a mediocre shroom garden thread

After inoculating a Rye Berry Spawn bag, how long do you suppose it takes to see Mycelium? It's almost been 72 hours and yes I know I need more patience. Temps are between 73-77.
Gy a cheap spray bottle and iso. Dous your hands before handling. Be mindful not to handle anything that hasnt been sterilized first while also holding your bag of spawn
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We got Mycelium! One spawn bag is showing, just waiting on the other
V nice! My bulk spawn are pretty ready. Im going to attempt to pour about a pint of clone spawn of the WBS and coffee I told you about just into an aluminum tray with a casing.

I have more LC of this mycelium so experimenting is a perk
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Huautla Coffee/Grain Spawn. Ill wait a few for the smaller half pints to consolidate another week or two before i lay them in the tray. In the mean time i will start more jars if i have enough empty jars to fill my PC.

Generally the BRF clones are going well. Most of the experimental substrates i either messed up the nutrition or innoculated while they were too hot. ... not sure.. sucks discarding subs but whatever. the front left three are cannabis leaf/soil subsCIMG4599.JPG CIMG4591.JPG
grains againCIMG4592.JPG CIMG4593.JPG
Both 1lb Rye berry bags are showing colonization. Pretty fucking rad. The bag that showed first is growing 2x it size. One of the Mycelium areas was the size of a pea and now is the size of dime. I'm guessing that's aggressive? Temps are between 75-77
View attachment 3972259
Wow. Well done.