a mediocre shroom garden thread

I still have 7cc left in my syringe, how should I store it. Also it's been 7 days since I innoculated my bags and the syringe has been right next to it. Is it too late? How long do syringes last?
I still have 7cc left in my syringe, how should I store it. Also it's been 7 days since I innoculated my bags and the syringe has been right next to it. Is it too late? How long do syringes last?
Spritz the syringe down with iso and let it air dry by waving it around a little. Get a fresh zip up plastic baggy and slide your syringe in while it is completely fresh and only unzipped but not inflated. Then put this in a clean part of your fridge. If you want to go all out, you can get a minifrigde and sterilize it for all of your syringe ststorage and cold weather mycelium bodies. Some edible and nonedible mushroom require a cold spell since they fruit just after a frost. Cubensis is not one of these but the spores and liquid mycelium cultures can benefit from cold storage. Do not freeze them they will burst.
Just curious to how long it takes for a Lb of Rye Berries to fully colonize. After it's totally colonized should I wait a week, like you do with BRF cakes?
It could take 3-4 weeks to fully colonize. You had a really good syringe to start colonizing so rapidly. I would expect yours to go very smooth
sort of a time lapse album of the past few days.
theses guys below are wild bird seed/spent coffee/lime/azomite cakes. just an experiment. if i get one decent flush from each ill be impress because they colonized very fast.CIMG4653.JPG CIMG4654.JPG CIMG4655.JPG

I love the living Barbies Dool.
Sexy glove sex that makes You super horny
You just wanna fuck all night along blad dick style.

Out Shout to BiG SMALL for making TYRONE joke.