Amy Winehouse R.I.P.


Well-Known Member
to make you pot heads feel better.



so much for being a non respected junky by the the toke happy yanks on this forum.

seems the rest of the usa do not agree with you fucking stone heads.
everybody tops the charts, once they DIE.



Well-Known Member
everybody tops the charts, once they DIE.

Maybe part of the reason she was able to use so heavily without intervention from record label and management or family?
I know you can't make anyone quit using if they don't want to, but I wonder if the management or people in her life was just like fuck it, let her get blasted and if she kicks we will sell even more copies?


Well-Known Member
Ok, so did i tell you to read the "bullshit?" No!

I see you care for your heavy sisters" so why dont you go and eat a twinkie for her!

Thats what i hate the most, americans that aint American, they can read all day long America and Americans suck and whatever other stupid shit she said, but you side with her...

Man, whatever!

I got tired of reading the bullshit. Had to stop at page 9. I cant do it. olylifter420 is grating on my nerves so much. Its all well and good to be patriotic, but come on? Patriatism with out acknowledging weakness is what is driving america into the ground. Yeah, we were great at one point, have the potential to be so again, but we have to fix our education system, our prison system, etc... you are so full of american pride you are oblivious to reality. To be honest, every thread you post on makes me wanna go back in time and falcon punch your mother. You have no respect for differing opinions, especially when they are being stately eloquently and without insult. Except for the Brit bitch, fuck her. Still, grow up. Lame ass


Well-Known Member

"I realize my daughter could be dead within the year," said her mother, Janis. "We're watching her kill herself, slowly. I've already come to terms with her dead. I've steeled myself to ask her what ground she wants to be buried in, which cemetery. Because the drugs will get her if she stays on this road. I look at Heath Ledger... She's on (his) path. It's like watching a car crash -- this person throwing all these gifts away." The year Winehouse's mom went public with this prophecy of imminent doom? 2008.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so did i tell you to read the "bullshit?" No!

I see you care for your heavy sisters" so why dont you go and eat a twinkie for her!

Thats what i hate the most, americans that aint American, they can read all day long America and Americans suck and whatever other stupid shit she said, but you side with her...

Man, whatever!
How is it unamerican to wish for a better, stronger america? thats laughable. There is nothing wrong with trying to improve what we already have, in fact its american to do so. The can do spirit, the idea that anything is possible, that we can work to improve ourselves... all deeply held ideals. Its not about race or religion, its about the power of the human spirit, and acting like adults. Man up if you are so American, more American than me obviously, and go out and try to improve your community. Jack ass


Well-Known Member
when reading stephaniesloan's posts the words "batshit crazy" come to mind. you're preaching to the wrong choir hun.


Active Member
and it is people like you that are the reason it will never be legalised.
funny i thought it was because of the dealers like you that only want money that cannabis isn't legal yet.
off course you wouldn't want to pay taxes or stop ripping off your clients.
damn you


Well-Known Member
smoke your lungs in to a cancer ridden state with weed.

me, i dont smoke, i sell my weed.
drugs are a mugs game.

amy winehouse will be remembered for her contribution to music. she was a multi millionaire, money cant solve every bodys problems and
so fuckin what, she had a drugs habit, who cares, you take mind bending cannabis, call it what you fucking want, do i fucking care, so :-
what will you be remembered for.

so, she chose the wrong path, give her a fucking break. will have your excuse, b,bbbbbbut i only smoke weed, yeah, well it is fucking illegal for a reason. you call it a relaxing drug, well of course it is.
Isn`t It.

and it is people like you that are the reason it will never be legalised.

on one hand you would campaign against hard drugs but on the other you would campaign to get cannabis legalised.
there are people above you in the middle and high classes that listen to you blabber on about hard drugs, and as far as they are concerned, drugs are drugs and should be banned, no matter what class they are in.

now how does that make you feel.
RIP AMY WINEHOUSE a very talented young lady, corrupted with hard drugs by public school drop out and ex husband BLAKE FIELDER CIVIL

amy winehouse was a mug according to YOU

You don't take drugs you just deal them because of the harmful effects, people like you KILLED AMY WINEHOUSE

This is the funniest thread ive read in a while!

Steph: you are the stupidest person ive ever come across online. Each post is like a car crash, i know i shouldnt stare, but i just cant stop looking.

Fatchurchill: much respect. Everything you posted was spot on.

And olylifter: Pride in ones country is important, but dont let it blind you. Accept the facts. It is a great country, but it isnt the best country in the world, not even close. I dont like seeing 2 men kiss either, but id never tell them what to do or how to do it. I can stop looking, thats my choice. As a great man once said ' nobody has the right to not be offended.' Gay people might be repulsed by you kissing your girlfriend in public, remember that!


Well-Known Member
This is the funniest thread ive read in a while!

Steph: you are the stupidest person ive ever come across online. Each post is like a car crash, i know i shouldnt stare, but i just cant stop looking.

Fatchurchill: much respect. Everything you posted was spot on.

And olylifter: Pride in ones country is important, but dont let it blind you. Accept the facts. It is a great country, but it isnt the best country in the world, not even close. I dont like seeing 2 men kiss either, but id never tell them what to do or how to do it. I can stop looking, thats my choice. As a great man once said ' nobody has the right to not be offended.' Gay people might be repulsed by you kissing your girlfriend in public, remember that!
OK Jack, then Name a country thats better than America. cause having traveled all over I haven't found a better country anywhere. Please name the reason u feel its better.


Well-Known Member
The country is called cannabia, no relation to canada.

Its a small island in the pacific ocean. free health care, communion type living, tons of tropical fruit. we have massive gardens. and we grow cannabis.

You can only reach said island via plane crash tho.

Our leader is a fat man by the name hugo.


Well-Known Member's_most_livable_cities

Heres a start....
Out of curiosity, where have you travelled?
I served in the USMC, so all over the Asia, Middle east, UK, and did a 10 port float in the Mediterranean. South America.
Oh and I'm not interested in wiki I'm interested what your reason for thinking America is not the Best in the world.

Lets concern ourselves with personal income tax and what it cost to live in those cities


Well-Known Member
is it cuba?

The country is called cannabia, no relation to canada.

Its a small island in the pacific ocean. free health care, communion type living, tons of tropical fruit. we have massive gardens. and we grow cannabis.

You can only reach said island via plane crash tho.

Our leader is a fat man by the name hugo.


Well-Known Member
i like how i say te name of my country yet they still ask for the name. and guess. saying thing like cuba. no. its not cuba. i already said the name. its cannabia. the magical island with smoke monsters, indiginous people, and a fat man named hugo.
Youre blinded by your patriotism, Hemlock. Its not wiki, its done by Mercer. Here are the criteria they judge the cities by:

'Important criteria are safety, education, hygiene, health care, culture, environment, recreation, political-economic stability and public transportation.'

I think it 2010, the first american city was #31...
Can I respond. I say this in a respectful way. Glad you made it safe.

I am not American but European. My roommate, also European(we share an account), has traveled to 26 countries(Europe, Asia, and Africa) and lived in I believe 5 or 6. I have been to 17 and lived in 4(mostly Europe, South America, and parts of Africa). We both currently live/work(teach)/study(phd in engineering and economics) in America. Earlier we were called hypocrites as we live here. We both came here for different reasons, I came here as I am receiving a free education as my govt is paying for my education. He came here primarily for a girl he traveled with in Asia.

I am not saying this to brag just to hopefully qualify my next statements. I ask that you remove all nationalism and previous experience. Lets take interchange "America" with Country A to aid in this process.

Lets look at Country A economic numbers. If you look at numbers such as percentage of tax that goes to programs that benefit each citizen(education, healthcare, police etc) even if we combine state and federal taxes this number is considerably lower per capita than anyother country this could explain your tax information. For example, in most European countries citizens pay a much higher tax but then receive free healthcare(I believe the highest reason for bankruptcy in America), education(I have paid a total of 3k 8 years). So in comparison if you look at avg US tax paid then add on the cost of programs that Europeans get for free or very cheaply(education, healthcareetc ) then add what the AVG american pays for health care and education(subtract federal and state education taxes to make it balanced) that holds the same standards as Europe(no offense education stardards are not nearly as high fact look it up) is very comparable. This would be a better of calculating this information, that statistic is skewed. that that is given to tho The country A also if you look at efficency of this company(measured in multiple economic factors which is accepted through out the economic community) is by far one of the most inefficent organizations, not just country but any ORGANIZATION. Not economic but country a consistanly ranks as one of the most unhealthy western countries(world health organization) due to assebilty of healthcare, diet, regulations(the fact that the FDA allows chemicals that are proven to create cancerous cells in food production is a joke)they do have the best specialists in medication. However, the vast majority of people will never have the means to access that positive trait.

Education-The national goverment spends .01% on education. While education for Country A is primarily supported by local providences many of these providences are in extreme debt. In nearly almost unbiased examination on international education Country A is not nearly near the top. In fact the Netherlands, whose native tongue is Dutch, have a higher litteracy rate in ENGLISH than 4 providences. This is not because the citizens are dumb but because not enough funding and poor training(in comparison to other western countries).

Civil rights- Gay marriage is still not allowed in Country A, when their own courts have ruled in favor but have not brought to a general vote. You can also say that the govt also invades privacy(this shouldnt even need an explanation), freedom of information(the American govt doesnt share much of its information when other countries do not label it as classified even some important economic information), freedom of press I believe country was ranked #14th by the WPO(world press organization), and even freedom of speach is now limited and ranks below many countries..

Also military deployment is much differant than general travel(worked on one for 6months). American military bases are first chosen on region than on operational costs. So usually the countries are not as developed(major exception Germany). I would be curious to know what countries you visited? Did you visit any extremely developed countries? Also how long ago. If you go to China or other booming countries ten or even 5 years ago you may not even recognize that same city. The economic growth has been extreme which has led to new programs. While they still have a long way to go for humanties they are making slow steps now. None of this is in a disrespectful tone just a honest a fact driven discussion.

So I ask you from a pure factual stand point "Why is america the best country?" I look forward to your response. Once again this is with respect. (I also appologize for poor grammar english is my 3rd language.)

Also check out this

Annual GDP=Current debt. That means for everydollar on every product that is produced then sold to another country(one of the main indicators of a countrys economic power) is then owed. The economic situation is more comparable to Greece, Portugual, Ireland, Spain, and Italy. All western countries having a hard time staying out of debt.

As far as freedom. There are two main philosophies on freedom.