Are evangelical Christians who support Trump a cult?

True, I remember you asking more than once.

What offends me most about your perspective (written anyway. I don’t know you) is you group people together in masses mostly by statistics on who voted for who (whom?) in a presidential election.

Thing about people I know from decades of sales and management and living in a few different parts of our country is almost none of them think about politics or talk freely about it.

They also don’t usually really understand the process or even vote. Sorry to say.

The majority seems to only decide and vote with the Media countdown. Then it Bubbles for a few months as a topic. Then 3.74 more years pass by. Only headline news ever seems to come up from the majority during the gap. Although some people are surprisingly well read and informed, it is not usually a persons focus in life.

You and others in the politics forum seek out and learn far more about these topics and people. It is more than a mere interest. You are political enthusiasts.

As enthusiasts you have formed strong opinions and strong arguments to reaffirm that opinion.

But opinion is not fact and your research is mostly up to who leaks what. And what gets broadcast in the media. And unless you are holding a public office it is just a hobby.

And people are not as steadfast in their beliefs or even taking an active interest as you would like to believe.

So they don’t fall into your categories as neatly as you would like to believe.

You don’t really think we are all Democrats or Republicans or independent?
Actually, the topic is about Trumpism and if by Christians bending their own beliefs to fit with Trump as their leader does that make it a cult.

Too funny that you talk as if you know me. Especially when you tell me you know my beliefs and thoughts. The one thing a person cannot know is what another person thinks. To claim otherwise is grandiose or cultist.

You sure do cry a lot. They say a negative attitude makes a person less healthy. Just saying your disability if that's what it is may be your own fault.
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Actually, the topic is about Trumpism and if by Christians bending their own beliefs to fit with Trump as their leader does that make it a cult.

Too funny that you talk as if you know me. Especially when you tell me you know my beliefs and thoughts. The one thing a person cannot know is what another person thinks. To claim otherwise is grandiose or cultist.

You sure do cry a lot. They say a negative attitude makes a person less healthy. Just saying your disability if that's what it is may be your own fault.

So you aren’t a politics enthusiast?

And my colon wasn’t deformed at birth?
So you aren’t a politics enthusiast?

And my colon wasn’t deformed at birth?
Just look at the placebo effect. The most amazing results can be found when people have a positive attitude. Your attitude as shown in your posts, sucks. That's on you.

That other sentence contains no meaning. I have no idea what is the context of your question.
Just look at the placebo effect. The most amazing results can be found when people have a positive attitude. Your attitude as shown in your posts, sucks. That's on you.

That other sentence contains no meaning. I have no idea what is the context of your question.

I’m not depressed I’m a realist. Well I’m a bit sad about my 3 month shoulder rehab.

Thanks for diverting. Shows I was right about you.
I’m not depressed I’m a realist. Well I’m a bit sad about my 3 month shoulder rehab.

Thanks for diverting. Shows I was right about you.

Not surprised your reply focused on yourself and was basically an affirmation of your poor attitude.

Really though, my question was not about your feelings but what you meant when you asked:
So you aren’t a politics enthusiast?
Not surprised your reply focused on yourself and was basically an affirmation of your poor attitude.

Really though, my question was not about your feelings but what you meant when you asked:

So the focus is on myself but you are able to sway political decisions with your amazing positivity.

Which I have never seen here. More of the biggest cry baby ever is your stance.

And the hobby thing is obvious. Doesn’t make you sound smart but pretentious. It was rhetorical.
So the focus is on myself but you are able to sway political decisions with your amazing positivity.

Which I have never seen here. More of the biggest cry baby ever is your stance.

And the hobby thing is obvious. Doesn’t make you sound smart but pretentious. It was rhetorical.
Post a pic of your health insurance card
Yes and I live in cult country.

x2. i had to stop speaking to my parents and sibling. they are fake christians.

those who believe donald trump is a christian are the same people who believe obama is a muslim.

my mother and sister also believe obama was born in kenya. i told them to get the fuck out of my life until they get de-programmed!!!!!

fuck yes, they are cult. cult leaders say shit like, only "I" can fix it. that's the shit trump says. cult leaders can shoot people on 5th avenue and their followers turn a blind eye.

fucking asswipe mental midgeted retards !!!!!!!!!!!! fuck whatever they say from now on. God forgive me for what i have done is the only thing i will listen too...
So the focus is on myself but you are able to sway political decisions with your amazing positivity.

Which I have never seen here. More of the biggest cry baby ever is your stance.

And the hobby thing is obvious. Doesn’t make you sound smart but pretentious. It was rhetorical.
Huh? "you are able to sway political decisions"? Dude you are losing it. Triggered perhaps?

Nope, never ever said my posts here would change anybody's opinion. Not guns, not religion, not politics. I come here for my own reasons, which are entertainment, and learning about other people's point of view. Guess which reason I'm talking to you right now.

Really, you should give up on your belief in mind reading and start working on your shitty attitude. There is plenty of research that shows negative attitudes are linked to poor health like yours. Maybe you won't be a cripple anymore.
x2. i had to stop speaking to my parents and sibling. they are fake christians.

those who believe donald trump is a christian are the same people who believe obama is a muslim.

my mother and sister also believe obama was born in kenya. i told them to get the fuck out of my life until they get de-programmed!!!!!

fuck yes, they are cult. cult leaders say shit like, only "I" can fix it. that's the shit trump says. cult leaders can shoot people on 5th avenue and their followers turn a blind eye.

fucking asswipe mental midgeted retards !!!!!!!!!!!! fuck whatever they say from now on. God forgive me for what i have done is the only thing i will listen too...
Sometimes you have to get away from family to give time for the drama and emotions to fade.

I recognize that I don't have the interpersonal skills to do this but could totally respect somebody who manages to,

How to talk someone out of a damaging cult

The first thing to realize is that people in cults are not crazy but are the same intelligent, creative and interesting individuals they were before. As with falling in love they are just crazy about the group, its amazing leader and its great potential to change the world and them with it. So the ideals of the group are probably quite attractive superficially – ending war and poverty, say, or promoting the healthy development of brain and body. After all, you don’t see many adverts saying “join this damaging cult that will destroy your life”.

Your friend or loved one has probably fallen hook line and sinker for the positive message of the group and their whole identity is now focused on this message. The key thing to remember is that criticizing the group, however strange or damaging it seems to you, is the same as criticizing your friend or family member themselves.

The most important piece of advice is to not criticise, condemn or judge, even if you have serious concerns. Instead, focus on why this person identifies with the group so much, and what they believe they are getting from it. And try to reinforce the message: “It’s great that you’re developing yourself and your skills so positively and that the group is making you so happy.”

Okay, so, how many of the author's rules did I break just today? 'Bout every one, I suppose.

Still, it sounds from the article (I only posted a sample) that the cult member has to start questioning on their own before any of this positive advice can help. Do we owe it to our family members who've joined the Trump cult to help them out?
