Are you for or against gun control?

Have someone point a gun at YOU and try to walk YOU down a dark alley and see how that feels. Life isn't supposed to be "not fun and scary"> I don't agree with that. Sane people get guns for self defense and not-sane people get them for more sinister deeds. At the end of day guns are made for killing, point blank, no argument there. People get guns so other people can't shoot them with they're gun. Do you see this cycle?
I see you are taking false argument. What I said is getting a gun pointed at you is suppose to be that.

I've been there. It is indeed scary and I barely survived. That means I, like Diane F., need a gun on me.

This is law, but you talk in the mind controlled circles.

In Law there is not should this and should that.
And laws don't deter crime. Laws are punishment.
And DC vs Heller says it cannot be a crime to simply have a gun. And it cleared the ideas. This is not about hunting. It is about the break down in civil order at every level.

The cops cannot protect us. Did cops stand outside the businsesses in Watts duing the riots? Hell no.

But, were the the poor guys only armed with shotguns? Hell No. Assault rifles.

Guns are about protecting us from the other guy.

And since it is impossible to control guns, you bark against the incorrect tree.

It is clear, Gun control attempts create more crime.

So, make yourself comfortable with HIPA, the medical privacy law. They are testing that right now in New York.

If anyone in New York State now goes to a Doctor and needs something, a legal medicine, that do-gooder anti-gun numb-nut Doctor is cleared to turn you in. He can push is own personal agenda on you, violently. The registry lists are checked and your permits are pulled. It is going to SCOTUS, I imagine.

So, no testing has been done on any of these meds, about that. It is a knee jerk State respond.

It is why we limit controls to the State level. Contain the damage or cheer the success.

So it's OK to have simple fear base opinions. But that is all they are.

Guns deter crime everyday if you read the stats.
well then, guess i misunderstood:wall:. Personally i'm all about :peace:. We were better off with bows and swords imo. If you wanted to kill someone you'd better have some skill and have the money to gore the fuck out of someone. Instead of being like "bang bang". Anyone ever hear cheif keif song "I don't like". I wouldn't feel bad if someone shot that fucker. Anyone thing "gun control" should entail banning shit like this from being beamed all over america for profit and having our young susceptible minds from listening to it?
Gun control? Sure, we could use a little of it (enhancing background checks and whatnot). I thought the bill that was pitched to Congress last month was fairly reasonable and only got shot down because Democrats in Red States wanted to get reelected.

Outlawing them entirely? No way, it's impractical and would never happen in this country anyway.
Gun control? What is that? It is something made up. There is no such thing. You make up an impossible, and Constitutional blocked idea about guns. Just because you say it, doesn't make it a magic possibility.

Move to the Commonweath of Nations if you want gun control. They do that. The USA cannot control guns. They are playing your emotion. Not fun and scary.... That's what it's suppose to be.

What is possible to do, to people, and what you have fallen for, is mind control.

Demon Feinstien is armed each day with a .44 revolver. Oh, yeah. She and her ilk tell you gun control stops gun crime......No. She carries a gun to stop crime.

There are no facts on this at all, except guns are a positive for us. And many are scared of guns, thanks to mind control. You bought the base assumption that is meaningless. The numb-nuts made up a lot of facts, just for fear to tamper with your emotions. They have made you think gun control is possible.

It did pass remember, the first assault weapons ban. It did nothing. Statistics were collected and showed it DID NOTHING about gun crime. NOTHING. But, what the facts do show clearly, (you need to think) States with more access to legal carry, have less gun crime, NOT more.

So, if facts were known and the Press/Media would tamper you correctly, you would be for Open carry in every state. If you were properly informed you would realize what guns are for. And you would be against most of the restriction. You'd favor gun safety taught in school.

But, this subtle confusion is totally Orwell. Double talk has lead to double think. Guns are actually Good.

So, dream on. The USA accepts the dreamer but not the dreams.

PS - the crimes that can be stopped with a gun. Home invasion, store robbery, Rape, and assault are much higher in Gun Controlled Commonwealth.

Why is that? But, more important why is that not screamed in the Press? Think about it or be thought controlled.

Guns in a society that values human life, and has consistent morals and is thoroughly educated, would be positive.

Guns in the hands of quasi-tough guy, uneducated idiots, and wannabe gangsters and hooligans, is definitely bad.

A 50/50 split is a pretty shitty deal too.
I support gun control. I also believe certain firearms are not necessary to protect ones person or home. I am a proud gun owner/collector and concealed weapon carrier.
Gun control? Sure, we could use a little of it (enhancing background checks and whatnot). I thought the bill that was pitched to Congress last month was fairly reasonable and only got shot down because Democrats in Red States wanted to get reelected.

Outlawing them entirely? No way, it's impractical and would never happen in this country anyway.

Yeah, I've heard that. More false argument. IT was un-reasonable. And they knew it. The electorate is in constant touch with their reps.

I do it with Diana's office a lot. You can too, but I bet you have not.

What you describe is our system. The critters are not elected to do the Party work. That's Parliament and you see the Left and our President wishing we had that. Rights erode there.

These critter have to serve WE the People if they want to keep the job. We fire all but 2/3 of the Senate every 2 years.

So, learn real civics of Federated States. Of course, if you vote against the will of the people you are done representing the will of the People.

That is real. You can support gun control but it's not happening. Too many idiots that have tried it. They are done, imo.
They try this jack on every generation.
Guns in a society that values human life, and has consistent morals and is thoroughly educated, would be positive.

Guns in the hands of quasi-tough guy, uneducated idiots, and wannabe gangsters and hooligans, is definitely bad.

A 50/50 split is a pretty shitty deal too.

So, how you would erode rights is just this. Under-educate and then emotion tamper the adults. And you fall for it. It is not the reason we need control. No the Left in the Teacher's Unions are setting up youth to fail, so they can mess with them later.
They want gun control in the future. Get it?

So, stop with the morality play. This is the 2nd A.
So, how you would erode rights is just this. Under-educate and then emotion tamper the adults. And you fall for it. It is not the reason we need control. No the Left in the Teacher's Unions are setting up youth to fail, so they can mess with them later.
They want gun control in the future. Get it?

So, stop with the morality play. This is the 2nd A.
Not long before you devolve and can't produce original thought. It's OK.

You are equating the errosion of a basic Right as It is the descent back to warlord and serfs.
Just try it and we will blow your head off. That's the 2nd.

People believe in the bible. As you see, the 2nd matters not what you believe.
Not long before you devolve and can't produce original thought. It's OK.

Why paraphrase what is already said so succinctly? It also doesn't make the statement less true.

You're somewhat laughable really, why defend or contemplate an appropriate response when you can just attack and divert the attention away from your 'lack of a response.'

You seem to be implying that we're at the pinnacle of gun safety and awareness and there should be no further changes. Why else would you vehemently oppose any changes?
Leave off the histrionic phrasing as well.

Here is the change I want.

Continuing Constitutional education on Rights
A Press that educates on Rights, constantly
An education for ALL on gun safety starting at Kindergarten (blue training guns)
An education for all in self defense and confidence.
A teachers Union that is not political and about MORE THAN free salary and no accounting
No Muslim charter schools that teach hate America on our dime.
No bring in insurgents and feed and educate them at the same time lie about the danger
No more stigmatizing those that can protect you and yours when the cops run... New Orleans.
The press make heros of those that protect us, instead of making them ignorant clingers.

Why you paraphrase? It is when you can't think and dig out Shaw, and make no point at all. Its OK. You are learning.

My list is almost endless but it doesn't include crisis change for the sake of fear.
Just try it and we will blow your head off. That's the 2nd.

People believe in the bible. As you see, the 2nd matters not what you believe.

That highly depends on what state you live in. Not here in NC. I'm for some gun control, can't just go throwing guns around all willy nilly. Of course some gun controls laws are dumb. We have an equal force law here. If someone breaks into your house with a bat, a knife, or a club with nails sticking out you cannot shoot them. They HAVE to have a gun (or maybe a sword or bow). And if they have a gun and you shoot them and they stumble off your property. Jail. THAT KIND OF GUN CONTROL I HATE. Not everyone beleives in the bible. I don't, i believe in it's moral code that's it. I believe in what they set out to do with the constitution. As far as i'm concerned the constitution was a rough draft. And should be changed as times change (WITH THE PEOPLES APPROVAL). A test to see if you are sane enough to own a gun is a good idea imo. I i'm with guns, im worry about who is holding it.
Not long before you devolve and can't produce original thought. It's OK.

You are equating the errosion of a basic Right as It is the descent back to warlord and serfs.

That is EXACTLY what it is, they say its progress so they can get the non thinkers to go along with it, it is NOT progress, it is going back 350 years to a time when only the king and his men had guns. The proles were told what to do and had no say in anything.
Have you ever served in the military Doer?

You love the personal questions, so if you want to know about me read my posts. That is all you will ever know.

You are just attempting to label for your, as yet, tiny mind span. It will get better for you if you knock that off.
Fuck the 2nd A, that shit was written over a century ago. Times have changed and so has guns. Shit soon it'll be as old as the bible...........

Actually over 2 centuries ago. 2013-1789=224

So far so good. We have much much lower crime rates than the disarmed countries do and I prefer it that way.