Are there any smart Trump supporters?

i call bullshit!

howabout they just START paying some taxes?

Negative effective tax rate is bullshit! Offshoring money is bullshit! Taking jobs away from america is bullshit!*

*please note the stringent use of one exclamation point.

<schuylaar tries to pet bucky..bucky snaps back>
howabout you just START paying some taxes? You have a negative effective tax rate, too, little miss welfare cheat. You refuse to work, why would you care about off shoring jobs?
That offends me? That you people think Republican or Democrat has anything to do with shit instead of being Americans and fixing problems its all just guys like you who would rather just try to belittle or mock others and argue just to argue instead of just rolling up your sleeves grabbing the shovel your damn self and getting shit done
You assume American society operates as a meritocracy when the reality is it operates as an oligarchy

People are not poor because they're lazy
"Thankfully, engineer Ali F. Rhuzkan already provided material estimates for the wall. I simply took his material estimates, found national average costs, and totaled them up. Let’s break it down step by step. The previous calculations stated that the wall will be built using pre-cast (place and set at indoor facility and transport harden concrete panels to job site) and cast-in-place (wet concrete placed at site) concrete. We will also need to include the steel rebar in the material costs.

Going off of materials estimate we have…
167,272,000 cubic yards of cast-in-place concrete at $93/cubic yard = $15,556,296,000
1,030,000 segments of 10’ pre-cast panels at $17/panel = $17,510,000
2,500,000 tons of steel rebar at $600/ton = $1,500,000,000

Total Material Cost Estimate: $17,073,806,000

$17 Billion!! To give you a mild idea of how much that is, $17 billion is roughly NASA's yearly operating budget. And let’s take a reality check for a moment: this is only a rough materials costs for the project. I haven’t yet taken into account the cost of labor or machinery, not to mention the millions of dollars it would cost for design work, surveying, and land acquisition. If I had an RSmeans book (construction estimating tool) handy I would be able to do a more in depths cost estimate of this Wall."

Total foreign aid to Mexico in 2013 = $560 million

That's about $16.4 billion short (not including labor costs)

So to answer the question; no, obviously not, there are no smart Trump supporters
So not even 10% of the money Obama wasted on giving money to his campaign supporters?
"Obama bailed out the banks to prevent the collapse of the global economy predicated by the economic policies I support, so I don't care what Trump adds to the national debt"

You have a really warped view of the way politics works in America, especially for someone well into adulthood. You act like anything that doesn't go your way is a personal attack against you and the things you believe, so when something gets passed, regardless of the democratic process or how many people support it, you are still right and everybody else is wrong. It's a childlike mentality that republicans and conservative talk radio hosts have been instilling in people like you for years. I noticed you act the same way about campaign finance reform. You think the democrats spent decades fucking you, so now that republicans added the loophole that allows corporations to buy politicians with legal bribes and effectively subvert democracy, you support it because you think it hurts progressives when in reality, it's the reason Clinton will win this November and Trump will lose... hurting you.. it's interesting how that works, huh?
You have a really warped view of the way politics works in America, especially for someone well into adulthood. You act like anything that doesn't go your way is a personal attack against you and the things you believe, so when something gets passed, regardless of the democratic process or how many people support it, you are still right and everybody else is wrong.
Are you kidding me you know jack about the dumpster. The man is a racist pos, I lived full time in Brooklyn, N.Y. He and his father (Fred) were one of the biggest slumlords at the time, he had to be dragged into court and sued because he wouldn't allow minorities to rent in his buildings and was forced to settle and still was dragged into court later on for more of the same shit, his father was a klansman.

Being a bigot is a family trait!!

Got any proof of that? The Klan is endorsing Hilary.
If America does it others will follow we already take in geniuses no matter what nationality. Also illegals are not bums they work so no feeding them or housing required.
They have a much higher rate of food stamp and welfare use, DUIs, rape, robbery, and other crimes. America has done it for generations, Mexico doesn't.
They have a much higher rate of food stamp and welfare use, DUIs, rape, robbery, and other crimes. America has done it for generations, Mexico doesn't.
Do you have any proof? Last I heard #1 for sexual assault is Alaska. Are there a lot of Mexicans in Alaska?

Do they tell you Mexicans? Or no the only source you can find is Latino? Which many come by boat and plane. So Trump's wall is a trillion dollar fail!! :bigjoint:
Do you have any proof? Last I heard #1 for sexual assault is Alaska. Are there a lot of Mexicans in Alaska?

Do they tell you Mexicans? Or no the only source you can find is Latino? Which many come by boat and plane. So Trump's wall is a trillion dollar fail!! :bigjoint:
Trillion? Making up bigger numbers every time you post. Alaska has 90 men for every woman. Think that might make it an anomaly? FBI keeps statistic on crime rates, you go look it up, if you really want to know, which I doubt. Lets not let facts influence our opinions.
I'm not interested in wasting time talking about economics or monetary policy with someone who doesn't have a basic understanding of it. I don't think the bailouts were "just dandy". I, along with every other credible economist on Earth think they were necessary to prevent the collapse of the global economy, and I also think they could have been handled better. That doesn't translate to tacit approval

You're avoiding the fact that the bailouts happened as a direct result of US economic policy that you support. I don't support it, I never have. So you don't get to blame the people for spending the money to clean up your mess. If we didn't have a policy that favored financial institutions and corporations, we wouldn't have had to spend any of that money. I keep telling you that, but you want to side with the banks and financial institutions just to oppose the left and progressives, because you're a hard headed idiot

+14 point Romney lead

Yeah, you're right alright :rolleyes:

One lie after another. The adjusted $836 billion stimulus package didn't "bail out" corporations or banks, you chucklehead. Go back and take a look at how the money was spent, they threw it all over the map. Big government is the root of all economic problems and progressives love them some big government. You obviously have no idea what I support or you wouldn't be 180 degrees from the truth.

You think more government is the solution and I think it's the cause that needs to be strangled. You know, like the Constitution clearly warns against and specifically limits (despite decades of progressive subversion and asinine disregard). Every fucking dime of national debt is courtesy of progressives on both sides of the aisle.

And if you think the economy was saved and that the collapse wasn't just pushed down the road at a cost of trillions of dollars, you're in for an interesting ride.
Every fucking dime of national debt is courtesy of progressives


clinton had the deficit down to nothing, in fact he had a surplus going and was paying down the debt.

enter conservative republican george w bush.

he took that surplus, which would have erased the deficit, and turned it into the largest deficit of all time.

despite obama slashing the deficit by a greater amount than any president ever, he still cannot stop george w bush's debt from accumulating.

all previous debt was thanks to ronald reagan.

you voted for both of those republicans.

I would say they work their asses off but if you see the size of her ass...

But seriously, they work 24/7.