Well-Known Member
See what I mean? Intellectually dishonest, thank you for proving my point
You and I both know you can't respond to the actual substance of the argument because your counter argument fails. You have to pretend my argument is to just ignore racism, even though I just addressed that claim in the previous post. So, to reiterate, my argument is not to ignore racism, it's to call it out while also calling out the inaction of Democratic politicians following through on racism. You support politicians who only choose to call it out and who only serve lip service when it comes to actually supporting policy.
Can you substantiate how effective this one-on-one exchange is? All I hear are anecdotal stories where one person is "converted". This kind of analysis is often inaccurate. My belief based upon my own interactions with racists is that most racists and sexists can't be talked out of their positions. They can only change when they realize their mistaken beliefs on their own. What I do here is for my own entertainment. It's rather shallow and mean of me but I enjoy taunting racists, sexists and pompous asses. I also come here to learn what others are saying. I don't come here because I think anything I say here will change anything or anybody.
I support Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkely and Peter DeFazio. From what I have seen, they are all pretty much in alignment of what we both believe are necessary for the health of our nation. Can you show me how any of those people are in basic opposition to the general ideology of the Sanders Cult to the point where they would cast them out? I haven't chosen a candidate that will get my vote for the Democratic nomination in 2020. I do admit that I can't follow you into the Cult of Bernie.
Speaking of which, let's have a talk about these people you've been hanging out with. Have you noticed that your earlier friends aren't coming around much anymore? Do you get into arguments with those friends over your Sanders beliefs or perhaps they try to avoid the subject altogether? You still are the fun, creative, thoughtful person that you always have been but have you noticed that you exclude others who don't live by your creed and you are becoming more and more tightly knit with only people who believe as you?
I'm not criticizing you but suggest perhaps you might benefit from talking over how your life is going with a counselor. Maybe have an open talk with people who hold different opinions than your cult adheres to. Let them talk without you commenting so that you can really listen.