$50 ounces for upper tier legal weed?

It, will never happen. I live in a city with over 100weed clubs and if anything prices have risen. Staff,rent, taxes etc will keep prices high.
Interesting how the OP compares prices of top shelf weed to global soft commodities.
Top shelf weed here achieves 9euro/g which is over $300/oz. There is no way commercial growers will drop to $50/oz,its ridiculous.

Here is a menu:-

and here is my zombie kush which came top of the league today

OP, you havent got a clue about the business or which way the market is heading. I reckon that you would have enough trouble getting into the game,let alone staying on top of it.
It doesn't matter that your wrong...no none really cares.....All your doing is arguing with assholes that know your wrong and are just trying to keep you talking ,so you can make yourself look dumber then you already do!.. have a nice day.

I think there may be a generation gap between the two of us. I mean back in the day(80's), getting your hand on some weed comparable to the middle of the road stuff was rare and expensive. Now days with the massive improvement in genetics and the availability of knowledge through rollitup and other venues like ebooks, the tech is easy to reproduce. As this forum has progressed, I realise that mostly peeps find mystery in weed. Rebelling against the man and the prohibition. Profiting from the black market. But, realistically, it's still just weed and most people could, if they chose learn to grow their own dank cheap. It's no way worth $3000 a pound in a legal market. Best of luck youngun.
Top shelf weed here achieves 9euro/g which is over $300/oz. There is no way commercial growers will drop to $50/oz,its ridiculous.

Here is a menu:-
View attachment 3320513

and here is my zombie kush which came top of the league today
View attachment 3320516

OP, you havent got a clue about the business or which way the market is heading. I reckon that you would have enough trouble getting into the game,let alone staying on top of it.

No doubt kudos on your weed. Yeah, I would say that $9 euro is a decent price for someone who pays the extra premium for the weed AND the experience your staff offers. I would pay that if I didn't have a choice. That's cheap for the experience.

And yeah, I do approach this subject from as you described a commodity point of view. I might also add that manufacturing adds a little twist. At the end of the day. The margin is WAY TOO FREEKIN HIGH IN THE LEGAL WORLD! Your talking 1000's of percent, which is justifiable to the black market, but unsustainable in a legal market! Get ready for it! Remember this is from the perspective of a grower. The consumer and the producer are slaves to the taxation and licensing of it.

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As someone mentioned, you're market analysis claims have already easily been extinguished not only by the current oversaturation of the market with growers compared with over 20 years ago and the fact that street and clinical prices have remained constant, but further, additional data has already been proven that legalization will simply bump prices up even further due to taxation. Which will still put moderate and small scale growers with a local customer base on Top.
Illegal/ Underground: prices remain the same
Legal/ Taxes levied: We end with more business since the clubs will be selling eighters for minimum $70, compared with our 50.
We simply Win either way;)
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I would say many are missing my point. If it were legal, and I think it will be at some point on a federal level, it simply does not cost that much to grow seriously good dank ass weed in a legal market. Most of the 1000s of percent markup is because of the challenge and risks associated with it being on the black market.
hey just a thought. I takes about .07cents cost to fill cup with pop. Why do people pay a dollar plus. Or 7$ at the movie theater. Commodities like pot. legal or not will alway hold its value a mom as people like to smoke. Also on another note 500$ is a bit crazy. I personally am forge opinion REAL medical grade cannibus should be 225-300oz all day. I ask well over my completion and people want to pay more for the real deal.
No doubt kudos on your weed. Yeah, I would say that $9 euro is a decent price for someone who pays the extra premium for the weed AND the experience your staff offers. I would pay that if I didn't have a choice. That's cheap for the experience.

And yeah, I do approach this subject from as you described a commodity point of view. I might also add that manufacturing adds a little twist. At the end of the day. The margin is WAY TOO FREEKIN HIGH IN THE LEGAL WORLD! Your talking 1000's of percent, which is justifiable to the black market, but unsustainable in a legal market! Get ready for it! Remember this is from the perspective of a grower. The consumer and the producer are slaves to the taxation and licensing of it.


Without global knowledge of electricity prices and local rents etc, how could you possibly forecast prices to fall globally (such as commodities)?

Supply and demand tend to dictate the prices more than anything and if prices dropped that much (check mine closures 30 yrs ago when it cost more to produce than what it was worth). The industry would halt and lack of supply would restart demand and prices. Although it took years to bring the mines back into production ( in which time inventory levels became completely depleted due to BRICS) which represented itself in huge spikes in recent metal markets. I was a CFD broker.
Quote by GrowUrOwnDank "Seriously dude, I haven't bought weed in years. The OP was about how the legalization will make it much cheaper to produce and an over abundance of producers will drive the price down".

History of the cannabis market alone has already refuted this claim. It has remained constant and consistent even as Gold, Real Estate and the Stock Market experience schizophrenic variation to the extreme. People simply have it programmed into their heads that theyre paying around $50 an eighter, minimum 700 for a QP, and in the 3K range for a P. Again, this phenomenon has been consistent since at least the early 90's when "Chronic and Northern Lights" were 50 an eighth. There are exponentially more growers now. Supply has absolutely skyrocketed. If anything, the scale has risen even higher, and thats without full fledged legal taxation right now! (At least here in CA) In other words, there is absolutely nothing factual or that can be reconciled with the history of the Cannabis market that supports your claim. Thats sort of a nice way of saying that its Bullshit.

"As a matter of fact, remember I grow 1 plant. I use quality genetics, usually autos. I grow hempy mostly, but have done soil and hydro. I use LED and sometime a few humongous 65(actual) watt CFLs. And it doesn't cost me a dang thing now that I think about it! Everything I have purchased has been more than 3 years ago! Even the seeds are over 3 years old and I still got freebs to pop! May have to buy some nutes eventually tho."

Hmmm.. I dont want to be hostile, but this has Rabid Newb written all over it dude.
I use quality genetics, usually autos"
This is essentially like saying, " I only pilot the finest of automobiles. My fleet usually consists of Mitsubishi Eclipses"
I can see why people utilize Autos outdoors, but since the photoperiod is controlled by manual manipulation of, well, the photoperiod, Autos are absolutely pointless indoors. Not to mention that the genetics by nature will never compare with carefully scrutinized and selected elite females from standard lines.

"I use LED and sometime a few humongous 65(actual) watt CFLs"
You stumbled into a forum that posesses some very knowledgeable individuals on LED. What fixture are you using? Since you "produce the dank" as you have stated, I and potentially others in the community would be stoked to know which diode blends your using, kelvin ratings etc.
Also, please elaborate on what the relevance of a "humungous" CFL is, if you dont mind.

"and I still got freebs to pop! May have to buy some nutes eventually tho. "
Why wouldnt they have popped? Just because they are a few years old? Please elaborate on what you mean, along with the statement that you " may have to buy some nutes eventually tho."
You claim to be growing in Hempy buckets correct? You have no use for nutrients now, but you may need them at " some point?"

And don't give me that crap about "all the time it takes to trim". That's crap if you're just supplying yourself. I can trim out a 2 ounce crop in a couple of hours. And that's usually on a Friday with me sipping a brew and vegging with the TV on.

Two hours for a couple zips? Are you an amputee?

So all my stuff has long paid for itself. I would say, including lights all other equip and supplies, genetics(seeds) and everything even the BS I have purchased and no longer use, my total costs to produce what I've produced is probably $400. And I've gotten a solid 12 ounces out of that investment. Thats like $33.33 an O and I still have at least half a grow worth of nutes doing the hempy method. I Can't remember how many times I've used the same MG perlite?

Basically, all of my weed is just free from here forward. Keep in mind, an ounce will also last me at least 3 months depending if I make a lot of edibles which dwindles my supply faster. I smoke true 2 toke dank bru.

Heres a quote of yours from above
"Everything I have purchased has been more than 3 years ago"

So, just to confirm, the last time you purchased bud was more than 3 years ago? And youve only reaped 12 zips?

"I smoke true 2 toke dank bru."
;) Whatever you say, homeslice. Ill tell you what I see. I call it as I see it so I will apologize in advance. I expect nothing less from my extended homies in the Cannabis world to call me out if I am in need. I see an uninformed and insecure Novice " grower" stumble into topics so far over his head he cant see the underside, and then purporting to make wild ridiculous claims based off of wishful thinking, most likely resultant from his dismay at Cannabis prices in which he is, and has been ,forced to pay. Of which of course are dictated by those who actually possess the skill to produce quality flowers.
I also see a Newb of the highest calibre cringingly attempting to pontificate on terminology and topics he simply has zero understanding of, in an attempt to seem relevant and to relate to this established and tightknit community. Finally, I see a dude who wouldve been welcomed a little more warmly, had he simply acknowledged his Newbiocrity, instead of mouthing off to established forum members.

Thats what I see.
Tell me, what do you see?


Let the record show that this "Grower" still has yet to offer any rebuttal for the questionable and laughable nuggets contained in this posting regarding actual Cannabis cultivation, a field in which he claims to be learned in. This will offer up some pure Gold for future reference if OP plans on sticking around RIU for any measurable time..
Expand quote to view.
As someone mentioned, you're market analysis claims have already easily extinguished not only by the current oversaturation of the market with growers compared with over 20 years ago and the fact that street and clinical prices have remained constant, but further, additional data has already been proven that legalization will simply bump prices up even further due to taxation. Which will still put moderate and small scale growers with a local customer base on Top.
Illegal/ Underground: prices remain the same
Legal/ Taxes levied: We end with more business since the clubs will be selling eighters for minimum $70, compared with our 50.
We simply Win either way;)

Apparently you are a good businessman that can sell product and experience. I am still talking about Colorado where it was made legal and is still a very immature situation. I am attempting to foresee how the lift of the prohibition will evolve. And how the consumers and pricing will be affected.

Kudos on your salesman ship. It's all good. Free the weed and GROW YOUR OWN! I like a good night out too u know. ;-) I also trade options in the US market.
Let the record show that this "Grower" still has yet to offer any rebuttal for the questionable and laughable nuggets contained in this posting regarding actual Cannabis cultivation, a field in which he claims to be learned in. This will offer up some pure Gold for future reference if OP plans on sticking around RIU for any measurable time..
Expand quote to view.

F the record bru! The words should be a plenty. I don't have any freekin pictures! I'm not into the selfie thing to prove your prowess in social media. It's FREEKIN silly. I'm just an older fella <50 who has also grown weed and done a lot of other things as well in life I'm proud of. And I brought up a subject of how simple and easy growing weed really is. No big deal. Why everyone bustin my chops?
F the record bru! The words should be a plenty. I don't have any freekin pictures! I'm not into the selfie thing to prove your prowess in social media. It's FREEKIN silly. I'm just an older fella <50 who has also grown weed and done a lot of other things as well in life I'm proud of. And I brought up a subject of how simple and easy growing weed really is. No big deal. Why everyone bustin my chops?

Because you actually think these people are gonna let their hard earned work go for 50 a zip. That's ridiculous. I'd douse my shit with gas and burn it first.
Seriously dude, I haven't bought weed in years. The OP was about how the legalization will make it much cheaper to produce and an over abundance of producers will drive the price down.

And yes I do know how cheap and easy it is to grow dank for personal use under the right conditions. I think many growers just BF it to death and make it sound like it is more than it really is. Sure a small effort has to be put in it, but so does changing the oil in your car or fixing/going for breakfast and working at making some kind of income to pay for it.

As a matter of fact, remember I grow 1 plant. I use quality genetics, usually autos. I grow hempy mostly, but have done soil and hydro. I use LED and sometime a few humongous 65(actual) watt CFLs. And it doesn't cost me a dang thing now that I think about it! Everything I have purchased has been more than 3 years ago! Even the seeds are over 3 years old and I still got freebs to pop! May have to buy some nutes eventually tho.

And don't give me that crap about "all the time it takes to trim". That's crap if you're just supplying yourself. I can trim out a 2 ounce crop in a couple of hours. And that's usually on a Friday with me sipping a brew and vegging with the TV on.

So all my stuff has long paid for itself. I would say, including lights all other equip and supplies, genetics(seeds) and everything even the BS I have purchased and no longer use, my total costs to produce what I've produced is probably $400. And I've gotten a solid 12 ounces out of that investment. Thats like $33.33 an O and I still have at least half a grow worth of nutes doing the hempy method. I Can't remember how many times I've used the same MG perlite?

Basically, all of my weed is just free from here forward. Keep in mind, an ounce will also last me at least 3 months depending if I make a lot of edibles which dwindles my supply faster. I smoke true 2 toke dank bru.

My electric bill is much higher, as I use 2 600W MH/HPS plus an added 400 UV/B reptile lighting.

But I smoke a lot more bud, and also have grown Malawi and such...which takes over 100 days.

You grow inexpensively, big difference. As for trimming, outdoor bud takes a lot longer than indoor. I have run identical clones under both circumstances.
F the record bru! The words should be a plenty. I don't have any freekin pictures! I'm not into the selfie thing to prove your prowess in social media. It's FREEKIN silly. I'm just an older fella <50 who has also grown weed and done a lot of other things as well in life I'm proud of. And I brought up a subject of how simple and easy growing weed really is. No big deal. Why everyone bustin my chops?
Reading comprehension can be fun.
I never asked for a Pic.

You made some statements that seriously question your claims that you've ever even grown cannabis. They can all be found in that previous post;)
There's nothing wrong with having never grown by the way, but don't pretend to be something you're not. I've used a crescent wrench before but you won't find me on the Auto mechanic forums hamming it up on topics I don't know anything about
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Because you actually think these people are gonna let their hard earned work go for 50 a zip. That's ridiculous. I'd douse my shit with gas and burn it first.

One more thing the prohibition produced. Some may think the challenge and risk of the black market makes it seem to be "working harder" than it really is. I'm an advocate bru. Love my weed and how it makes me sleep. Just saying, well..... Make it legal and it will be cheaper and safer. It's still immature and evolving, but seriously. Crunch some real numbers without including the time and wasted money of an efficient grow. I believe high quality weed could be grown for less than $100 a pound factoring all the circumstances of the illegality of it. Think about it!

We all love it but damn, I read a lot. This isn't rocket science.
My electric bill is much higher, as I use 2 600W MH/HPS plus an added 400 UV/B reptile lighting.

But I smoke a lot more bud, and also have grown Malawi and such...which takes over 100 days.

You grow inexpensively, big difference. As for trimming, outdoor bud takes a lot longer than indoor. I have run identical clones under both circumstances.

Yeah that's a lot of electricity. The reason I go LED is because they are safe and ya don't have to worry about setting the house on fire. I'm old school and kind of a simple person and obviously, quantity isn't a big issue for me. Maybe some day I will change but, for now, it's working perfectly for me. Thanks for your contribution.
Reading comprehension can be fun.
I never asked for a Pic.

You made some statements that seriously question your claims that you've ever even grown cannabis. They can all be found in that previous post;)
There's nothing wrong with having never grown by the way, but don't pretend to be something you're not. I've used a crescent wrench before but you won't find me on the Auto mechanic forums hamming it up on topics I don't know anything about

Are you serious? lol. That ain't rocket science either! OMG peeps. It's just doing average ordinary stuff. lol

If you wanna know how, just google it.

Big generation gap going on. No harm no foul, just free it up and we can all choose.
Are you serious? lol. That ain't rocket science either! OMG peeps. It's just doing average ordinary stuff. lol

If you wanna know how, just google it.

Big generation gap going on. No harm no foul, just free it up and we can all choose.
Google is NOT a good source. It takes lots of practice. Sure you can read all you want but as a caregiver who struggles to get by I think this whole idea of cheep meds is crazy. I run 5x600 w hps. 3x 1000 wat 6x8 bay t5s. 3 dehumidifiers/ac. 5 inline fans 400cfm plus each. Electric bill 800$ per month. Let alone rent and heat. Than all my soil and amendments can cost up to 1000$ every three months or so. Lightbulbs every 12 months. 700$
Misc. anyone who grows on a larger scale will know we eat well but will reinvest every harvest. (For the most part)

Then there's my time. If I chose to have a real job I would never take less than 15$/hour. I expect to at least make that while working in my garden. I take real pride in my meds. It's not about the money. But I refuse to waste my time and resources.

500$ a pound!!! Ill grow hops
OP you and colorado are wrong on so many levels. Go grow 20 lbs. of "top tier" smoke 4 times successfully, trim it, cure it, and sell it and then repost your thoughts.
No doubt kudos on your weed. Yeah, I would say that $9 euro is a decent price for someone who pays the extra premium for the weed AND the experience your staff offers. I would pay that if I didn't have a choice. That's cheap for the experience.

And yeah, I do approach this subject from as you described a commodity point of view. I might also add that manufacturing adds a little twist. At the end of the day. The margin is WAY TOO FREEKIN HIGH IN THE LEGAL WORLD! Your talking 1000's of percent, which is justifiable to the black market, but unsustainable in a legal market! Get ready for it! Remember this is from the perspective of a grower. The consumer and the producer are slaves to the taxation and licensing of it.

This from a guy who has never grown Dank and thinks he knows what the end product is worth and he only smokes an ounce a year or whatever, thread fail. You have no clue, you are the perfect uneducated individual who should be paying top $. Better yet grow your own 20 lbs. of dank and go sell it for 50$ per ounce, see how that pans out for ya. But I suspect your contribution to the Marijuana growing community will sadly be this buzz harshing thread. Done here move along.