Are you for or against gun control?

And they still are in Comonwealth. But, not Swiss, Irish, or Taiwan, etc and Israel is the poster child. Freedom won and kept by the gun.
You love the personal questions, so if you want to know about me read my posts. That is all you will ever know.

You are just attempting to label for your, as yet, tiny mind span. It will get better for you if you knock that off.

Insults, unnecessary. I don't really give a shit I was just curious. It take a person with a tiny mind span to throw something like that out without even knowing a person.
Thats how we do it right now. The people have chosen to have guns. Why do you hate the people's choice so much? They aren't forcing you to buy a gun.

Read the posts:
1 - duh, i meant the constitution should be changed with the people approval as to what should be changed.
2 - Over a century ago is still correct. 2 centuries is more than 1.
3 - How could you get me hating the people choice out of what I wrote. Bc thats not true at all.
4 - Once again I am not against people owning guns im against anybody who wants a gun to own a gun.
Read the posts:
1 - duh, i meant the constitution should be changed with the people approval as to what should be changed.
2 - Over a century ago is still correct. 2 centuries is more than 1.
3 - How could you get me hating the people choice out of what I wrote. Bc thats not true at all.
4 - Once again I am not against people owning guns im against anybody who wants a gun to own a gun.
The constitution should not be changed or ignored or overridden
You can take your people and their approval and fuck off, the USA is not a democracy- stop trying to make it one and stop teaching idiots that it's a democracy.
Democracy sucks. I vote you traitors fuck off.
Any citizen should be able to own a gun with no checks, restrictions, requirements or regulations and without fear of "law enforcement agents"
That highly depends on what state you live in. Not here in NC. I'm for some gun control, can't just go throwing guns around all willy nilly. Of course some gun controls laws are dumb. We have an equal force law here. If someone breaks into your house with a bat, a knife, or a club with nails sticking out you cannot shoot them. They HAVE to have a gun (or maybe a sword or bow). And if they have a gun and you shoot them and they stumble off your property. Jail. THAT KIND OF GUN CONTROL I HATE. Not everyone beleives in the bible. I don't, i believe in it's moral code that's it. I believe in what they set out to do with the constitution. As far as i'm concerned the constitution was a rough draft. And should be changed as times change (WITH THE PEOPLES APPROVAL). A test to see if you are sane enough to own a gun is a good idea imo. I i'm with guns, im worry about who is holding it.

Who says sane? If you have an induced medical problem an artifact of chemo that is reqiring you to be treated with cetain drugs...does that make you insane? It does in New York. Do you go along with that?

See my list of how we protect our Right and cherish it. We teach it from the beginning. What it is what it is for. When you can and when you can't. And if we ever see a gun pointed by a kid, we blister his ass. That's how i learned guns.

In Boy Scouts. I am at this present time, a Life Scout. I got the rank and that's what it means....for life.

We need more about the Rights. That is what erodes...the right to know. The right to be educated on rights from the beginning. Why?

It is a power play back to warlord and it is lead, and promoted by the very Crown we rebelled against. The COMMONWEALTH.

in just that way our first civil war is not over. many still want the Way of neo-ROYALITY.
The constitution should not be changed or ignored or overridden
You can take your people and their approval and fuck off, the USA is not a democracy- stop trying to make it one and stop teaching idiots that it's a democracy.
Democracy sucks. I vote you traitors fuck off.
Any citizen should be able to buy a gun with no checks, restrictions, requirements or regulations and without fear of "law enforcement agents"

First off The Constitution which you are defending states that we are a Democracy.
Second this same constitution starts out with "WE THE PEOPLE"
Thirdly so are part of the people so does that mean that you should fuck off too?
First off The Constitution which you are defending states that we are a Democracy.
Second this same constitution starts out with "WE THE PEOPLE"
Thirdly so are part of the people so does that mean that you should fuck off too?

You are wrong.
You have been fed propaganda and believe the lies you were programed to follow.
Read the posts:
1 - duh, i meant the constitution should be changed with the people approval as to what should be changed.
2 - Over a century ago is still correct. 2 centuries is more than 1.
3 - How could you get me hating the people choice out of what I wrote. Bc thats not true at all.
4 - Once again I am not against people owning guns im against anybody who wants a gun to own a gun.

1) The people have already told gun control experts to fuck off, what part of that weren't you understanding?
3) The people have already chosen, you say you don't hate them, but then argue against guns, obviously you are contrary to your own position.
4) LOL so basically you are against anyone owning a gun. what you wrote there makes NO FUCKING SENSE AT ALL, AT ALL. You are against anyone who WANTS one? Do you know any people who own guns that don't want to own them? No, you do not.
First off The Constitution which you are defending states that we are a Democracy.

Article 4, Section. 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.

As you can see, you are dead wrong on that issue.
First off The Constitution which you are defending states that we are a Democracy.
Second this same constitution starts out with "WE THE PEOPLE"
Thirdly so are part of the people so does that mean that you should fuck off too?

Wrong. We are not a democracy. More mind control. We don't even vote for President. Our States do that.

Lacking in civics, I say. There was a Parliment in Engand and still is that calls itself represetative democracy.

We rejected it. This is a bunch of Kings in Castles. Actually and legally. Us Kings elected County and States to do what we say. And if you aren't saying you aren't playing. You are dreaming we have a federal democracy like Germany.

I'm for total Government control of everything. We are all too stupid to live our lives on our own. I'm glad the Federal Government is looking over me. They care about us all sooo much. I don't need my rights anymore, I have the Government looking out for what's best for me. Thank You Government! Praise be to the Government! Hosanna!
As you can see, you are dead wrong on that issue.

They teach all the idiots from a young age the lie that we are a democracy and that that is what made us great and that democracy is wonderful, they continue feeding the people the lie throughout adulthood on the news and through politicians speeches
They do it to get the idiots to vote their rights away and to be happy about it.
Fuck the 2nd A, that shit was written over a century ago. Times have changed and so has guns. Shit soon it'll be as old as the bible...........

Just because something is old it doesn't make it wrong. Times have changed, it's been sad to watch. The apathy of the US voter is to blame. Watching George The Lesser along with this new clown we are stuck with show no regard for people's rights has made me sick. The 4th and 5th admendments are old, times have changed. Should they be changed as well? I for one don't think so, most people who have been on trial probably would agree with me.

Laws don't prevent crime, they give those effected a avenue to seek restitution. To bad we never apply the laws fairly. A persons punishment has more to do with their social standing rather than guilt or innocence. I had my fill of that nonsense when I was in law enforcement, when officers no longer had to carry out protection of a individuals rights in good faith I chose not to be any part of that.
They teach all the idiots from a young age the lie that we are a democracy and that that is what made us great and that democracy is wonderful, they continue feeding the people the lie throughout adulthood on the news and through politicians speeches
They do it to get the idiots to vote their rights away and to be happy about it.

well of course, anyone that ever read the George Orwell book '1984' can easily see the parallels and how fucking right Orwell really was. Newspeak.

In a democracy 51% of the people can vote to take away everything the other 49% have.

In a democracy the 3 wolves and one sheep get to vote on whats for dinner.

Democracy never lasts, all democracies fail because of the false assumption that the whole of people know whats better for the individual than the individual knows what is best for himself.
Yes, is easy to make fun of it and I do too.

Folks that are confused.... What do you think the founder founded with?

It is the opposite of democracy. They knew that the Parliamentarians would never give up....and they have not. Far sighted Founders. The 4th, 2nd, 9th.
And I'm a King and not fucked at all.

Read what the Founders were thinking why don't you? Else you are a thrall of the Parliament based freedom erode-ists.
Any right lost should cause mass protest period. We have lost so many due to opinions or a lack of It's numbing because most often its the other guy losing. We need to wake up and realise we are all the other guy. My opinion gun control yes,my stand no gun control or as I see it, LETTING THEM TAKE AWAY ANYTHING IS UNACCEPTABLE.
My stance is that my gun controls...unless you are very very fast.

And I can fast stick a knife from 6 feet. So, unless you cut out my tongue, I will be setting you up in the ruse. I've managed it 3 times before and saved 2 girlfriends from real harm. But no more. Now you get all 9 ounces as they say in Russia. (talking about Vodka)

If you try to take my tongue, I have that knife in you.

I see it very simply these days. I have been nailed constantly by my martial instructors. I know that to take a graze to land the knock out, IS the art.
What I wrote does make sense. I don't anyone as any person able to hold a gun should be able to own one. Someone who was convicted of a violent gun crime should not be able to go buy another one when they get out.