Are there any smart Trump supporters?

Jesus......I love the average Americans scope on world politics from the comfy point of view fed to them by American media. Our media cant even cover our own news accurately for fucks sake... I would be surprised if most of these folks have ever even left the country except for maybe tourist destinations or speak a second language (hell... id settle for folks speaking the first one proficiently).

But tell me more...clearly I know nothing of Israel or the IDF.

------ 10 points to anyone who can even figure out my branch ------
And for the record I do not support most Israeli policies, nor do the Zionist (borderline fanatics) that unfortunately have a stranglehold over Israeli politics represent Jewish values as a whole. Just like the faults of America cant be laid solely on Christians (Being (arguably) the most prominent religious voice in American politics).

If people want the US to stop supporting Israel then stop supporting the Republican/Corporate policies that require a solid foothold in the middle east (a vastly oversimplified statement, I know).
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i've been paying taxes, social experiment is over and i've transitioned back to corporate.

so i'm back to making way more money, paying way more taxes, than you will ever..

and this girls garden is going B-I-G:mrgreen:

now find someone new to talk about..
Sure you are! Social experiment? LOL!
But you're just such an easy target, I can't help myself. I really should be ashamed for picking at you, but then I remember what you said about my wife and kids. You deserve every bit of it.
Belgian security forces just captured one of the guys responsible for the Paris attacks, the recent attacks are in retaliation. The Paris attacks were retaliation for French involvement in the bombing campaign. Are we seeing a pattern here?

People who think like you think believe we're the "good guys" who are just "defending ourselves". You completely ignore the western intervention into middle eastern affairs that's been taking place for decades. There's a reason they call us the "crusaders"

You're sorely mistaken if you think this is something that can be solved with bullets and bombs
Your sorely mistaken if you think this is something that can be solved with bending over and taking it
The family members of ISIS are civilians

That's the exact justification terrorists use who murder innocent people. That's the same justification the 9/11 hijackers used to fly the planes into the twin towers. Did that stop us from retaliating? No, we launched an invasion of multiple countries, killed millions of people and wasted a lot of money leading a coalition of dozens of countries

So there's plenty of evidence that killing innocent people only fuels people's hatred and urge to fight back, and ignoring for a moment the fact that it's against multiple international laws to murder civilians to accomplish political goals, i.e. the literal definition of 'terrorism', when do you think it has effectively worked as a "deterrent"?
Civilians always die in wars. Dead people can't commit terrorism, so, yeah, it's a pretty effective deterrent, surrender monkey.
There was a perfectly good dictator/ nut case already in charge over there who kept all the other nut cases in line. Then somebody got in a pissing match over some imaginary WMD. Well after a lot of shooting and blowing shit up- they strung up the dictator and everyone is living happily ever after..........
Well the nut cases are back and more pissed off and well armed than ever. ISIS, kind of a dumb name..... I would have picked, "The Pigs Who F#ck Goats and Smell Like It Too". Would have made some great T-shirts and other marketing promotions. Also much more intimidating than ISIS, which comes from the rout word sissy (over there they write from right to left ).
As the world becomes more over populated, resources become less plentiful, and tensions rise - the mess will breed and grow like a cancer.
Where can I order one of those T-shirts?
Well a few months ago Trump told a Jewish fund raising event, "you don't like me, because you can't buy me!" I gained a lot of respect for him that day, it takes lot of balls to stand up to the Israel Lobby. Did anyone ever notice we keep obliterating all of Israel's enemies for them?

Well bad news for trump the fucking pussy went to AIPAC and told them he would be a good little bitch to Israel like the rest of our country.

Bernie( isn't he Jewish haha) actually understands how fucked up the apartheid state of Israel is.

Anyone ever heard of the federal inmate Jonathan Pollard? We just released him after Israel begged us for 30 + years. He was CONVICTED of stealing our most precious nuclear secrets at the time. He sold Russia all of our launch secrets and we would have certainly lost any war at that time. He's talked about as a great hero in Israel.

Perhaps you should ask a veteran of the USS liberty what they think of our "allies" in th IDF...

If you didn't know, Israel bombed and shot at the Liberty in an effort to blame it on Egypt. Israel is the king of the false flag. 34 American soldiers died and 171 wounded. Ship beyond repair. 1967. Look it up. Johnson did everything he could to cover it up when he realized his Jewish rulers reputations were at stake.

I challenge anyone to start going through the Forbes list. Google the persons name and religion. You will see a pattern. The Jews are like 2% of our population and .2% of the world population. You can't argue with math...

I'm not saying all Jews are in on this, the majority aren't. I should be referring to them as Zionists. Zionism refers to a movement out of the 1800s to create a Jewish state in Israel. These were Ashkenazi converts from 1100AD in the former land of the Khazar, in what is now the caucus mountains. They migrated to Europe and Russia and are what most people think of as Jews( AKA big noses). According to the book the invention of the Jewish people, written by Holocaust survivor and PhD in Israel, mitochondrial DNA supports this conclusion. The Palestinians are almost certainly the closest living relatives to the Jews of the bible.

I'm really tired of hurling insults. Hopefully someone actually wants to discuss what I'm talking about. Google it yourself and prove me wrong....
Pollard spied for Israel, not Russia.
You're fucking a right that's what happened. They are greedy Zionist shit bags and THEY FUNDED THE HOLOCAUST. GOOGLE Hitlers rise to power and its a bunch of filthy greedy Zionist scum that funded him. And then they made an industry of the word antisemitic...

Anyone wants to actually know what the fuck is happening in today's world. I'd recommend Jewish radio host and former Hollywood producer Michael Rivero of he was banished from Hollywood for speaking the truth about his people's government...

911 missing links proves beyond any shadow of a doubt the NAMES OF PEOPLE AND ISRAELI CORPORATIONS. Dozens of dual us/Israeli citizens were in key positions of power in our government and corporate structuee that day. Watch it and tell me 911 wasn't a Mossad operation with certain factions of the US helping them....
July 25, 2012 — For years health experts have been unable to agree on whether fluoride in the drinking water may be toxic to the developing human brain. Extremely high levels of fluoride are known to cause neurotoxicity in adults, and negative impacts on memory and learning have been reported in rodent studies, but little is known about the substance’s impact on children’s neurodevelopment. In a meta-analysis, researchers from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and China Medical University in Shenyang for the first time combined 27 studies and found strong indications that fluoride may adversely affect cognitive development in children. Based on the findings, the authors say that this risk should not be ignored, and that more research on fluoride’s impact on the developing brain is warranted.

The study was published online in Environmental Health Perspectives on July 20, 2012.

The researchers conducted a sys
Key words: "Extremely high levels of fluoride"........Extremely high levels of anything are hazardous, even water.
Water fluoridation has been in place in England for more than 40 years, and now covers about 6 million people. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls adding fluoride to drinking water one of the 10 great public health achievements in the 20th century.

Public Health England (PHE) describes it as “a safe and effective public health measure” to combat tooth decay in children and, alongside dentists’ groups, has called for it to be implemented more widely.

But health experts are calling for a moratorium on water fluoridation, claiming that the benefits of such schemes, as opposed to those of topical fluoride (directly applied to the teeth), are unproved.

Furthermore, critics cite studies claiming to have identified a number of possible negative associations of fluoridation, including bone cancer in boys, bladder cancer, hypothyroidism, hip fractures and lower IQ in children.

Stephen Peckham, director and professor of health policy at Kent University’s centre for health service studies, said: “Water fluoridation was implemented before statistics had been compiled on its safety or effectiveness. It was the only cannon shot they had in their armoury. It gets rolled out, becomes – in England – policy and then you look for evidence to support it.

“The fat debate [whereby fat used to be the big enemy in food before that was revised] is an example of evidence getting built up to support a theory. It’s a dental health policy that’s got up a head of steam and people have been reluctant to see it criticised.

How many times do you want me to prove you wrong? Just let me know bro LMFAO
Key words: "a number of possible negative associations"
Jesus......I love the average Americans scope on world politics from the comfy point of view fed to them by American media. Our media cant even cover our own news accurately for fucks sake... I would be surprised if most of these folks have ever even left the country except for maybe tourist destinations or speak a second language (hell... id settle for folks speaking the first one proficiently).

But tell me more...clearly I know nothing of Israel or the IDF.

------ 10 points to anyone who can even figure out my branch ------
View attachment 3639700
And for the record I do not support most Israeli policies, nor do the Zionist (borderline fanatics) that unfortunately have a stranglehold over Israeli politics represent Jewish values as a whole. Just like the faults of America cant be laid solely on Christians (Being (arguably) the most prominent religious voice in American politics).

If people want the US to stop supporting Israel then stop supporting the Republican/Corporate policies that require a solid foothold in the middle east (a vastly oversimplified statement, I know).

her majesty's secret service during zombie apocalypse?

totally hot..PM me a pic:wink:
Water fluoridation has been in place in England for more than 40 years, and now covers about 6 million people. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention calls adding fluoride to drinking water one of the 10 great public health achievements in the 20th century.

Public Health England (PHE) describes it as “a safe and effective public health measure” to combat tooth decay in children and, alongside dentists’ groups, has called for it to be implemented more widely.

But health experts are calling for a moratorium on water fluoridation, claiming that the benefits of such schemes, as opposed to those of topical fluoride (directly applied to the teeth), are unproved.

Furthermore, critics cite studies claiming to have identified a number of possible negative associations of fluoridation, including bone cancer in boys, bladder cancer, hypothyroidism, hip fractures and lower IQ in children.

Stephen Peckham, director and professor of health policy at Kent University’s centre for health service studies, said: “Water fluoridation was implemented before statistics had been compiled on its safety or effectiveness. It was the only cannon shot they had in their armoury. It gets rolled out, becomes – in England – policy and then you look for evidence to support it.

“The fat debate [whereby fat used to be the big enemy in food before that was revised] is an example of evidence getting built up to support a theory. It’s a dental health policy that’s got up a head of steam and people have been reluctant to see it criticised.

How many times do you want me to prove you wrong? Just let me know bro LMFAO

not for nothing, but you only have to look at the english v. americans' teeth to know there is something amiss.
Key words: "a number of possible negative associations"

So just to be clear. If something is only possibly retarding your child brain development, then keep giving it go them? A mainstream corporate article is obviously going to present the information in that way.

You know where they get it? They buy barrels with skull and crossbones on the sides. It gets pulled out of smoke stacks with POLLUTION scrubbers that remove fluoride gas during fertilizer production. It is then sold go municipalities for there water.
1. Introduction

They call them “wet scrubbers” – the pollution control devices used by the phosphate industry to capture fluoride gases produced in the production of commercial fertilizer.

In the past, when the industry let these gases escape, vegetation became scorched, crops destroyed, and cattle crippled.

Today, with the development of sophisticated air-pollution control technology, less of the fluoride escapes into the atmosphere, and the type of pollution that threatened the survival of some communities in the 1950s and 60s, is but a thing of the past (at least in the US and other wealthy countries).

However, the impacts of the industry’s fluoride emissions are still being felt, although more subtly, by millions of people – people who, for the most part, do not live anywhere near a phosphate plant.

That’s because, after being captured in the scrubbers, the fluoride acid (hydrofluorosilicic acid), a classified hazardous waste, is barreled up and sold, unrefined, to communities across the country. Communities add hydrofluorosilicic acid to their water supplies as the primary fluoride chemical for water fluoridation.

Even if you don’t live in a community where fluoride is added to water, you’ll still be getting a dose of it through cereal, soda, juice, beer and any other processed food and drink manufactured with fluoridated water.

Meanwhile, if the phosphate industry has its way, it may soon be distributing another of its by-products to communities across the country. That waste product is radium, which may soon be added to a roadbed near you – if the EPA buckles and industry has its way.

2. Effects of Fluoride Pollution

Central Florida knows it well. So too does Garrison Montana, Cubatao Brazil, and any other community where phosphate industries have had inefficient, or non-existent, pollution control: Fluoride.

Hirzy JW. (2000). Video-taped interview with Dr. J. William Hirzy, Senior Vice President, EPA Headquarters Union. Interview by Michael Connett. July 3.

Hodge HC, Smith FA. (1977). Occupational fluoride exposure. Journal of Occupational Medicine 19: 12-39.

Lillie RJ. (1970). Air Pollutants Affecting the Performance of Domestic Animals: A Literature Review. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Agricultural Handbook No. 380. Washington D.C.

Masters R, et al. (2000). Association of Silicofluoride Treated Water with Elevated Blood Lead. Neurotoxicology 21(6): 1091-1099.

Masters RD, Coplan M. (1999). Water treatment with Silicofluorides and Lead Toxicity. International Journal of Environmental Studies 56: 435-449.

Shupe JL. (1970). Fluorine toxicosis and industry. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 31: 240-247.

Urbansky ET, Schock MR. (2000). Can Fluoridation Affect Water Lead(II) Levels and Lead(II) Neurotoxicity? United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Research and Development, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Water Supply and Water Resources Division, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Weinstein LH. (1983). “Effects of Fluorides on Plants and Plant Communities: An Overview.” pp. 53-59. In: Shupe JL, Peterson HB, Leone NC, (Eds). Fluorides: Effects on Vegetation, Animals, and Humans. Paragon Press. Salt Lake City, Utah.

Westendorf J. (1975). The kinetics of acetylcholinesterase inhibition and the influence of fluoride and fluoride complexes on the permeability of erythrocyte membranes. Ph.D. Dissertation in Chemistry, University of Hamburg, Germany.

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Tags: phosphate industry, Silicofluorides
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) called the phophate industry a “pandora’s box.” While the industry brought wealth to rural communities, it also brought ecological devastation. The CBC described the effects of one particular phosphate plant in Dunville, Ontario:

“Farmers noticed it first… Something mysterious burned the peppers, burned the fruit, dwarfed and shriveled the grains, damaged everything that grew. Something in the air destroyed the crops. Anyone could see it… They noticed it first in 1961. Again in ’62. Worse each year. Plants that didn’t burn, were dwarfed. Grain yields cut in half…Finally, a greater disaster revealed the source of the trouble. A plume from a silver stack, once the symbol of Dunville’s progress, spreading for miles around poison – fluorine. It was identified by veterinarians. There was no doubt. What happened to the cattle was unmistakable, and it broke the farmer’s hearts. Fluorosis – swollen joints, falling teeth, pain until cattle lie down and die. Hundreds of them. The cause – fluorine poisoning from the air.”

Fluoride has been, and remains to this day, one of the largest environmental liabilities of the phosphate industry. The source of the problem lies in the fact that raw phosphate ore contains high concentrations of fluoride, usually between 20,000 to 40,000 parts per million (equivalent to 2 to 4% of the ore).

When this ore is processed into water-soluble phosphate (via the addition of sulfuric acid), the fluoride content of the ore is vaporized into the air, forming highly toxic gaseous compounds (hydrogen fluoride and silicon tetrafluoride).

A cow crawling on his front two legs as a result of crippling fluoride poisoning.
In the past, when the industry had little, if any, pollution control, the fluoride gases were frequently emitted in large volumes into surrounding communities, causing serious environmental damage.

In Polk County, Florida, the creation of multiple phosphate plants in the 1940s caused damage to nearly 25,000 acres of citrus groves and “mass fluoride poisoning” of cattle. It is estimated that, as a result of fluoride contamination, “the cattle population of Polk County dropped 30,000 head” between 1953 and 1960, and “an estimated 150,000 acres of cattle land were abandoned” (Linton 1970). According to the former president of the Polk County Cattlemen’s Association:

“Around 1953 we noticed a change in our cattle… We watched our cattle become gaunt and starved, their legs became deformed; they lost their teeth. Reproduction fell off and when a cow did have a calf, it was also affected by this malady or was a stillborn.”

In the 1960s, air pollution emitted by another phosphate plant in Garrison, Montana was severe enough to be branded “the worst in the nation” by a 1967 National Air Pollution Conference in Washington, D.C.

As in Polk County, and other communities downwind of fluoride emissions, the cattle in Garrison were poisoned by fluoride. As described in a 1969 article from Good Housekeeping:

“The blight had afflicted cattle too. Some lay in the pasture, barely able to move. Others limped and staggered on swollen legs, or painfully sank down and tried to graze on their knees… Ingested day after day, the excessive fluoride had caused tooth and bone disease in the cattle, so that they could not tolerate the anguish of standing or walking. Even eating or drinking was an agony. Their ultimate fate was dehydration, starvation – and death.”

3. Litigation from Fluoride Damage

Damage to vegetation and livestock, caused by fluoride emissions from large industry, has resulted, as one might expect, in a great deal of expensive litigation. In 1983, Dr. Leonard Weinstein of Cornell University, stated that “certainly, there has been more litigation on alleged damage to agriculture by fluoride than all other pollutants combined” (Weinstein 1983). While Weinstein was referring to fluoride pollution in general, his comments give an indication of the problem facing the phosphate industry – one of the most notorious emitters of fluoride – in its early days.

So too does an estimate from Dr. Edward Groth, currently a Senior Scientist at Consumers Union. According to an article written by Groth, fluoride pollution between the years 1957 to 1968, “was responsible for more damage claims against industry than all twenty (nationally monitored air pollutants) combined.”

P.S. will be answering all stupid comments with what you morons can't find yourself!!! Glad I could help you learn something, if we wake up enough people we might not end up micro chipped slaves with a ONE WORLD SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT!
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9-11... Who really did it?


103 Suspected 9-11 Criminal Coconspirators
George W. Bush — eldest son of Bush crime family; guilty of election fraud in 2000, 2004; guilty of war crimes, war profiteering, treason, crimes against humanity; likely signed-off on 9-11 plot

Dick Cheney — former PNAC member; former chairman of CFR; guilty of war profiteering, treason; was in bunker on 9-11 directing several “war games”; lied to 9-11 Omission Commission about timing of 9-11 activities

Donald Rumsfeld — former Secretary of War and PNAC member; close friend of Cheney; was at Pentagon on 9-11; once slipped and said “when that missile hit the Pentagon”

Paul Wolfowitz — Deputy Secretary of War on 9-11; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying for Israel; former PNAC member; chief architect of Iraq war; forced to resign in World Bank scandal

Richard Perle — former assistant Secretary of War, chairman War Policy Board, and PNAC member; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist; allegedly gave $100,000 to head of Pakistan’s ISI, Mahmoud Ahmad; nicknamed “Prince of Darkness”

Douglas Feith — effectively in command, with Wolfowitz, of War Department on 9-11; Undersecretary of War for Policy; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist; investigated for spying for Israel; former PNAC member

Dov Zakheim — Pentagon comptroller when trillion dollars reported missing on 9-10-01; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist; Shul Rabbi; former CFR member; former CEO of fly-by-remote manufacturer; reputed 9-11 mastermind

George Tenet — director of the CIA on 9-11; was awarded the “Medal of Freedom” by Bush for his fine work on 9-11; reported to be “dual citizen” of US and Israel

Robert Mueller — FBI director on 9-11; under his “leadership” FBI field agents’ warnings of an imminent attack were stifled

Thomas Pickard — took over the job of FBI director from Louis Freeh in August 2001; held this position only for a few weeks before Robert Mueller became director; former Terror Task Force chief John O’Neill complained about sabotage by Pickard

Dale Watson — former Deputy Chief of the CIA at the Counter-Terrorist Center; appointed Inspector Deputy Assistant Director of the National Security Division (NSD), FBI Headquarters, Washington, DC in July 1998; appointed FBI Headquarters Assistant on December 6, 1999 by the Attorney General; ignored at least four different FBI agents’ warnings including an “urgent cable” from the CIA on August 23rd about Almihdhar and Alhazmi

Dave Frasca — FBI Radical Fundamentalists Unit Chief; personally scuttled the work of Kenneth Williams in July 2001 and Coleen Rowley in August 2001, the Arizona and Minnesota FBI agents who were actively investigating “terrorist” patsies in CIA-operated flight schools

Marion “Spike” Bowman — FBI agent who thwarted FBI investigations into both Zacarias Moussaoui and the anthrax attacks on Congress

John Ashcroft — Attorney General on 9-11; protected “terrorist” patsy Abdussattar Shaikh from subpoena after 9-11; stopped flying commercial aircraft in 2001

Michael Chertoff — Assistant Attorney General on 9-11; freed over 100 Israeli spies in the US after 9-11; promoted to head Homeland Security; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; Zionist; likely Mossad agent

Michael Mukasey — federal judge in New York; presided over 1993 WTC bombing case; active in 9-11 cases, including Larry Silverstein’s insurance claims; oversaw the detained material witnesses of 9-11, including five dancing Israeli Mossad agents apprehended by FBI; recently appointed by Bush to be the next Attorney General; radical Zionist of Russian Jewish parentage; “dual citizen” of US and Israel

Ted Olson — Solicitor General of the United States on 9-11; alleges that his wife, Barbara, phoned him from AA Flight 77 to report that it was highjacked by men with knives and box cutters; Flight 77 allegedly crashed into the Pentagon though there was no wreckage of a 757 at the site, no bodies, no luggage, and the hole in the side of the Pentagon was much too small to accommodate a 757 (Barbara is not likely alive, but she was not killed at the Pentagon event)

Colin Powell — Secretary of State on 9-11; met with General Mahmoud Ahmad two days after 9-11; former chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; helped cover up Vietnam My Lai massacre

Condi Rice — National Security Adviser on 9-11; promoted to Secretary of State; lied to 9-11 Omission Commission while under oath

Tommy Thompson — Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary; hired Jerome Hauer, former Office of Emergency Center, on 9-10-01

Jerome Hauer — managing director of Kroll and senior adviser to US Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) for National Security and Emergency Management on 9-11; put John O’Neill at the WTC on 9-11; lied to Dan Rather on CBS News on 9-11 about the controlled demolition of WTC buildings; director of Giuliani’s Office of Emergency Management from 1996 to 2000

Porter Goss — former House Intelligence Chair; was meeting with General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of Pakistan’s ISI and 9-11 financier, on 9-11; promoted to Director of CIA, resigned after “hookergate”

Bob Graham — former Florida Senator; was meeting with General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of Pakistan’s ISI and 9-11 financier, on 9-11; ran for President in 2004

Marc Grossman — Under Secretary for Political Affairs on 9-11; met with General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of Pakistan’s ISI and 9-11 financier, on or shortly after 9-11; “dual citizen” of US and Israel

Richard Armitage — former member of PNAC, Deputy Secretary of State; met with General Mahmoud Ahmad, head of Pakistan’s ISI and 9-11 financier, shortly after 9-11

Philip Zelikow — led the 9-11 Cover-Up Commission; personally wrote the 9-11 Omission Commission Report, a best-selling work of fiction; appointed Counselor of US Department of State; “dual citizen” of US and Israel

Ari Fleischer — White House spokesman for Bush on 9-11; “dual citizen” of US and Israel; connected to the extremist group called the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics

Andrew Card — Bush’s Chief of Staff on 9-11; was with Bush at Booker Elementary School in Florida on 9-11; claims to have whispered to Bush, “A second plane hit the second tower, America is under attack”

Karl Rove — Bush’s top strategist, known as “Bush’s Brain”; America’s Joseph Goebbels; was behind the campaign to oust Georgia Representative Cynthia McKinney who was the first nationally-known politician to question Bush’s role in 9-11; in June 2005, said, “Conservatives saw the savagery of 9-11 in the attacks and prepared for war, liberals saw the savagery of the 9-11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers”
1. Introduction

They call them “wet scrubbers” – the pollution control devices used by the phosphate industry to capture fluoride gases produced in the production of commercial fertilizer.

In the past, when the industry let these gases escape, vegetation became scorched, crops destroyed, and cattle crippled.

Today, with the development of sophisticated air-pollution control technology, less of the fluoride escapes into the atmosphere, and the type of pollution that threatened the survival of some communities in the 1950s and 60s, is but a thing of the past (at least in the US and other wealthy countries).

However, the impacts of the industry’s fluoride emissions are still being felt, although more subtly, by millions of people – people who, for the most part, do not live anywhere near a phosphate plant.

That’s because, after being captured in the scrubbers, the fluoride acid (hydrofluorosilicic acid), a classified hazardous waste, is barreled up and sold, unrefined, to communities across the country. Communities add hydrofluorosilicic acid to their water supplies as the primary fluoride chemical for water fluoridation.

Even if you don’t live in a community where fluoride is added to water, you’ll still be getting a dose of it through cereal, soda, juice, beer and any other processed food and drink manufactured with fluoridated water.

Meanwhile, if the phosphate industry has its way, it may soon be distributing another of its by-products to communities across the country. That waste product is radium, which may soon be added to a roadbed near you – if the EPA buckles and industry has its way.

2. Effects of Fluoride Pollution

Central Florida knows it well. So too does Garrison Montana, Cubatao Brazil, and any other community where phosphate industries have had inefficient, or non-existent, pollution control: Fluoride.

Hirzy JW. (2000). Video-taped interview with Dr. J. William Hirzy, Senior Vice President, EPA Headquarters Union. Interview by Michael Connett. July 3.

Hodge HC, Smith FA. (1977). Occupational fluoride exposure. Journal of Occupational Medicine 19: 12-39.

Lillie RJ. (1970). Air Pollutants Affecting the Performance of Domestic Animals: A Literature Review. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Agricultural Handbook No. 380. Washington D.C.

Masters R, et al. (2000). Association of Silicofluoride Treated Water with Elevated Blood Lead. Neurotoxicology 21(6): 1091-1099.

Masters RD, Coplan M. (1999). Water treatment with Silicofluorides and Lead Toxicity. International Journal of Environmental Studies 56: 435-449.

Shupe JL. (1970). Fluorine toxicosis and industry. American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal 31: 240-247.

Urbansky ET, Schock MR. (2000). Can Fluoridation Affect Water Lead(II) Levels and Lead(II) Neurotoxicity? United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Research and Development, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Water Supply and Water Resources Division, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Weinstein LH. (1983). “Effects of Fluorides on Plants and Plant Communities: An Overview.” pp. 53-59. In: Shupe JL, Peterson HB, Leone NC, (Eds). Fluorides: Effects on Vegetation, Animals, and Humans. Paragon Press. Salt Lake City, Utah.

Westendorf J. (1975). The kinetics of acetylcholinesterase inhibition and the influence of fluoride and fluoride complexes on the permeability of erythrocyte membranes. Ph.D. Dissertation in Chemistry, University of Hamburg, Germany.

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Tags: phosphate industry, Silicofluorides
The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) called the phophate industry a “pandora’s box.” While the industry brought wealth to rural communities, it also brought ecological devastation. The CBC described the effects of one particular phosphate plant in Dunville, Ontario:

“Farmers noticed it first… Something mysterious burned the peppers, burned the fruit, dwarfed and shriveled the grains, damaged everything that grew. Something in the air destroyed the crops. Anyone could see it… They noticed it first in 1961. Again in ’62. Worse each year. Plants that didn’t burn, were dwarfed. Grain yields cut in half…Finally, a greater disaster revealed the source of the trouble. A plume from a silver stack, once the symbol of Dunville’s progress, spreading for miles around poison – fluorine. It was identified by veterinarians. There was no doubt. What happened to the cattle was unmistakable, and it broke the farmer’s hearts. Fluorosis – swollen joints, falling teeth, pain until cattle lie down and die. Hundreds of them. The cause – fluorine poisoning from the air.”

Fluoride has been, and remains to this day, one of the largest environmental liabilities of the phosphate industry. The source of the problem lies in the fact that raw phosphate ore contains high concentrations of fluoride, usually between 20,000 to 40,000 parts per million (equivalent to 2 to 4% of the ore).

When this ore is processed into water-soluble phosphate (via the addition of sulfuric acid), the fluoride content of the ore is vaporized into the air, forming highly toxic gaseous compounds (hydrogen fluoride and silicon tetrafluoride).

A cow crawling on his front two legs as a result of crippling fluoride poisoning.
In the past, when the industry had little, if any, pollution control, the fluoride gases were frequently emitted in large volumes into surrounding communities, causing serious environmental damage.

In Polk County, Florida, the creation of multiple phosphate plants in the 1940s caused damage to nearly 25,000 acres of citrus groves and “mass fluoride poisoning” of cattle. It is estimated that, as a result of fluoride contamination, “the cattle population of Polk County dropped 30,000 head” between 1953 and 1960, and “an estimated 150,000 acres of cattle land were abandoned” (Linton 1970). According to the former president of the Polk County Cattlemen’s Association:

“Around 1953 we noticed a change in our cattle… We watched our cattle become gaunt and starved, their legs became deformed; they lost their teeth. Reproduction fell off and when a cow did have a calf, it was also affected by this malady or was a stillborn.”

In the 1960s, air pollution emitted by another phosphate plant in Garrison, Montana was severe enough to be branded “the worst in the nation” by a 1967 National Air Pollution Conference in Washington, D.C.

As in Polk County, and other communities downwind of fluoride emissions, the cattle in Garrison were poisoned by fluoride. As described in a 1969 article from Good Housekeeping:

“The blight had afflicted cattle too. Some lay in the pasture, barely able to move. Others limped and staggered on swollen legs, or painfully sank down and tried to graze on their knees… Ingested day after day, the excessive fluoride had caused tooth and bone disease in the cattle, so that they could not tolerate the anguish of standing or walking. Even eating or drinking was an agony. Their ultimate fate was dehydration, starvation – and death.”

3. Litigation from Fluoride Damage

Damage to vegetation and livestock, caused by fluoride emissions from large industry, has resulted, as one might expect, in a great deal of expensive litigation. In 1983, Dr. Leonard Weinstein of Cornell University, stated that “certainly, there has been more litigation on alleged damage to agriculture by fluoride than all other pollutants combined” (Weinstein 1983). While Weinstein was referring to fluoride pollution in general, his comments give an indication of the problem facing the phosphate industry – one of the most notorious emitters of fluoride – in its early days.

So too does an estimate from Dr. Edward Groth, currently a Senior Scientist at Consumers Union. According to an article written by Groth, fluoride pollution between the years 1957 to 1968, “was responsible for more damage claims against industry than all twenty (nationally monitored air pollutants) combined.”

P.S. will be answering all stupid comments with what you morons can't find yourself!!! Glad I could help you learn something, if we wake up enough people we might not end up micro chipped slaves with a ONE WORLD SOCIALIST GOVERNMENT!

that's right godnnammit! states rights! the right to poison its taxpayers! the american way!