Are there any smart Trump supporters?

howabout you just START paying some taxes? You have a negative effective tax rate, too, little miss welfare cheat. You refuse to work, why would you care about off shoring jobs?

i've been paying taxes, social experiment is over and i've transitioned back to corporate.

so i'm back to making way more money, paying way more taxes, than you will ever..

and this girls garden is going B-I-G:mrgreen:

now find someone new to talk about..
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Maybe they should have had borders,languge and culture in europe. TRUMP can save America because there is no europe anymore. Build a wall and kill muslims with bullets dipped in pigs blood. Hows that open border working in belgium,paris,london,san bernadino?
i've been paying taxes, social experiment is over and i've transitioned back to corporate.

so i'm back to making way more money, paying way more taxes, than you will ever..

and this girls garden is going B-I-G:mrgreen:

now find someone new to talk about..

Congratulations, welcome back to reality. Have you decided to vote for hilldawg yet?

I'm torn between who would be the biggest progressive and the most destructive. I had almost decided 100% on hc, but trump is looking real good for rustling the jimmies of liberals and pubs alike. Kinda like a two fer one deal.
Maybe they should have had borders,languge and culture in europe. TRUMP can save America because there is no europe anymore. Build a wall and kill muslims with bullets dipped in pigs blood. Hows that open border working in belgium,paris,london,san bernadino?
When you let faggots run your country, you get taken over by every savage third world camel jockey.
Maybe we shouldn't have invaded the middle east, destabilized the region and created ISIS in the first place. You know, giving them an entirely justified reason to attack the west back in retaliation?

Maybe people like you should go pick up a weapon and stand a post, if we're lucky that problem might solve itself
Maybe we shouldn't have invaded the middle east, destabilized the region and created ISIS in the first place. You know, giving them an entirely justified reason to attack the west back in retaliation?

Maybe people like you should go pick up a weapon and stand a post, if we're lucky that problem might solve itself
You should move to Belgium. Did Brussels destabilize the middle east?
Maybe we shouldn't have invaded the middle east, destabilized the region and created ISIS in the first place. You know, giving them an entirely justified reason to attack the west back in retaliation?

Maybe people like you should go pick up a weapon and stand a post, if we're lucky that problem might solve itself
Stand a post? Nah, but they certainly love to send other peoples kids into war, don't they? Fuckin' keyboard warriors.
You should move to Belgium. Did Brussels destabilize the middle east?
Belgian security forces just captured one of the guys responsible for the Paris attacks, the recent attacks are in retaliation. The Paris attacks were retaliation for French involvement in the bombing campaign. Are we seeing a pattern here?

People who think like you think believe we're the "good guys" who are just "defending ourselves". You completely ignore the western intervention into middle eastern affairs that's been taking place for decades. There's a reason they call us the "crusaders"

You're sorely mistaken if you think this is something that can be solved with bullets and bombs
Belgian security forces just captured one of the guys responsible for the Paris attacks, the recent attacks are in retaliation. The Paris attacks were retaliation for French involvement in the bombing campaign. Are we seeing a pattern here?

People who think like you think believe we're the "good guys" who are just "defending ourselves". You completely ignore the western intervention into middle eastern affairs that's been taking place for decades. There's a reason they call us the "crusaders"

You're sorely mistaken if you think this is something that can be solved with bullets and bombs
You couldnt tell a good guy from a bad guy, to save your life.
We should do whatever works. They fear pork more than death. Putin knows how to deal with these savages and killing families of terrorists has been PROVEN to work. I am on team " CIVILIZATION" where even queers like you have rights.
You're condemning ISIS because they murder civilians while supporting murdering civilians, so can you clarify that please? If you are doing the same thing they're doing, why are they the bad guys and what makes you the good guy?
They have families that are accomplices and it is a proven deterrent to punish immediate family of suicide bombers. DETERRENT being the key word.
ISIS are not civilians.
The family members of ISIS are civilians
They have families that are accomplices and it is a proven deterrent to punish immediate family of suicide bombers. DETERRENT being the key word.
That's the exact justification terrorists use who murder innocent people. That's the same justification the 9/11 hijackers used to fly the planes into the twin towers. Did that stop us from retaliating? No, we launched an invasion of multiple countries, killed millions of people and wasted a lot of money leading a coalition of dozens of countries

So there's plenty of evidence that killing innocent people only fuels people's hatred and urge to fight back, and ignoring for a moment the fact that it's against multiple international laws to murder civilians to accomplish political goals, i.e. the literal definition of 'terrorism', when do you think it has effectively worked as a "deterrent"?
Maybe we shouldn't have invaded the middle east, destabilized the region and created ISIS in the first place. You know, giving them an entirely justified reason to attack the west back in retaliation?
There was a perfectly good dictator/ nut case already in charge over there who kept all the other nut cases in line. Then somebody got in a pissing match over some imaginary WMD. Well after a lot of shooting and blowing shit up- they strung up the dictator and everyone is living happily ever after..........
Well the nut cases are back and more pissed off and well armed than ever. ISIS, kind of a dumb name..... I would have picked, "The Pigs Who F#ck Goats and Smell Like It Too". Would have made some great T-shirts and other marketing promotions. Also much more intimidating than ISIS, which comes from the rout word sissy (over there they write from right to left ).
As the world becomes more over populated, resources become less plentiful, and tensions rise - the mess will breed and grow like a cancer.
There was a perfectly good dictator/ nut case already in charge over there who kept all the other nut cases in line. Then somebody got in a pissing match over some imaginary WMD. Well after a lot of shooting and blowing shit up- they strung up the dictator and everyone is living happily ever after..........
Well the nut cases are back and more pissed off and well armed than ever. ISIS, kind of a dumb name..... I would have picked, "The Pigs Who F#ck Goats and Smell Like It Too". Would have made some great T-shirts and other marketing promotions. Also much more intimidating than ISIS, which comes from the rout word sissy (over there they write from right to left ).
As the world becomes more over populated, resources become less plentiful, and tensions rise - the mess will breed and grow like a cancer.

That's a lovely narrative, if you're an arms maker.
This is the ONE smart person backing Donald Trump:
