$50 ounces for upper tier legal weed?

Damn all these long novel post! Haha no but seriously I agree with both sides of the argument.

For the good or worse, Cannabis has become a large industry, so prices will fluctuate to fit the systems needs. ie pay for wages, investing, expanding etc etc.

In my view, In a capitalist system, the grower gets the least amount, while the middlemenS get the much larger piece of the pie.

So personally I avoid the system, and Instead have trusted friends and patients whom which I donate my top quality SUSTAINED cannabis for as cheap as I possibly could. As long as everything is sustained, I will be happy.

Capitalism is not sustained, it will eventually destroy it self, or me ;)

yeah if its ever legal in my state ill do like you do supply it to patients directly and not sell it through a dispensary
Yeah man those are the black market issues that cause so much worry. I am talking about in a legal market. Where growers don't have to worry about getting popped.

I'm all about the legalize and grow your own bru. Does sound like you worry a bit too much about your grow. Just give it the light it needs and proper nutes and a little attention daily and let it do its thing. Quality comes from genetics, nutes and light. As for bugs, try hempy. It's easy and I've never had any probs with it. I tend to under nute at least until mid flower and I have mostly grown autos. KISS method. Thanks for your contribution.

no i was saying why even for a legal grow 50 a ounce is too little
Only if you are one of those Mexican farmers who intentionally run seeded bud, then use a clothing bailer to compress it.

Talk to any outdoor seasoned medical grower, and he or she will tell you they wouldn't waste their time growing for $50/zip.

If anything, lower prices will cause a shortage of experienced growers willing to spend time and resources to produce it.

Which is why prices have remained stable.:peace:

Seriously dude, I haven't bought weed in years. The OP was about how the legalization will make it much cheaper to produce and an over abundance of producers will drive the price down.

And yes I do know how cheap and easy it is to grow dank for personal use under the right conditions. I think many growers just BF it to death and make it sound like it is more than it really is. Sure a small effort has to be put in it, but so does changing the oil in your car or fixing/going for breakfast and working at making some kind of income to pay for it.

As a matter of fact, remember I grow 1 plant. I use quality genetics, usually autos. I grow hempy mostly, but have done soil and hydro. I use LED and sometime a few humongous 65(actual) watt CFLs. And it doesn't cost me a dang thing now that I think about it! Everything I have purchased has been more than 3 years ago! Even the seeds are over 3 years old and I still got freebs to pop! May have to buy some nutes eventually tho.

And don't give me that crap about "all the time it takes to trim". That's crap if you're just supplying yourself. I can trim out a 2 ounce crop in a couple of hours. And that's usually on a Friday with me sipping a brew and vegging with the TV on.

So all my stuff has long paid for itself. I would say, including lights all other equip and supplies, genetics(seeds) and everything even the BS I have purchased and no longer use, my total costs to produce what I've produced is probably $400. And I've gotten a solid 12 ounces out of that investment. Thats like $33.33 an O and I still have at least half a grow worth of nutes doing the hempy method. I Can't remember how many times I've used the same MG perlite?

Basically, all of my weed is just free from here forward. Keep in mind, an ounce will also last me at least 3 months depending if I make a lot of edibles which dwindles my supply faster. I smoke true 2 toke dank bru.
no i was saying why even for a legal grow 50 a ounce is too little

Because I believe a large scale producer could get costs down under $10 an ounce. Maybe MUCH less than that in consumables like nutes, electricity and water as well as the cost of labor. Not sure what other costs like taxes license etc would be.

Personally, I would grow it anyway for personal use. Me knowing how easy and cheap dank is to grow, I ain't paying someone else to do it! I might trade out gram for gram with them tho. Good to have variety and choices.
my total costs to produce what I've produced is probably $400. And I've gotten a solid 12 ounces out of that investment. . I smoke true 2 toke dank bru.

That is a lot of money you spend growing for just 12 oz's .
I spend an average $900 - $1200 on my grows and I get about 7 pounds.
Outdoors though!

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That is a lot of money you spend growing for just 12 oz's .
I spend an average $900 - $1200 on my grows and I get about 7 pounds.


LOL! See that's what I'm talking about. Yeah I'm pretty small time. Work a decent day job and enjoy growing. I like flowers and trees too outdoors. I love MJ and all, but realistically and only because of the prohibition and the "black market" has it created such a market that growers can really make a decent fortune in the commerce of it. It's really not that expensive or time consuming per plant for personal use. Thanks for your contribution. Yeah my math on the costs may have been a little low, but my yield numbers are probably much larger as well. Its just wonderful relaxing medication to me. I don't write this stuff down.
Inflated prices are not a good sign of economy. Prices are supposed to be set by the market also, not by the producers. Real profit is in bulk, like cartel or China, not on high marked products.
Quote by GrowUrOwnDank "Seriously dude, I haven't bought weed in years. The OP was about how the legalization will make it much cheaper to produce and an over abundance of producers will drive the price down".

History of the cannabis market alone has already refuted this claim. It has remained constant and consistent even as Gold, Real Estate and the Stock Market experience schizophrenic variation to the extreme. People simply have it programmed into their heads that theyre paying around $50 an eighter, minimum 700 for a QP, and in the 3K range for a P. Again, this phenomenon has been consistent since at least the early 90's when "Chronic and Northern Lights" were 50 an eighth. There are exponentially more growers now. Supply has absolutely skyrocketed. If anything, the scale has risen even higher, and thats without full fledged legal taxation right now! (At least here in CA) In other words, there is absolutely nothing factual or that can be reconciled with the history of the Cannabis market that supports your claim. Thats sort of a nice way of saying that its Bullshit.

"As a matter of fact, remember I grow 1 plant. I use quality genetics, usually autos. I grow hempy mostly, but have done soil and hydro. I use LED and sometime a few humongous 65(actual) watt CFLs. And it doesn't cost me a dang thing now that I think about it! Everything I have purchased has been more than 3 years ago! Even the seeds are over 3 years old and I still got freebs to pop! May have to buy some nutes eventually tho."

Hmmm.. I dont want to be hostile, but this has Rabid Newb written all over it dude.
I use quality genetics, usually autos"
This is essentially like saying, " I only pilot the finest of automobiles. My fleet usually consists of Mitsubishi Eclipses"
I can see why people utilize Autos outdoors, but since the photoperiod is controlled by manual manipulation of, well, the photoperiod, Autos are absolutely pointless indoors. Not to mention that the genetics by nature will never compare with carefully scrutinized and selected elite females from standard lines.

"I use LED and sometime a few humongous 65(actual) watt CFLs"
You stumbled into a forum that posesses some very knowledgeable individuals on LED. What fixture are you using? Since you "produce the dank" as you have stated, I and potentially others in the community would be stoked to know which diode blends your using, kelvin ratings etc.
Also, please elaborate on what the relevance of a "humungous" CFL is, if you dont mind.

"and I still got freebs to pop! May have to buy some nutes eventually tho. "
Why wouldnt they have popped? Just because they are a few years old? Please elaborate on what you mean, along with the statement that you " may have to buy some nutes eventually tho."
You claim to be growing in Hempy buckets correct? You have no use for nutrients now, but you may need them at " some point?"

And don't give me that crap about "all the time it takes to trim". That's crap if you're just supplying yourself. I can trim out a 2 ounce crop in a couple of hours. And that's usually on a Friday with me sipping a brew and vegging with the TV on.

Two hours for a couple zips? Are you an amputee?

So all my stuff has long paid for itself. I would say, including lights all other equip and supplies, genetics(seeds) and everything even the BS I have purchased and no longer use, my total costs to produce what I've produced is probably $400. And I've gotten a solid 12 ounces out of that investment. Thats like $33.33 an O and I still have at least half a grow worth of nutes doing the hempy method. I Can't remember how many times I've used the same MG perlite?

Basically, all of my weed is just free from here forward. Keep in mind, an ounce will also last me at least 3 months depending if I make a lot of edibles which dwindles my supply faster. I smoke true 2 toke dank bru.

Heres a quote of yours from above
"Everything I have purchased has been more than 3 years ago"

So, just to confirm, the last time you purchased bud was more than 3 years ago? And youve only reaped 12 zips?

"I smoke true 2 toke dank bru."
;) Whatever you say, homeslice. Ill tell you what I see. I call it as I see it so I will apologize in advance. I expect nothing less from my extended homies in the Cannabis world to call me out if I am in need. I see an uninformed and insecure Novice " grower" stumble into topics so far over his head he cant see the underside, and then purporting to make wild ridiculous claims based off of wishful thinking, most likely resultant from his dismay at Cannabis prices in which he is, and has been ,forced to pay. Of which of course are dictated by those who actually possess the skill to produce quality flowers.
I also see a Newb of the highest calibre cringingly attempting to pontificate on terminology and topics he simply has zero understanding of, in an attempt to seem relevant and to relate to this established and tightknit community. Finally, I see a dude who wouldve been welcomed a little more warmly, had he simply acknowledged his Newbiocrity, instead of mouthing off to established forum members.

Thats what I see.
Tell me, what do you see?

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Quote by GrowUrOwnDank "Seriously dude, I haven't bought weed in years. The OP was about how the legalization will make it much cheaper to produce and an over abundance of producers will drive the price down".

History of the cannabis market alone has already refuted this claim. It has remained constant and consistent even as Gold, Real Estate and the Stock Market experience schizophrenic variation to the extreme. People simply have it programmed into their heads that theyre paying around $50 an eighter, minimum 700 for a QP, and in the 3K range for a P. Again, this phenomenon has been consistent since at least the early 90's when "Chronic and Northern Lights" were 50 an eighth. There are exponentially more growers now. Supply has absolutely skyrocketed. If anything, the scale has risen even higher, and thats without full fledged legal taxation right now! (At least here in CA) In other words, there is absolutely nothing factual or that can be reconciled with the history of the Cannabis market that supports your claim. Thats sort of a nice way of saying that its Bullshit.

"As a matter of fact, remember I grow 1 plant. I use quality genetics, usually autos. I grow hempy mostly, but have done soil and hydro. I use LED and sometime a few humongous 65(actual) watt CFLs. And it doesn't cost me a dang thing now that I think about it! Everything I have purchased has been more than 3 years ago! Even the seeds are over 3 years old and I still got freebs to pop! May have to buy some nutes eventually tho."

Hmmm.. I dont want to be hostile, but this has Rabid Newb written all over it dude.
I use quality genetics, usually autos"
This is essentially like saying, " I only pilot the finest of automobiles. My fleet usually consists of Mitsubishi Eclipses"
I can see why people utilize Autos outdoors, but since the photoperiod is controlled by manual manipulation of, well, the photoperiod, Autos are absolutely pointless indoors. Not to mention that the genetics by nature will never compare with carefully scrutinized and selected elite females from standard lines.

"I use LED and sometime a few humongous 65(actual) watt CFLs"
You stumbled into a forum that posesses some very knowledgeable individuals on LED. What fixture are you using? Since you "produce the dank" as you have stated, I and potentially others in the community would be stoked to know which diode blends your using, kelvin ratings etc.
Also, please elaborate on what the relevance of a "humungous" CFL is, if you dont mind.

"and I still got freebs to pop! May have to buy some nutes eventually tho. "
Why wouldnt they have popped? Just because they are a few years old? Please elaborate on what you mean, along with the statement that you " may have to buy some nutes eventually tho."
You claim to be growing in Hempy buckets correct? You have no use for nutrients now, but you may need them at " some point?"

And don't give me that crap about "all the time it takes to trim". That's crap if you're just supplying yourself. I can trim out a 2 ounce crop in a couple of hours. And that's usually on a Friday with me sipping a brew and vegging with the TV on.

Two hours for a couple zips? Are you an amputee?

So all my stuff has long paid for itself. I would say, including lights all other equip and supplies, genetics(seeds) and everything even the BS I have purchased and no longer use, my total costs to produce what I've produced is probably $400. And I've gotten a solid 12 ounces out of that investment. Thats like $33.33 an O and I still have at least half a grow worth of nutes doing the hempy method. I Can't remember how many times I've used the same MG perlite?

Basically, all of my weed is just free from here forward. Keep in mind, an ounce will also last me at least 3 months depending if I make a lot of edibles which dwindles my supply faster. I smoke true 2 toke dank bru.

Heres a quote of yours from above
"Everything I have purchased has been more than 3 years ago"

So, just to confirm, the last time you purchased bud was more than 3 years ago? And youve only reaped 12 zips?

"I smoke true 2 toke dank bru."
;) Whatever you say, homeslice. Ill tell you what I see. I call it as I see it so I will apologize in advance. I expect nothing less from my extended homies in the Cannabis world to call me out if I am in need. I see an uninformed and insecure Novice " grower" stumble into topics so far over his head he cant see the underside, and then purporting to make wild ridiculous claims based off of wishful thinking, most likely resultant from his dismay at Cannabis prices in which he is, and has been ,forced to pay. Of which of course are dictated by those who actually possess the skill to produce quality flowers.
I also see a Newb of the highest calibre cringingly attempting to pontificate on terminology and topics he simply has zero understanding of, in an attempt to seem relevant and to relate to this established and tightknit community. Finally, I see a dude who wouldve been welcomed a little more warmly, had he simply acknowledged his Newbiocrity, instead of mouthing off to established forum members.

Thats what I see.
Tell me, what do you see?


I see a bunch of maybe high school educated small time weed growers trying to bust my chops because I know this stuff ain't rocket science and some peeps try to make out like it takes considerable more effort and cash to grow weed than it really does. lol

It's just FREEKIN weed dude. Its been around for 1000's of years and not that of a big deal other than some idiots made it so with propaganda decades ago. It's just feckin weed man! Relax! lol
I would say many are missing my point. If it were legal, and I think it will be at some point on a federal level, it simply does not cost that much to grow seriously good dank ass weed in a legal market. Most of the 1000s of percent markup is because of the challenge and risks associated with it being on the black market.
That's a huge lie inexpensive weed is on the street. . Expensive overpriced over handled weed is at the dispensary. ..prices won't go down, not in California not at the dispensaries. ..
Well, my son raises a few head of cattle on his 15 acres and several pigs. He slaughters one every now and then to keep his freezer stocked and takes a deer or 2 every year. His wife makes these funky soaps every now and then with lavender from her flower bed and grows a garden every year. He don't smoke though and also has a really good full time job so they just do it as a lifestyle choice really. Yeah, none of that is rocket science either. lol

So, regardless of your anecdote, can I assume you accept my assertion that the proportion of the population willing to provide said goods for themselves, is statistically insignificant?

Your entire premise is based on an unrealistic view of society. You may think it's commonplace to rear cattle, grow your own fruits and veggies and live a subsistence lifestyle, but allow me to assure you that for most of us, our hunter-gatherer days are found thousands of years in the past. As long as people are buying their herb from an outlet of some description, they will continue to pay a premium for it. Let me ask you, if you stand by your original post, what would you hazard a guess is the percentage difference between the cost of producing a packet of cigarettes and its retail value?

Nothing personal friend, but you are talking utter nonsense.
I see a bunch of maybe high school educated small time weed growers trying to bust my chops because I know this stuff ain't rocket science and some peeps try to make out like it takes considerable more effort and cash to grow weed than it really does. lol

It's just FREEKIN weed dude. Its been around for 1000's of years and not that of a big deal other than some idiots made it so with propaganda decades ago. It's just feckin weed man! Relax! lol
You don't know what your talking about do yo? Do you have any pics of any weed you have grown?
no weed is equal

and 50 a ounce is too little

@GrowUrOwnDank have you ever had a grow op before????

if you have then you wouldnt support this

in my past 3 grows it was more work then just putting a seed in the ground i worried constantly about if it was okay

i had to carry water down to the grow op and you have to address the plant's health problems

its like a really needy pet

and the at the end of its grow cycle and you harvest it you have to trim the buds

and to trim a ounce of bud would take a while so 50 bucks a ounce is wrong

if it were say 150 a ounce for everything then it would be better around

and the people growing for the dispenserys only get like half of that so think about this for a second

you spent every breathing moment worried about those little fucks you water it and heal them and then come harvest time you have to actully cut the buds off then trim it just so and THEN you have to cure it just right

not to mention if you have spider mites and you actually manage to get rid of them there will still be dead mites and when they inspect it theyll see it and not buy it so then your out money that you need to pay rent and feed yourself and to cover the expenses for growing

so people take that risk and they damn well better make good money off of it

50 a ounce is fucking ridicules for a grower

The OP is in LaLa Land.
So, regardless of your anecdote, can I assume you accept my assertion that the proportion of the population willing to provide said goods for themselves, is statistically insignificant?

Your entire premise is based on an unrealistic view of society. You may think it's commonplace to rear cattle, grow your own fruits and veggies and live a subsistence lifestyle, but allow me to assure you that for most of us, our hunter-gatherer days are found thousands of years in the past. As long as people are buying their herb from an outlet of some description, they will continue to pay a premium for it. Let me ask you, if you stand by your original post, what would you hazard a guess is the percentage difference between the cost of producing a packet of cigarettes and its retail value?

Nothing personal friend, but you are talking utter nonsense.

Well, you are attempting to get into name branding. How much do you think it costs to mass produce bottles of a very popular soft drink. Pennies. And yet the upper tier brands costs more than a dollar. The cheapest generic next to it maybe 1/3 of that. Where does the money go? Advertising and awareness to create that brand.

No different for weed. The costs to produce weed efficiently are not that great and very over rated in my opinion. And it's gonna get cheap in my opinion.

Let's revisit this post this time next year after a full outdoor crop had been grown in CO. I'll bet the supply will be so over abundant growers may be accepting $500 a pound for upper tier, before taxes. Because those peeps are efficient and know their costs.

Just sayin. It's a good thing. With competition comes affordability and choices.
Well, you are attempting to get into name branding. How much do you think it costs to mass produce bottles of a very popular soft drink. Pennies. And yet the upper tier brands costs more than a dollar. The cheapest generic next to it maybe 1/3 of that. Where does the money go? Advertising and awareness to create that brand.

No different for weed. The costs to produce weed efficiently are not that great and very over rated in my opinion. And it's gonna get cheap in my opinion.

Let's revisit this post this time next year after a full outdoor crop had been grown in CO. I'll bet the supply will be so over abundant growers may be accepting $500 a pound for upper tier, before taxes. Because those peeps are efficient and know their costs.

Just sayin. It's a good thing. With competition comes affordability and choices.

All irrelevant!

As I have already tried to state for you, you are massively overvaluing the relevance/importance of production costs. They simply get people to pay as much for a product as they can in most businesses. Even if the costs were close to zero, it would never drop to $50 an ounce. And I love how you talk about raw material costs, but completely ignore labour, which as you should know, is extremely expensive in the Western world.

Your entire premise is flawed. Not because it won't become cheaper to produce the weed (it may very well do), but because that is not as relevant as you seem to think it is.
You don't know what your talking about do yo? Do you have any pics of any weed you have grown?

Don't get me wrong, I love weed porn as much as the next guy. But...... No. I'm not into the whole selfie and posting pics on social media forums every moment. I may some day share a pic who knows. I just really don't think right now that any pics of smoked MJ are all that important in the larger scheme of things. Have a nice day.
Well, you are attempting to get into name branding. How much do you think it costs to mass produce bottles of a very popular soft drink. Pennies. And yet the upper tier brands costs more than a dollar. The cheapest generic next to it maybe 1/3 of that. Where does the money go? Advertising and awareness to create that brand.

No different for weed. The costs to produce weed efficiently are not that great and very over rated in my opinion. And it's gonna get cheap in my opinion.

Let's revisit this post this time next year after a full outdoor crop had been grown in CO. I'll bet the supply will be so over abundant growers may be accepting $500 a pound for upper tier, before taxes. Because those peeps are efficient and know their costs.

Just sayin. It's a good thing. With competition comes affordability and choices.
Growing weed takes 2 months at least. . It's time consuming. ..those big companies have to pay their employees. ...and their employees will be making a good amount of money. ..it's hard to find someone that can run an operation. ..Some people are cut out for it, some are not...unless you're talking about outdoor on the black market I disagree with everything you've said...
Don't get me wrong, I love weed porn as much as the next guy. But...... No. I'm not into the whole selfie and posting pics on social media forums every moment. I may some day share a pic who knows. I just really don't think right now that any pics of smoked MJ are all that important in the larger scheme of things. Have a nice day.
It doesn't matter that your wrong...no none really cares.....All your doing is arguing with assholes that know your wrong and are just trying to keep you talking ,so you can make yourself look dumber then you already do!.. have a nice day.
All irrelevant!

As I have already tried to state for you, you are massively overvaluing the relevance/importance of production costs. They simply get people to pay as much for a product as they can in most businesses. Even if the costs were close to zero, it would never drop to $50 an ounce. And I love how you talk about raw material costs, but completely ignore labour, which as you should know, is extremely expensive in the Western world.

Your entire premise is flawed. Not because it won't become cheaper to produce the weed (it may very well do), but because that is not as relevant as you seem to think it is.

Give me a break guy! Where there is opportunity there will be plenty of people trying to take advantage of it. I say let's leave this alone and see what happens next year. I still feel a good grower will be happy and profitable at $50 an ounce. I'm even going out on a limb and saying $500 a pound will be extremely profitable, real costs versus quantity.

Let's use an iPhone 6 for example. The costs for Apple to make one is a about a couple of hundred bucks. Yet what do they sell straight up for? $700? Man Apple has like 100+ billions of cash in the bank! Can you direct me to a single poster in this forum that can make me an iPhone 6 and sell it for that in this forum? Now please explain to me how growing weed, something most people could learn to do, is worth present costs without the risks the prohibition has created. Thanks for your contribution and what I am saying is a good thing. Peace bru.