Amy Winehouse R.I.P.


Well-Known Member
What's the difference between Amy Winehouse & Jack Daniels?

Jack Daniels comes alive when you add coke...


Well-Known Member
yea, im anti social! LOL, j/k!! no i smoke cannabis because i have sometimes have severe migraines and back spasms... ALso, i enjoy the time when i am smoking with my gf and brother, it is a very social medicine that i will enjoy for the rest of my life!!!!

Oh no, im an addict!!!! I see!!!

I wasn't aware you could see me. Anyways, if you suppose addiction is due entirely to weakness or character defect you're wrong. Opioid use leads to neuroadaptation, your brain becomes dependent on opioids as the endogenous opioid receptor system and enkephalin\endorphin production becomes fundamentally altered. The drug addict is now using to feel normal; otherwise they would feel no pleasure at all.

Also I wonder, do you smoke cannabis due to a character defect?


Well-Known Member
No, im not from the 'inner city' or 'compton!' i know that is a joke compared to what is going on around my area... i, like you will not disclose such info as to my whereabouts, so that, my friend is for you to think about!

nah, bro non taken! Well i do live by a war zone, except, im not really in the main place where all the gun battles take place! I can hear them a few miles away all the time and its pretty amazing how those big guns resonate throughout the night. I have seen what that has done to plenty of people. I have had friends and family displaced because of all the bullshit that is happening... ONe of my cousins was eating one day at a local restaurant, some random dudes paid for her and my aunts meal, when they left, the dudes told them, "we paid for your meal, now your daughter will pay us back."

Yes, you are not the only that has suffered because of war n

awI dont claim to be the only one. However, I think America doesnt think long term. America is a short term focused society examples credit card debt, Iraq war(kick ass right away thentake names). Also were you in a bad neigborhood? Is that what you mean? If your talking about living in Compton or in an inner city. That is a joke compared to a trained and paid full time militia doing a house by house search on a search and destroy mission. Im not blaiming everything on America, I do think that America needs a reality check thats all. All Im saying is America is not what it is. I dont think Ive blamed any of my problems on America?


RIU Bulldog
No, im not from the 'inner city' or 'compton!' i know that is a joke compared to what is going on around my area... i, like you will not disclose such info as to my whereabouts, so that, my friend is for you to think about!
Well hopefully you'll be an 'innocent bystander'.

according to this chicks logic, im addicted to pussy!
You don't have to lie to kick it bro. you can admit you're addicted to cock....;) I don't judge guys like you who lick chode and dong-gobble.
Hey man, just be yourself.
No, im not from the 'inner city' or 'compton!' i know that is a joke compared to what is going on around my area... i, like you will not disclose such info as to my whereabouts, so that, my friend is for you to think about!

nah, bro non taken! Well i do live by a war zone, except, im not really in the main place where all the gun battles take place! I can hear them a few miles away all the time and its pretty amazing how those big guns resonate throughout the night. I have seen what that has done to plenty of people. I have had friends and family displaced because of all the bullshit that is happening... ONe of my cousins was eating one day at a local restaurant, some random dudes paid for her and my aunts meal, when they left, the dudes told them, "we paid for your meal, now your daughter will pay us back."

Yes, you are not the only that has suffered because of war n
Alright, well wonderful chatting. Respect for you. All the best.


Well-Known Member
I for one have had a great time with this thread and thank the op for providing many laughs.


Well-Known Member
Lmao, yeah, ok! Whatever you say pal!!

Well hopefully you'll be an 'innocent bystander'.

You don't have to lie to kick it bro. you can admit you're addicted to cock....;) I don't judge guys like you who lick chode and dong-gobble.
Hey man, just be yourself.


Well-Known Member
I got tired of reading the bullshit. Had to stop at page 9. I cant do it. olylifter420 is grating on my nerves so much. Its all well and good to be patriotic, but come on? Patriatism with out acknowledging weakness is what is driving america into the ground. Yeah, we were great at one point, have the potential to be so again, but we have to fix our education system, our prison system, etc... you are so full of american pride you are oblivious to reality. To be honest, every thread you post on makes me wanna go back in time and falcon punch your mother. You have no respect for differing opinions, especially when they are being stately eloquently and without insult. Except for the Brit bitch, fuck her. Still, grow up. Lame ass
I got tired of reading the bullshit. Had to stop at page 9. I cant do it. olylifter420 is grating on my nerves so much. Its all well and good to be patriotic, but come on? Patriatism with out acknowledging weakness is what is driving america into the ground. Yeah, we were great at one point, have the potential to be so again, but we have to fix our education system, our prison system, etc... you are so full of american pride you are oblivious to reality. To be honest, every thread you post on makes me wanna go back in time and falcon punch your mother. You have no respect for differing opinions, especially when they are being stately eloquently and without insult. Except for the Brit bitch, fuck her. Still, grow up. Lame ass

I know this is an unpopular view. First off MMJ should be legal. Number one. I was listening to the news today, holy shit. There are so many problems not just with America but with a lot of the world. However, I think America has so many bigger issues to work on. I would LOVE for them to legalize it now, considering I use it almost every day. However, passing a bill is a timeconsuming process. Education will not change the minds of the right and the elderly. Just wait a few more years for the grandparents to go(sad I know) then we will see a huge swing in public opinion.They have been brain washed to the point that factual data will change their mind. This being said, I understand the cost of keeping one prisoner in jail(45k), the cost of the drugwar(billions) etc. In comparison to the budget,education(the desparity between America and other countries is much larger than you realize) chrisis MJ minimal. I would love to see them tax MJ and go from there.

Much respect from me to you. Im glad to see that people are starting to question. The WORLD WANTS AMERICA TO DO WELL. Never forget it. Remember after 9/11 we all wept with you and after Obama was elected we rejoiced in the streets. We love the concept of America, however, we just see it not being utilized to its full potential. this is the reason why Europe is hard on you at times. Who else will be? Canada? lol.


Active Member
stephaniesloan--- your profile shows your a smoker and a pothead so why do you say you don't smoke only sell
to make you pot heads feel better.



so much for being a non respected junky by the the toke happy yanks on this forum.

seems the rest of the usa do not agree with you fucking stone heads.


Well-Known Member
to make you pot heads feel better.



so much for being a non respected junky by the the toke happy yanks on this forum.

seems the rest of the usa do not agree with you fucking stone heads.
There a reason you need to be so rude all the time? Quit being a troll.

There's also a difference between respecting someone and liking their music.

I doubt anyone had any respect for her as a person, she was a stupid junky.