That was 17g fresh picked. I bring the water to a boil and then add shrooms, bring it down to a light bubble or just simmer around medium heat for an hour, add water as needed. I like to have only a little half cup to drink. Second teas from them are ok but not as strong.
I had thought I over cooked them in this instance because I forgot to turn the stove off and went out for 30-40 minutes. When I got back there was no water left but a golden grime on the pan and the diced shrooms still a little moist. I added a little water and stirred to get the sludge dissolved. There appeared to be no loss in potency. I had a great time and went on a few long bike rides to help my nerves and stress . I later made a second tea the same way using 3 g of dried shrooms and consumed that. Very pleasant and had no body stone but a nice liberating state of mind with great metalicized visuals
Don't you lose a lot of potency with the heat? that was always my understanding; heat, light and oxygen break down psilocybin.