a mediocre shroom garden thread

You should be ok, that's how they come typically. Calcium is a good component to add. I add lime/gypsum (1:1) and azomite in a small amount. Coffee is good for spawn but not the fruiting sub.

Sweet I have Azomite and Oyster shells and the Bulk substrate has gypsum in it. Btw the amount of bulk substrate will be 4lbs a long with 2lbs grain spawn so how much then would it be? I do have Dolomite lime

Lol I just by a hostage situation

Brf is so nice for keeping a personal supply of FRESH caps. I.e purest trippp!

Alright big outdated question of all questions: do different types of psilocybe cubenses produce different trips? Further more are Panealeous the same but a higher dose or...?
Alright big outdated question of all questions: do different types of psilocybe cubenses produce different trips? Further more are Panealeous the same but a higher dose or...?
Pans are higher in psilocin where cubensis are higher in psilocybin. The pans feel stronger than cubes because of this. A cube is a cube but a psilocybe is not all psilocybe. Like, psilocybe cyanescens are stronger than psilocybe cubensis but are cold weather and wood dwelling.
Pans are higher in psilocin where cubensis are higher in psilocybin. The pans feel stronger than cubes because of this. A cube is a cube but a psilocybe is not all psilocybe. Like, psilocybe cyanescens are stronger than psilocybe cubensis but are cold weather and wood dwelling.

So between cubenses they will be the same trip?
Sweet I have Azomite and Oyster shells and the Bulk substrate has gypsum in it. Btw the amount of bulk substrate will be 4lbs a long with 2lbs grain spawn so how much then would it be? I do have Dolomite lime
Small handful or less. I never followed a number but just eyeball it. Like soil prep
Should I pasturized them or ok to throw in? How would I even pasturize them?

Dammmmmn that's a little disappointing but ah well. Still doesn't stop me from enjoying them
You wouldn't add anything to your kit. It should perform great. However, if you were to pasteurizing your own bulk sub,you would mix the calcium and trace elements in prior
Yea, when you get a spore syringe, millions of spores form individual mycelium and compete. So you clone your favorite body and it will take over the sub alone. More predictable results. Possibly better yields too

so the spore print you take will not be specific to that mushroom but the body?
The spore print is like a seed pod contain millions of genetics for that strain and a clone is clone of one particular mushroom
I think i'm missing it, because how would you know how potent that specific mushroom is if you're not eating it? Is there a thread you would recommend me reading? I feel like these are very beginner level questions and i thought i covered all the lower ground but apparently I haven't. Sorry for so many questions
I think i'm missing it, because how would you know how potent that specific mushroom is if you're not eating it? Is there a thread you would recommend me reading? I feel like these are very beginner level questions and i thought i covered all the lower ground but apparently I haven't. Sorry for so many questions
Sorry, I used weird wording. Where I said "body" before, I meant size of each mushroom. You can assume potency will be the same for each mushroom on a multispore cake.
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