Amy Winehouse R.I.P.


Well-Known Member
i call you a liar, you said english was your 4th language... I think you are just some understudy student trying to show off!! Oh well, i mean that in all respects!

Can I respond. I say this in a respectful way. Glad you made it safe.

I am not American but European. My roommate, also European(we share an account), has traveled to 26 countries(Europe, Asia, and Africa) and lived in I believe 5 or 6. I have been to 17 and lived in 4(mostly Europe, South America, and parts of Africa). We both currently live/work(teach)/study(phd in engineering and economics) in America. Earlier we were called hypocrites as we live here. We both came here for different reasons, I came here as I am receiving a free education as my govt is paying for my education. He came here primarily for a girl he traveled with in Asia.

I am not saying this to brag just to hopefully qualify my next statements. I ask that you remove all nationalism and previous experience. Lets take interchange "America" with Country A to aid in this process.

Lets look at Country A economic numbers. If you look at numbers such as percentage of tax that goes to programs that benefit each citizen(education, healthcare, police etc) even if we combine state and federal taxes this number is considerably lower per capita than anyother country this could explain your tax information. For example, in most European countries citizens pay a much higher tax but then receive free healthcare(I believe the highest reason for bankruptcy in America), education(I have paid a total of 3k 8 years). The country A also if you look at efficency of this company(measured in multiple economic factors which is accepted through out the economic community) is by far one of the most inefficent organizations, not just country but any ORGANIZATION. Not economic but country a consistanly ranks as one of the most unhealthy western countries(world health organization) due to assebilty of healthcare, diet, regulations(the fact that the FDA allows chemicals that are proven to create cancerous cells in food production is a joke)they do have the best specialists in medication. However, the vast majority of people will never have the means to access that positive trait.

Education-The national goverment spends .01% on education. While education for Country A is primarily supported by local providences many of these providences are in extreme debt. In nearly almost unbiased examination on international education Country A is not nearly near the top. In fact the Netherlands, whose native tongue is Dutch, have a higher litteracy rate in ENGLISH than 4 providences. This is not because the citizens are dumb but because not enough funding and poor training(in comparison to other western countries).

Civil rights- Gay marriage is still not allowed in Country A, when their own courts have ruled in favor but have not brought to a general vote. You can also say that the govt also invades privacy(this shouldnt even need an explanation), freedom of information(the American govt doesnt share much of its information when other countries do not label it as classified even some important economic information), freedom of press I believe country was ranked #14th by the WPO(world press organization), and even freedom of speach is now limited and ranks below many countries..

Also military deployment is much differant than general travel(worked on one for 6months). American military bases are first chosen on region than on operational costs. So usually the countries are not as developed(major exception Germany). I would be curious to know what countries you visited? Did you visit any extremely developed countries? Also how long ago. If you go to China or other booming countries ten or even 5 years ago you may not even recognize that same city. The economic growth has been extreme which has led to new programs. While they still have a long way to go for humanties they are making slow steps now. None of this is in a disrespectful tone just a honest a fact driven discussion.

So I ask you from a pure factual stand point "Why is america the best country?" I look forward to your response. Once again this is with respect. (I also appologize for poor grammar english is my 3rd language.)


Well-Known Member
GODDAMNT I WAS REFERENCING 'LOST' lmao. has no one seen LOST,did nobody see the ending? ***spoiler alert*** hugo ends up being leader of the lost island. omg nvrmnd. lol


Well-Known Member
that they will defend our country, there the upmost loyal citizens and we really shouldnt argue with them about how our country stinks seeing as they go fight battles for us.


Well-Known Member
yes sir, but some foreigners do not see that and think they are just trigger finger happy meatheads waiting to go to war!!! they question their experiences, which to me is extremely retarded, and thats coming from a so called 'economists working for a prestigious American university!!!!!

that they will defend our country, there the upmost loyal citizens and we really shouldnt argue with them about how our country stinks seeing as they go fight battles for us.
That was my roommate. Please check my out the thread "stealth grow false wall" in Grow room setup. it will explain everything. We share an account. I am FDR, he is Churchill. Churchill is currently in Europe after a death in the family. I appologize for the confusion, i have no reason to lie. I am a PHD student and also teach entry level courses in physics. It is easy to call one a liar which inturn decredits everything they say. However, lets say I am liar and I do not teach, lets say I am a understudy student(do you mean undergraduate?) these statistics are facts. They can researched and found. So if I am indeed a liar of my proffession but if my reasons and statistic still hold true does that mean my opinion is now void? Is this logical reasoning? I dont think so. Also please tell me why you think America is the number one country. I am interested to listen please give other reasons with factual data not trying to pick a fight just curious on your reasons.

I promise my world and self-worth is much bigger than needing the acceptance of one I will never meet. I still wish you only the best.
yes sir, but some foreigners do not see that and think they are just trigger finger happy meatheads waiting to go to war!!! they question their experiences, which to me is extremely retarded, and thats coming from a so called 'economists working for a prestigious American university!!!!!
Your logic and facts are so off to have a civil discussion is impossible. Yes, I think any country that would condemn another country to the devestation of war with out all questions answered and with out a clear battle and exit plan is run by meat heads. Mock me if you want it does not bother me. You have never had your country invaded since 1812. You have not seen your country occupied by violent people. I have. So yes my family at a young age chose to move to another European country to escape it(as did many of your ancestors). I appologize if you think Churchill was discounting your experience, I dont think he meant to. I believe what he meant to say is that he understands the violence of many bad parts of America, but there is a big differance between gang wars vs full on war. On a daily basis I saw people, shot, blown up, beaten to death, incenerated, tortured in the streets they did this to instill fear in the people. It worked. Correct me if Im wrong I dont think there is a place in America where this happens on a daily basis?I have lived in numerous countries since than. All our better than that country(read a book you can probably guess where). America has not had war on their homesoil, and since when does America honor our troops or really give a damn whats going on. media coverage on Amy Winehouses death got more coverage than a terrorist attack that killed 91 innocent people in a soverign country?Since when is it bad to question the goverment? Should we blindly follow our leaders. I wouldl ike to knw why you think America is number one. WHat makes a country great. What factors come into play. All the best.


Well-Known Member
because you got a job and you are still here!!!!!


That was my roommate. Please check my out the thread "stealth grow false wall" in Grow room setup. it will explain everything. We share an account. I am FDR, he is Churchill. Churchill is currently in Europe after a death in the family. I appologize for the confusion, i have no reason to lie. I am a PHD student and also teach entry level courses in physics. It is easy to call one a liar which inturn decredits everything they say. However, lets say I am liar and I do not teach, lets say I am a understudy student(do you mean undergraduate?) these statistics are facts. They can researched and found. So if I am indeed a liar of my proffession but if my reasons and statistic still hold true does that mean my opinion is now void? Is this logical reasoning? I dont think so. Also please tell me why you think America is the number one country. I am interested to listen please give other reasons with factual data not trying to pick a fight just curious on your reasons.

I promise my world and self-worth is much bigger than needing the acceptance of one I will never meet. I still wish you only the best.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so many migrants come to America to?? Find their version of the "American Dream.!" I have never heard someone say, boy, im migrating to a european country to live the "european dream!" So, if America was not so great like you say, then WHY do you have a job here? Why dont you fucking leave this 'worthless country' according to you? I dont know your logical reasoning in saying AMerica sucks compared country b and you can sit there saying how you teach at a very "prestigious American university'' while all the while, you could of easily picked up all your trash and left.... to teach at a very 'prestigious european' university...

you are the best example of a hypocrite!!!!!!!

Your logic and facts are so off to have a civil discussion is impossible. Yes, I think any country that would condemn another country to the devestation of war with out all questions answered and with out a clear battle and exit plan is run by meat heads. Mock me if you want it does not bother me. You have never had your country invaded since 1812. You have not seen your country occupied by violent people. I have. So yes my family at a young age chose to move to another European country to escape it(as did many of your ancestors). I appologize if you think Churchill was discounting your experience, I dont think he meant to. I believe what he meant to say is that he understands the violence of many bad parts of America, but there is a big differance between gang wars vs full on war. On a daily basis I saw people, shot, blown up, beaten to death, incenerated, tortured in the streets they did this to instill fear in the people. It worked. Correct me if Im wrong I dont think there is a place in America where this happens on a daily basis?I have lived in numerous countries since than. All our better than that country(read a book you can probably guess where). America has not had war on their homesoil, and since when does America honor our troops or really give a damn whats going on. media coverage on Amy Winehouses death got more coverage than a terrorist attack that killed 91 innocent people in a soverign country?Since when is it bad to question the goverment? Should we blindly follow our leaders. I wouldl ike to knw why you think America is number one. WHat makes a country great. What factors come into play. All the best.


Well-Known Member
where else can you do this? ...

Why dont you fucking leave this 'worthless country' according to you?

you are the best example of a hypocrite!!!!!!!
I dont believe he said it was worthless, more that you keep saying its the best, but have failed to back it up with facts. He has provided facts, which you have ignored... Once more, and for the last time (promise!), can you allude to with 4 or 5 real, honest facts why America is the best country? It is after all your statement and belief, it just seems strange you have been unable to produce any facts confirming your opinion.
And to clarify, he hasnt been hating on America. He says he likes it, and I like it. I just dont think it matches any of the criteria to be considered the best country in the world. Im open to being proven wrong.