (ECPAT) says the
decision in October of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to disband Operation Morocco,
which investigated Australians suspected of committing child-sex crimes abroad, would
result in increasing numbers of Cambodian children being victimized by Australian
pedophiles each year.
If so he wouldn't need to dedicate a thread to his butthurt... Case in point... This thread started because I deleted him from my friends list and outed him after months of referring to Australians as pedos when he couldn't win an argument...
Thanks for the back story, figured you must have pissed someone off for real this time when I noticed this thread :lol: I recently read Australia is blocking refugees again, especially the non-whites. Made me remember you - good times. :twisted: But seriously, he couldn't win an argument with you? Ah well, every argument can be won by refusing to argue logically and being blind to the facts so yeah I can see how you think you 'won' something.

Best country for white racist scum 'and' pedophiles... who would have thought... 5-star and +rep! :lol:
Thanks for the back story, figured you must have pissed someone off for real this time when I noticed this thread :lol: I recently read Australia is blocking refugees again, especially the non-whites. Made me remember you - good times. :twisted: But seriously, he couldn't win an argument with you? Ah well, every argument can be won by refusing to argue logically and being blind to the facts so yeah I can see how you think you 'won' something.

Best country for white racist scum 'and' pedophiles... who would have thought... 5-star and +rep! :lol:

He took an out of context quote and used it as an insult which had nothing to do with our argument, this was after several racial slurs which I ignored. I didn't lose an argument, I lost an insulting match.

In fact all political arguments become insulting matches on this forum shortly after he comments in them. The only thing this thread has to do with him is the timing. He pissed me off, so I dropped it.
Thanks for the back story, figured you must have pissed someone off for real this time when I noticed this thread :lol: I recently read Australia is blocking refugees again, especially the non-whites. Made me remember you - good times. :twisted: But seriously, he couldn't win an argument with you? Ah well, every argument can be won by refusing to argue logically and being blind to the facts so yeah I can see how you think you 'won' something.

Best country for white racist scum 'and' pedophiles... who would have thought... 5-star and +rep! :lol:

you recently read WRONG again... The current federal coalition will bring in a ridiculous policy to deny refugee status to 32,000 asylum seekers, IF ELECTED, in the upcoming election, which won't happen. Asylum seekers is only an issue in this country in election years and this is an election year.
He took an out of context quote and used it as an insult which had nothing to do with our argument, this was after several racial slurs which I ignored. I didn't lose an argument, I lost an insulting match.

In fact all political arguments become insulting matches on this forum shortly after he comments in them.
That sums up eche's behavior quite well. Heck, I'd say that's spot on. Since you see that so clearly I can only assume that this isn't a thread caused by being butt hurt. Interesting.

Asylum seekers is only an issue in this country in election years and this is an election year.
:lol: :wall: You're ignorance is truly 'special'. If I'd give a fuck you'd just gave me a new sig. But you know what, I think you're doing a fine enough job making Australia look bad all by yourself and frankly I know there's good people there too that are embarrassed by the likes of you and I don't want to add to that any further.

You don't belong in a Politics forum. Well, maybe in Australia.
That sums up eche's behavior quite well. Heck, I'd say that's spot on. Since you see that so clearly I can only assume that this isn't a thread caused by being butt hurt. Interesting.

:lol: :wall: You're ignorance is truly 'special'. If I'd give a fuck you'd just gave me a new sig. But you know what, I think you're doing a fine enough job making Australia look bad all by yourself and frankly I know there's good people there too that are embarrassed by the likes of you and I don't want to add to that any further.

You don't belong in a Politics forum. Well, maybe in Australia.

"You're ignorance is truly special."

Man I love me some good irony...
"You're ignorance is truly special."

Man I love me some good irony...

Damnit! :lol: I need to rep you for that.

Take a look in the mirror or did you forget your comments in a previous thread?

"So many black people here, they even need a separate entrance for it in school"

post #317

Oh man, there he goes again with the out-of-context quote that was clearly meant sarcastic towards your endless ignorance. LOL, you seem quite desperate today eche...
He took an out of context quote and used it as an insult which had nothing to do with our argument, this was after several racial slurs which I ignored. I didn't lose an argument, I lost an insulting match.

In fact all political arguments become insulting matches on this forum shortly after he comments in them. The only thing this thread has to do with him is the timing. He pissed me off, so I dropped it.

The proof is here for all to see...
Damnit! :lol: I need to rep you for that.

Oh man, there he goes again with the out-of-context quote that was clearly meant sarcastic towards your endless ignorance. LOL, you seem quite desperate today eche...

You sound exactly like Uncle Buck, which would not be surprising...
Damnit! :lol: I need to rep you for that.

Oh man, there he goes again with the out-of-context quote that was clearly meant sarcastic towards your endless ignorance. LOL, you seem quite desperate today eche...

how is posting to the thread "out of context"? Desperation is +rep AC for this POS shit troll thread...