$50 ounces for upper tier legal weed?

OP you and colorado are wrong on so many levels. Go grow 20 lbs. of "top tier" smoke 4 times successfully, trim it, cure it, and sell it and then repost your thoughts.

This from a guy who has never grown Dank and thinks he knows what the end product is worth and he only smokes an ounce a year or whatever, thread fail. You have no clue, you are the perfect uneducated individual who should be paying top $. Better yet grow your own 20 lbs. of dank and go sell it for 50$ per ounce, see how that pans out for ya. But I suspect your contribution to the Marijuana growing community will sadly be this buzz harshing thread. Done here move along.
Lol. There's no getting through to this guy dude... This thread topic has already been embarrassingly refuted to the point of it being painful to watch. I mean I dont even remember the last time i saw someone get so obliterated from all angles on the boards.
Anything from here on out is just comic relief. Let it roll!
OP you and colorado are wrong on so many levels. Go grow 20 lbs. of "top tier" smoke 4 times successfully, trim it, cure it, and sell it and then repost your thoughts.

This from a guy who has never grown Dank and thinks he knows what the end product is worth and he only smokes an ounce a year or whatever, thread fail. You have no clue, you are the perfect uneducated individual who should be paying top $. Better yet grow your own 20 lbs. of dank and go sell it for 50$ per ounce, see how that pans out for ya. But I suspect your contribution to the Marijuana growing community will sadly be this buzz harshing thread. Done here move along.

What a tough thread. Not a single point has been debated realistically, considering the issues brought up in the original post. How about, just sayin? It is what it is and I apolgize that this thread sunk to be such a disaster. Be happy though. ;-) Living righteous is what it is all about. Should just close this thread. Worthless noise.
Give me a break guy! Where there is opportunity there will be plenty of people trying to take advantage of it. I say let's leave this alone and see what happens next year. I still feel a good grower will be happy and profitable at $50 an ounce. I'm even going out on a limb and saying $500 a pound will be extremely profitable, real costs versus quantity.

Let's use an iPhone 6 for example. The costs for Apple to make one is a about a couple of hundred bucks. Yet what do they sell straight up for? $700? Man Apple has like 100+ billions of cash in the bank! Can you direct me to a single poster in this forum that can make me an iPhone 6 and sell it for that in this forum? Now please explain to me how growing weed, something most people could learn to do, is worth present costs without the risks the prohibition has created. Thanks for your contribution and what I am saying is a good thing. Peace bru.

Peace to you too (sincerely), but you're off your rocker!

However "legal" the herb trade may become in the USA, it will unlikely be completely unregulated like a piece of tech' or a T-shirt made in Chinese or Bangladeshi sweatshops, so there's no parallel to draw between the sectors. The number of LICENSED, large-scale producers will be controlled and most likely taxed to high hell. It's just the way it is for now and you just know that somewhere along the line the FDA will sink its teeth into the industry if and when it is nation-wide. This is not an argument about archaic prohibition laws, which, as you stated, were brought in under false pretences. It's a conversation about how freely people within the commercial herb business will be able to operate. Rightly or wrongly, it is unlikely to be a free-for-all like the cell phone or textile industries in the foreseeable future. As such, there is likely to always be a black market.

Back to Amsterdam again if you'll permit, have you ever been there and found cheap, high quality herb? Most (in fact almost all) of the locals still buy from dealers on the black market and while they don't pay tourist/coffee shop prices, they're a long way off $50 or even €50 an ounce. Probably over €200 for the high potency (top shelf) sensi', unless buying from a good friend. So I can't see how what you're saying would play out that way in the US when it hasn't elsewhere, certainly not while it remains outlawed in many parts of the country.

Lest we not forget that the USA is also capitalism's shining torch and unlikely to be a place where a popular product is knowingly undersold. It's all very well talking about increased competition in the market place, but prices tend to be quite carefully controlled in most industries. You don't find gas 30c/l cheaper at a gas station that one a mile down the road. Herb will be no different. It's a commodity, just like gasoline, fillet mignon, beer, cigarettes or any other product and its producers/distributors/retailers etc. will seek to exploit it to maximize their profits. Business is business. Stop being naïve.
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Peace to you too (sincerely), but you're off your rocker!

However "legal" the herb trade may become in the USA, it will unlikely be completely unregulated like a piece of tech' or a T-shirt made in Chinese or Bangladeshi sweatshops, so there's no parallel to draw between the sectors. The number of LICENSED, large-scale producers will be controlled and most likely taxed to high hell. It's just the way it is for now and you just know that somewhere along the line the FDA will sink its teeth into the industry if and when it is nation-wide. This is not an argument about archaic prohibition laws, which, as you stated, were brought in under false pretences. It's a conversation about how freely people within the commercial herb business will be able to operate. Rightly or wrongly, it is unlikely to be a free-for-all like the cell phone or textile industries in the foreseeable future. As such, there is likely to always be a black market.

Back to Amsterdam again if you'll permit, have you ever been there and found cheap, high quality herb? Most (in fact almost all) of the locals still buy from dealers on the black market and while they don't pay tourist/coffee shop prices, they're a long way off $50 or even €50 an ounce. Probably over €200 for the high potency (top shelf) sensi', unless buying from a good friend. So I can't see how what you're saying would play out that way in the US when it hasn't elsewhere, certainly not while it remains outlawed in many parts of the country.

Lest we not forget that the USA is also capitalism's shining torch and the unlikely to be a place where a popular product is knowingly undersold. It's all very well talking about increased competition in the market place, but prices tend to be quite carefully controlled in most industries. You don't find gas 30c/l cheaper at a gas station that one a mile down the road. Herb will be no different. It's a commodity, just like gasoline, fillet mignon, beer, cigarettes or any other product and its producers/distributors/retailers etc. will seek to exploit it to maximize their profits. Business is business. Stop being naïve.

OK, if you understand markets in controlled commodities like oil, and are up to date in the fact that oil prices have plummeted in the last several months, maybe you understand competition. The Middle East is selling product for whatever peeps are willing to pay. Why? They are going to shut down profitability in other countries where it is more expensive to produce. Everyone wants good gas for their expensive auto and cheap! And it's highly regulated and taxed. And it's a global economy!

In the original post I believe i conveyed forward looking thoughts I agreed with. In what could happen. Your rebuttal is ludicrous. Peace. Let's see how the chips fall.
OK, if you understand markets in controlled commodities like oil, and are up to date in the fact that oil prices have plummeted in the last several months, maybe you understand competition. The Middle East is selling product for whatever peeps are willing to pay. Why? They are going to shut down profitability in other countries where it is more expensive to produce. Everyone wants good gas for their expensive auto and cheap! And it's highly regulated and taxed. And it's a global economy!

In the original post I believe i conveyed forward looking thoughts I agreed with. In what could happen. Your rebuttal is ludicrous. Peace. Let's see how the chips fall.

You're really grasping there. That is simply not an example of the same type of DOMESTIC market YOU referred to, as herb is for the time being NOT a global commodity, but a local one (and this is unlikely to change for generations due to cultural divides).

You are clearly one of these people uninterested in being shown he is incorrect about something or open to learning. Perhaps you believe all opinions are equally valid (they are not, some people have stupid ideas and want them to be taken seriously - this is one such case). If you read, not only some of my comments, but other peoples' too, with a fresh pair of eyes some time, it should be pretty clear to you that you and your buddy did not have the type of sound logic on your side you thought you did when coming up with the brain fart that top shelf herb will soon be going for $50 an ounce. I have even referenced a real example (Amsterdam) to demonstrate how this does not happen. None of your counter arguments hold any water at all, either logically or in terms of relevance. It feels a bit like trying to convince a Christian person that their imaginary friend Jesus is not real. So, with the greatest of respect, I've responded to you as seriously as I'm able until now, but I'm done. Have a nice day friend and believe whatever you want to, as you're absolutely NOT interested in the debate you pretend you want.
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You're really grasping there. That is simply not an example of the same type of DOMESTIC market YOU referred to, as herb is for the time being NOT a global commodity, but a local one (and this is unlikely to change for generations due to cultural divides).

You are clearly one of these people uninterested in being shown he is incorrect about something or open to learning. Perhaps you believe all opinions are equally valid (they are not, some people have stupid ideas and want them to be taken seriously - this is one such case). If you read, not only some of my comments, but other peoples' too, with a fresh pair of eyes some time, it should be pretty clear to you that you and your buddy did not have the type of sound logic on your side you thought you did when coming up with the brain fart that top shelf herb will soon be going for $50 an ounce. I have even referenced a real example (Amsterdam) to demonstrate how this does not happen. None of your counter arguments hold any water at all, either logically or in terms of relevance. It feels a bit like trying to convince a Christian person that their imaginary friend Jesus is not real. So, with the greatest of respect, I've responded to you as seriously as I'm able until now, but I'm done. Have a nice day friend and believe whatever you want to, as you're absolutely NOT interested in the debate you pretend you want.

Please dude, take a deep breath and relax , the worlds not coming to an end. No animosity intended on my part. It's just numbers.

Enjoy your day bud.
Because I believe a large scale producer could get costs down under $10 an ounce. Maybe MUCH less than that in consumables like nutes, electricity and water as well as the cost of labor. Not sure what other costs like taxes license etc would be.

Personally, I would grow it anyway for personal use. Me knowing how easy and cheap dank is to grow, I ain't paying someone else to do it! I might trade out gram for gram with them tho. Good to have variety and choices.

yeah but you have to pay people like 10 bucks a hour for work

and it takes like a good 30 mins to trim a ounce of bud depending on how dense and how big the bud is

and the more plants you have the more problems like mo bitches mo problems

but yeah more people should grow for themselves its cheaper just to buy a clone and keep cloning it
yeah but you have to pay people like 10 bucks a hour for work

and it takes like a good 30 mins to trim a ounce of bud depending on how dense and how big the bud is

and the more plants you have the more problems like mo bitches mo problems

but yeah more people should grow for themselves its cheaper just to buy a clone and keep cloning it

Dude, trimming ain't nothing if you enjoy the fruits of your labor. I trim mine watching the TV sipping beer. I mean I'm not even looking at my phone..... For realz.

Think about it. How much effort and money does it take to grow what's been naturally growing for thousands of years before we even existed? Deeep.
Dude, trimming ain't nothing if you enjoy the fruits of your labor. I trim mine watching the TV sipping beer. I mean I'm not even looking at my phone..... For realz.

Think about it. How much effort and money does it take to grow what's been naturally growing for thousands of years before we even existed? Deeep.

I would imagine the people doing the trimming for the man at 9 bucks an hour don't have a big screen in front of them.
And really there's quite a workload for even small grow.
That's what this thread is all about isn't it? The walmart of the weed industry, do it just as cheap as you can to keep prices down, I don't give a fuck if you have to pay the master grower minimum wage.
Yeah man those are the black market issues that cause so much worry. I am talking about in a legal market. Where growers don't have to worry about getting popped.

I'm all about the legalize and grow your own bru. Does sound like you worry a bit too much about your grow. Just give it the light it needs and proper nutes and a little attention daily and let it do its thing. Quality comes from genetics, nutes and light. As for bugs, try hempy. It's easy and I've never had any probs with it. I tend to under nute at least until mid flower and I have mostly grown autos. KISS method. Thanks for your contribution.

Yea that works for 3-4 plants . When your talking a legal operation it's a full time job . What your missing & everybody has said it who disagrees nobody would grow for $50 an oz. Way to much work involved . I know what your saying but it will never happen . They don't make the most used drugs on the planet for free . Cannabis won't be any different .
Dude, trimming ain't nothing if you enjoy the fruits of your labor. I trim mine watching the TV sipping beer. I mean I'm not even looking at my phone..... For realz.

Think about it. How much effort and money does it take to grow what's been naturally growing for thousands of years before we even existed? Deeep.

What's the most plants you've run dank . Just a curious question .
Yea that works for 3-4 plants . When your talking a legal operation it's a full time job . What your missing & everybody has said it who disagrees nobody would grow for $50 an oz. Way to much work involved . I know what your saying but it will never happen . They don't make the most used drugs on the planet for free . Cannabis won't be any different .

Yeah man. I fully concede that most think marijuana is a miracle. And I also concede it really is. Feeling fairly awesome right now. ;-) This stuff should be legal for responsible adults! Like tomatoes!

Still. Easy to grow.
medical weed isnt just grown in some closet or in the corner of your backyard

it has to be perfect weed because people with illnesses are consuming this its just like pharmaceuticals you cant just put opium strait from a poppie plant

you have to refine it and get it in its purest form were no other variables are introduced

now to make it worth your while to grow for a dispensary you have to grow 25+ plants

now lets say youre growing 60 plants

you cant just trim all the bud from 60 fucking plants

its not like 2 or 3

were talking a shitload of bud to be trimmed okay??? to get it all trimmed you have to hire people to sit for 8 hours and trim that shit

well there not gonna take 9 bucks a hours wage for that shit

hell id rather be out in -30 weather digging ditches and welding pipes with a bunch of Mexicans then trim bud for the same pay

trimming a bunch is such a monotonous task

and cured just right in the ideal condition so its not to get mold

so after all that your only making 25 and ounce when your paying 2 people 25 or 30 bucks to trim that SAME ounce

its just not worth it and if they try to buy a ounce for 25 from a grower with a big grow op then there gonna be out of bud

please understand what i just spent 5 mins typing i double line so it easier to read
medical weed isnt just grown in some closet or in the corner of your backyard

it has to be perfect weed because people with illnesses are consuming this its just like pharmaceuticals you cant just put opium strait from a poppie plant

you have to refine it and get it in its purest form were no other variables are introduced

now to make it worth your while to grow for a dispensary you have to grow 25+ plants

now lets say youre growing 60 plants

you cant just trim all the bud from 60 fucking plants

its not like 2 or 3

were talking a shitload of bud to be trimmed okay??? to get it all trimmed you have to hire people to sit for 8 hours and trim that shit

well there not gonna take 9 bucks a hours wage for that shit

hell id rather be out in -30 weather digging ditches and welding pipes with a bunch of Mexicans then trim bud for the same pay

trimming a bunch is such a monotonous task

and cured just right in the ideal condition so its not to get mold

so after all that your only making 25 and ounce when your paying 2 people 25 or 30 bucks to trim that SAME ounce

its just not worth it and if they try to buy a ounce for 25 from a grower with a big grow op then there gonna be out of bud

please understand what i just spent 5 mins typing i double line so it easier to read

I get your point and trust me, I understand and believe in the medical properties. I Med too. Just saying, as normal ordinary people understand how silly prohibition was anyway, and the black market will disappear. Simple marihuana will may become another choice to ride this life and be cheap, safe and a great product to enjoy. That's all I'm saying.