Are there any smart Trump supporters?

He did more than that, He did not let the counterstrike leave to defend Liberty and chase the ghost planes back to their source. When they finally got permission to go, they were turned back because Israel called and admitted a mistake had been made.

Those were fucking ghost riders and that alone warrants attack. You don`t mistakenly strip markings off your planes and send them out to attack.
Liberty was a Navy spy ship.

Yeah. And it was blown up by the Israeli air force... With planes we gave them....
Well a few months ago Trump told a Jewish fund raising event, "you don't like me, because you can't buy me!" I gained a lot of respect for him that day, it takes lot of balls to stand up to the Israel Lobby. Did anyone ever notice we keep obliterating all of Israel's enemies for them?

Well bad news for trump the fucking pussy went to AIPAC and told them he would be a good little bitch to Israel like the rest of our country.

Bernie( isn't he Jewish haha) actually understands how fucked up the apartheid state of Israel is.

Anyone ever heard of the federal inmate Jonathan Pollard? We just released him after Israel begged us for 30 + years. He was CONVICTED of stealing our most precious nuclear secrets at the time. He sold Russia all of our launch secrets and we would have certainly lost any war at that time. He's talked about as a great hero in Israel.

Perhaps you should ask a veteran of the USS liberty what they think of our "allies" in th IDF...

If you didn't know, Israel bombed and shot at the Liberty in an effort to blame it on Egypt. Israel is the king of the false flag. 34 American soldiers died and 171 wounded. Ship beyond repair. 1967. Look it up. Johnson did everything he could to cover it up when he realized his Jewish rulers reputations were at stake.

I challenge anyone to start going through the Forbes list. Google the persons name and religion. You will see a pattern. The Jews are like 2% of our population and .2% of the world population. You can't argue with math...

I'm not saying all Jews are in on this, the majority aren't. I should be referring to them as Zionists. Zionism refers to a movement out of the 1800s to create a Jewish state in Israel. These were Ashkenazi converts from 1100AD in the former land of the Khazar, in what is now the caucus mountains. They migrated to Europe and Russia and are what most people think of as Jews( AKA big noses). According to the book the invention of the Jewish people, written by Holocaust survivor and PhD in Israel, mitochondrial DNA supports this conclusion. The Palestinians are almost certainly the closest living relatives to the Jews of the bible.

I'm really tired of hurling insults. Hopefully someone actually wants to discuss what I'm talking about. Google it yourself and prove me wrong....

You're fucking a right that's what happened. They are greedy Zionist shit bags and THEY FUNDED THE HOLOCAUST. GOOGLE Hitlers rise to power and its a bunch of filthy greedy Zionist scum that funded him. And then they made an industry of the word antisemitic...

Anyone wants to actually know what the fuck is happening in today's world. I'd recommend Jewish radio host and former Hollywood producer Michael Rivero of he was banished from Hollywood for speaking the truth about his people's government...

911 missing links proves beyond any shadow of a doubt the NAMES OF PEOPLE AND ISRAELI CORPORATIONS. Dozens of dual us/Israeli citizens were in key positions of power in our government and corporate structuee that day. Watch it and tell me 911 wasn't a Mossad operation with certain factions of the US helping them....

i love the random capitalization.

like i always say, an anti-semitic manifesto is nothing without tons of random capitalization.
i love the random capitalization.

like i always say, an anti-semitic manifesto is nothing without tons of random capitalization.
Random.... Lmao dude have your fluoride levels in your water...they've really got you believing were ran by smiling billionaires that don't know each other and don't collaborate? And don't have a bar mitzvah to this week? You naive sheeple disgust me!!!
Random.... Lmao dude have your fluoride levels in your water...they've really got you believing were ran by smiling billionaires that don't know each other and don't collaborate? And don't have a bar mitzvah to this week? You naive sheeple disgust me!!!

ahhhh, the fluoride conspiracy. that explains it.
ahhhh, the fluoride conspiracy. that explains it.
Yeah hundreds of cities around the country are having it removed from drinking water. Google Harvard fluoride study. Or pretty much any major university ...

How are you even smart enough to use a computer?
Yeah hundreds of cities around the country are having it removed from drinking water. Google Harvard fluoride study. Or pretty much any major university ...

How are you even smart enough to use a computer?

fluoride levels in the water are being reduced because more people are getting fluoride in other ways. and the government is lowering those levels.

probably a jewish conspiracy.
fluoride levels in the water are being reduced because more people are getting fluoride in other ways. and the government is lowering those levels.

probably a jewish conspiracy.

Alright man. I've got a laptop want mainstream research? YOU GOT IT...give me 2 minutes
July 25, 2012 — For years health experts have been unable to agree on whether fluoride in the drinking water may be toxic to the developing human brain. Extremely high levels of fluoride are known to cause neurotoxicity in adults, and negative impacts on memory and learning have been reported in rodent studies, but little is known about the substance’s impact on children’s neurodevelopment. In a meta-analysis, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and China Medical University in Shenyang for the first time combined 27 studies and found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children. Based on the findings, the authors say that this risk should not be ignored, and that more research on fluoride’s impact on the developing brain is warranted.

The study was published online in Environmental Health Perspectives on July 20, 2012.

The researchers conducted a sys
Water fluoridation has been in place in England for more than 40 years, and now covers about 6 million people. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls adding fluoride to drinking water one of the 10 great public health achievements in the 20th century.

Public Health England (PHE) describes it as “a safe and effective public health measure” to combat tooth decay in children and, alongside dentists’ groups, has called for it to be implemented more widely.

But health experts are calling for a moratorium on water fluoridation, claiming that the benefits of such schemes, as opposed to those of topical fluoride (directly applied to the teeth), are unproved.

Furthermore, critics cite studies claiming to have identified a number of possible negative associations of fluoridation, including bone cancer in boys, bladder cancer, hypothyroidism, hip fractures and lower IQ in children.

Stephen Peckham, director and professor of health policy at Kent University’s centre for health service studies, said: “Water fluoridation was implemented before statistics had been compiled on its safety or effectiveness. It was the only cannon shot they had in their armoury. It gets rolled out, becomes – in England – policy and then you look for evidence to support it.

“The fat debate [whereby fat used to be the big enemy in food before that was revised] is an example of evidence getting built up to support a theory. It’s a dental health policy that’s got up a head of steam and people have been reluctant to see it criticised.

How many times do you want me to prove you wrong? Just let me know bro LMFAO
Water fluoridation has been in place in England for more than 40 years, and now covers about 6 million people. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls adding fluoride to drinking water one of the 10 great public health achievements in the 20th century.

Public Health England (PHE) describes it as “a safe and effective public health measure” to combat tooth decay in children and, alongside dentists’ groups, has called for it to be implemented more widely.

But health experts are calling for a moratorium on water fluoridation, claiming that the benefits of such schemes, as opposed to those of topical fluoride (directly applied to the teeth), are unproved.

Furthermore, critics cite studies claiming to have identified a number of possible negative associations of fluoridation, including bone cancer in boys, bladder cancer, hypothyroidism, hip fractures and lower IQ in children.

Stephen Peckham, director and professor of health policy at Kent University’s centre for health service studies, said: “Water fluoridation was implemented before statistics had been compiled on its safety or effectiveness. It was the only cannon shot they had in their armoury. It gets rolled out, becomes – in England – policy and then you look for evidence to support it.

“The fat debate [whereby fat used to be the big enemy in food before that was revised] is an example of evidence getting built up to support a theory. It’s a dental health policy that’s got up a head of steam and people have been reluctant to see it criticised.

How many times do you want me to prove you wrong? Just let me know bro LMFAO
I have always felt vaccines were a zionist conspiracy. lol.
Well a few months ago Trump told a Jewish fund raising event, "you don't like me, because you can't buy me!" I gained a lot of respect for him that day, it takes lot of balls to stand up to the Israel Lobby. Did anyone ever notice we keep obliterating all of Israel's enemies for them?

Well bad news for trump the fucking pussy went to AIPAC and told them he would be a good little bitch to Israel like the rest of our country.

Bernie( isn't he Jewish haha) actually understands how fucked up the apartheid state of Israel is.

Anyone ever heard of the federal inmate Jonathan Pollard? We just released him after Israel begged us for 30 + years. He was CONVICTED of stealing our most precious nuclear secrets at the time. He sold Russia all of our launch secrets and we would have certainly lost any war at that time. He's talked about as a great hero in Israel.

Perhaps you should ask a veteran of the USS liberty what they think of our "allies" in th IDF...

If you didn't know, Israel bombed and shot at the Liberty in an effort to blame it on Egypt. Israel is the king of the false flag. 34 American soldiers died and 171 wounded. Ship beyond repair. 1967. Look it up. Johnson did everything he could to cover it up when he realized his Jewish rulers reputations were at stake.

I challenge anyone to start going through the Forbes list. Google the persons name and religion. You will see a pattern. The Jews are like 2% of our population and .2% of the world population. You can't argue with math...

I'm not saying all Jews are in on this, the majority aren't. I should be referring to them as Zionists. Zionism refers to a movement out of the 1800s to create a Jewish state in Israel. These were Ashkenazi converts from 1100AD in the former land of the Khazar, in what is now the caucus mountains. They migrated to Europe and Russia and are what most people think of as Jews( AKA big noses). According to the book the invention of the Jewish people, written by Holocaust survivor and PhD in Israel, mitochondrial DNA supports this conclusion. The Palestinians are almost certainly the closest living relatives to the Jews of the bible.

I'm really tired of hurling insults. Hopefully someone actually wants to discuss what I'm talking about. Google it yourself and prove me wrong....

i've read same about the DNA.

israel is not our friend.
Random.... Lmao dude have your fluoride levels in your water...they've really got you believing were ran by smiling billionaires that don't know each other and don't collaborate? And don't have a bar mitzvah to this week? You naive sheeple disgust me!!!

i'd be smiling if i didn't have to pay any taxes, either..