Are evangelical Christians who support Trump a cult?

Sometimes you have to get away from family to give time for the drama and emotions to fade.

I recognize that I don't have the interpersonal skills to do this but could totally respect somebody who manages to,

How to talk someone out of a damaging cult

The first thing to realize is that people in cults are not crazy but are the same intelligent, creative and interesting individuals they were before. As with falling in love they are just crazy about the group, its amazing leader and its great potential to change the world and them with it. So the ideals of the group are probably quite attractive superficially – ending war and poverty, say, or promoting the healthy development of brain and body. After all, you don’t see many adverts saying “join this damaging cult that will destroy your life”.

Your friend or loved one has probably fallen hook line and sinker for the positive message of the group and their whole identity is now focused on this message. The key thing to remember is that criticizing the group, however strange or damaging it seems to you, is the same as criticizing your friend or family member themselves.

The most important piece of advice is to not criticise, condemn or judge, even if you have serious concerns. Instead, focus on why this person identifies with the group so much, and what they believe they are getting from it. And try to reinforce the message: “It’s great that you’re developing yourself and your skills so positively and that the group is making you so happy.”

Okay, so, how many of the author's rules did I break just today? 'Bout every one, I suppose.

Still, it sounds from the article (I only posted a sample) that the cult member has to start questioning on their own before any of this positive advice can help. Do we owe it to our family members who've joined the Trump cult to help them out?

i don't have that ability. i condemn. i was forced to church sunday morning, sunday night and wednesday night until i moved out of my parents house. my dad is a southern baptist deacon. they put so much unnecessary stress in my life about their bullshit religion that they just shit all over for donald trump. we have had our family tensions about religion and i have asked for them to stop preaching at me. my mother can't stop.

i will no longer live in their fucked up world. i don't have the ability to help them and am currently so pissed off and disappointed with them that i don't even want to help. i condemn via email.

one thing trump has done for me is that it has given me the strength and lack of political correctness to stand up to my parents total fucking hypocrisy and finally call it out for what it really is.

they have forever scarred their reputations and they can't even see they have done wrong. can't fix stupid...
Post a pic of your health insurance card

Post again about my insurance card.
Huh? "you are able to sway political decisions"? Dude you are losing it. Triggered perhaps?

Nope, never ever said my posts here would change anybody's opinion. Not guns, not religion, not politics. I come here for my own reasons, which are entertainment, and learning about other people's point of view. Guess which reason I'm talking to you right now.

Really, you should give up on your belief in mind reading and start working on your shitty attitude. There is plenty of research that shows negative attitudes are linked to poor health like yours. Maybe you won't be a cripple anymore.

Like I said. Thank you for justifying what I said about you. Again.
cult kəlt/
1. a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
2. a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.
3. a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing.
i don't have that ability. i condemn. i was forced to church sunday morning, sunday night and wednesday night until i moved out of my parents house. my dad is a southern baptist deacon. they put so much unnecessary stress in my life about their bullshit religion that they just shit all over for donald trump. we have had our family tensions about religion and i have asked for them to stop preaching at me. my mother can't stop.

i will no longer live in their fucked up world. i don't have the ability to help them and am currently so pissed off and disappointed with them that i don't even want to help. i condemn via email.

one thing trump has done for me is that it has given me the strength and lack of political correctness to stand up to my parents total fucking hypocrisy and finally call it out for what it really is.

they have forever scarred their reputations and they can't even see they have done wrong. can't fix stupid...
I don't have the fortitude to listen to Trumpers either.
It was just switching around the words to be sarcastic.

And a good example of how wrong you guys are interpreting text.
“It was just”, start a sentence with such weak attachment to yourself? I call bullshit, haven’t you got some Nazi meth heads to go dynamite fishing with?
i don't have that ability. i condemn. i was forced to church sunday morning, sunday night and wednesday night until i moved out of my parents house. my dad is a southern baptist deacon. they put so much unnecessary stress in my life about their bullshit religion that they just shit all over for donald trump. we have had our family tensions about religion and i have asked for them to stop preaching at me. my mother can't stop.

i will no longer live in their fucked up world. i don't have the ability to help them and am currently so pissed off and disappointed with them that i don't even want to help. i condemn via email.

one thing trump has done for me is that it has given me the strength and lack of political correctness to stand up to my parents total fucking hypocrisy and finally call it out for what it really is.

they have forever scarred their reputations and they can't even see they have done wrong. can't fix stupid...
It will be funny when they die and brown Jesus tells them they should have smoked more pot and chilled
“It was just”, start a sentence with such weak attachment to yourself? I call bullshit, haven’t you got some Nazi meth heads to go dynamite fishing with?

You always call bullshit. But you’re wrong. I made a pun.

Reads that way too. You think you know more than you do.

Why do you think sloppy grammar and typos are so telling?

And who am I supposed to refer to? I am only speaking for myself.

Does it bother you when you point a finger at me and I respond with “I”? Too many I’s fer ya. I wonder if I can incorporate more I’s into responses I write myself to Zeddd. I don’t know if I can. I will see.
This is great. Keep up the good work gents..

No but seriously. Take a moment, and realize that if you can't have a civil discussion with someone who does not agree with you, then you have issues. Usually its due to emotional baggage, and/or placing your own insecurities on others rather than looking deeply at them. This is a truth, and the vast majority of people suffer from it.

Do you find yourself getting easily angered when you talk to someone who disagrees with your political or religious beliefs? Then you have some buried issues, that if you took the time to process and move on from.. you'd be happier, healthier, and would honestly not have a single issue with someone disagreeing with you. Ever. Once you form a solid, clear, belief.. it's easy to talk to those who don't agree. Because you aren't insecure about those beliefs.

Now calm down.. and breath. Trump is our President, there is nothing you can do about that. Nor can you do anything about his "followers". But you can do everything about yourself. You can change your own world and move on from what others have tried to create for you.

Stop falling into this trap of hatred and anger towards one another.. this is a marijuana subforum for crying out loud. Not Reddit, or some other place that you should be trolling people to vent your shit.

Carry on though. My words will obviously not sway a single one of you at this point in life.
This is great. Keep up the good work gents..

No but seriously. Take a moment, and realize that if you can't have a civil discussion with someone who does not agree with you, then you have issues. Usually its due to emotional baggage, and/or placing your own insecurities on others rather than looking deeply at them. This is a truth, and the vast majority of people suffer from it.

Do you find yourself getting easily angered when you talk to someone who disagrees with your political or religious beliefs? Then you have some buried issues, that if you took the time to process and move on from.. you'd be happier, healthier, and would honestly not have a single issue with someone disagreeing with you. Ever. Once you form a solid, clear, belief.. it's easy to talk to those who don't agree. Because you aren't insecure about those beliefs.

Now calm down.. and breath. Trump is our President, there is nothing you can do about that. Nor can you do anything about his "followers". But you can do everything about yourself. You can change your own world and move on from what others have tried to create for you.

Stop falling into this trap of hatred and anger towards one another.. this is a marijuana subforum for crying out loud. Not Reddit, or some other place that you should be trolling people to vent your shit.

Carry on though. My words will obviously not sway a single one of you at this point in life.

I would agree in many cases you have this right. But it seems that this form of communication allows people to feel safe behind their computer and be more aggressive than they would be face to face. Online bullying is real. Would they bully in person?

Not many try with me and from your user name and experience probably most wouldn’t with you.

But they will here. I don’t think you can so easily tell about someone’s personality or issues with this communication medium. Anyone can be anyone they want.
I would agree in many cases you have this right. But it seems that this form of communication allows people to feel safe behind their computer and be more aggressive than they would be face to face. Online bullying is real. Would they bully in person?

Not many try with me and from your user name and experience probably most wouldn’t with you.

But they will here. I don’t think you can so easily tell about someone’s personality or issues with this communication medium. Anyone can be anyone they want.

he's not a real marine, he's pretending to be one online

stolen valor

the dude is a loser
I would agree in many cases you have this right. But it seems that this form of communication allows people to feel safe behind their computer and be more aggressive than they would be face to face. Online bullying is real. Would they bully in person?

Not many try with me and from your user name and experience probably most wouldn’t with you.

But they will here. I don’t think you can so easily tell about someone’s personality or issues with this communication medium. Anyone can be anyone they want.

But see, you can tell a great deal about someone by how they react to others.. even online, or in their cars on the road. Its a basic property of integrity. Either you have the integrity to walk away from useless arguing, that is truly not communicating, or you do not.

Now, I am not trying to offend you all with this statement. I am honestly trying to help you all understand that what you're doing is baseless, useless, arguing. It's not going to help you feel better, in fact the opposite. You will carry this anger into other parts of your life today, and those around you will suffer most likely. But if you just realize this fact, and walk away.. you'll be better off. Come back when you can discuss, not argue and banter.

I volunteer my time helping veterans with anger issues. It's always the same, every single time.. they have anger due to some form of baggage. Once they truly deal with it, they all one by one start to act like fucking Ghandi. Nothing gets through anymore that is offensive. Because they come to the true understanding of who they are, what they believe in, and how much they truly believe in themselves. They get to a point of self-love, and with that you have no room to hate others.. because almost every single instance of hatred comes from within. It's what you hate about yourself, or those who have hurt you in the past, that brings out the anger. Get there, and you realize that there is literally no need to get upset. You still will at times, but you will learn how to reform it into something positive. And your life will drastically improve in all areas. Truly.
This is great. Keep up the good work gents..

No but seriously. Take a moment, and realize that if you can't have a civil discussion with someone who does not agree with you, then you have issues. Usually its due to emotional baggage, and/or placing your own insecurities on others rather than looking deeply at them. This is a truth, and the vast majority of people suffer from it.

Do you find yourself getting easily angered when you talk to someone who disagrees with your political or religious beliefs? Then you have some buried issues, that if you took the time to process and move on from.. you'd be happier, healthier, and would honestly not have a single issue with someone disagreeing with you. Ever. Once you form a solid, clear, belief.. it's easy to talk to those who don't agree. Because you aren't insecure about those beliefs.

Now calm down.. and breath. Trump is our President, there is nothing you can do about that. Nor can you do anything about his "followers". But you can do everything about yourself. You can change your own world and move on from what others have tried to create for you.

Stop falling into this trap of hatred and anger towards one another.. this is a marijuana subforum for crying out loud. Not Reddit, or some other place that you should be trolling people to vent your shit.

Carry on though. My words will obviously not sway a single one of you at this point in life.
So, here's a list of key qualities that .the observant use to distinguish a cult from a religion:

1. Opposing critical thinking

2. Isolating members and penalizing them for leaving

3. Emphasizing special doctrines outside scripture

4. Seeking inappropriate loyalty to their leaders

5. Dishonoring the family unit

6. Crossing Biblical boundaries of behavior (versus sexual purity and personal ownership)

7. Separation from the Church

It's a list used by Christians to weed out cults. Seems to this atheist that Christian Trumpers, including that fat old white Christian asshole who condemned me to hell because I differ with him about key issues might fit that list very well.

Compare your post to line item 1.

You are not crazy but are the same intelligent, creative and interesting individual you were before you joined The Cult of Trump. As with falling in love you are just crazy about the group, its amazing leader and its great potential to change the world and you with it. So the ideals of the group are probably quite attractive superficially – ending war and poverty, say, or promoting the healthy development of brain and body.

The intent of my post isn't to get you angry or to try to tell you what to do. The intent is to give you a lifeline so that you can pull yourself out of the cult when you are ready.
he's not a real marine, he's pretending to be one online

stolen valor

the dude is a loser

I am hesitant to believe anything you say at this point. You have really lost credibility. Getting more people banned and having shit posted about you deleted again shows you surely can’t be trusted.

You keep proving this is just a far left propaganda site. Just as bad as the far rights. Silly fanatics.

It is still just a weed site man. Stop attacking everyone and get high for a change.
I am hesitant to believe anything you say at this point. You have really lost credibility. Getting more people banned and having shit posted about you deleted again shows you surely can’t be trusted.

You keep proving this is just a far left propaganda site. Just as bad as the far rights. Silly fanatics.

It is still just a weed site man. Stop attacking everyone and get high for a change.

"you have really lost credibility" says the disabled gimp who spews at least a dozen lies daily

post a pic of your health insurance card