$50 ounces for upper tier legal weed?

its never going to drop this low the same people selling this are in the game to make each other wealthy and the taxes they put on this shit are going to end up being like half of what you pay for and they will turn up like no profits from doing this shit this whole thing is a scam i hate this jew shit
I get your point!
I guess what I was getting at is.
Due to the predominate political climate of the country as a whole,,,,,not any time soon!

So then,,,Don't like that appraisal?
Get out and VOTE!
If you think your vote doesn't count, and therefor you don't vote.....YOUR one of the problems!

P.S. Thanks to the mod who moved this to the proper forum!

Of course I vote. Of course as long as it is illegal in places it will be much more costly on the black market. My whole point is, from the grower who has taken the time to become educated and experienced and uses high quality genetics and grow techniques, he can make super high quality product legally in a legal area and sell it for $500 a pound over and over again. I call it the Walmart affect. Just like Walmart, put a lot of mom and pops out of business when MJ is legal. That's just nature. The strong survive and thrive!

That's good news for the consumers as well! Better, safer and cheaper product! What's wrong with that?
I believe what you're saying OP. I have reason to think that 50 years from now I'll look back and see what we all paid when it first started going legal. I picture it heavily taxed but similar to how we have cigarettes now. It will no doubt be cheaper than now, but it will take a long time for the greedy growers to let the price drop that much. The variation and genetic possibilities will keep it in a higher/more desirable price range, kinda like micro breweries making high price beer. Some will smoke it, most people won't due to all of the medical reports that will come out and tests done on users in the future but huge corporations, like you said the Weed Marlboros and Copenhagens and others that are still to be created will run the show for the public- like a Coor's Light of weed.
The "VOTE" part was not directed at any particular person. It is a point to motivate those who don't.......TO!

Nothing is "wrong" with that.
I wish there was peace between world religions.....We might have world peace then!

Grand thoughts, both of them!

"Walmart" effect?
I think you don't understand Walmart!

Walmart (for the most part) buys cheaply produced materials/goods in massive amounts that allow them to sell below local market prices. many of these materials/goods are produced overseas and NOT made in America......
Walmart enters an area and the prices bring in the shoppers. These shoppers were shopping at LOCAL stores that supported the community by "keeping the money local". Walmarts profits go to the corporation. These "local" stores are now loosing money due to lost customers going to Walmart to "pay less". These store eventually CLOSE. Jobs are lost! People loose life savings in stores that have for the most part, been in the family for several generations........There is a "loss of community" that can not be measured by lower prices!

I run an organic farm co-op. we have been approached by Walmart reps wanting to "buy local". We refused!
Locally based stores get our products...period.

Walmart is a virus on us all.......They pay employee's LOW. They make shitloads,,,,,and keep the bulk to themselves!
They destroy "community" where ever they go!

I live 11 miles from the closest REAL city and that's the county seat and it's small. They put a Sam's and a Walmart super center 23 miles away one direction. Then built one super center the other way about 20 miles out.
The result in less then 10 years is that almost 80% of our county seats stores,,,,,have closed! The downtown is virtually empty.
4 Diners, 1 coffee house, 4 bars, 1 pizza parlor, 1 DVD rental, 3 car parts stores, a candy/card shop, a hardware and a bakery are about it left. the 5 & 10 is on it's last leg have changed hands 3 times in 5 years.
I don't have the time to list whats gone......and that's SAD!

It's a lot of Walmart effected ex-shop owners are now some of these MM producers! They have to live and "giving" away weed at consumer dreamed prices won't be happening.

Yeah, yeah......"when it's legal"
1: Don't hold your breath on legal.
2: The FED will regulate who will produce this "legal" weed. It most likely will be a corporate entity like "Prairie Farms" in Canada does ALL their medical for them! Even us long term quality commercial growers,,,,will be shit out of luck for growing legal then!
3: Anyone left actually doing a black market grow. Sure as hell won't be selling cheap to be nice!!!
4: These corporate growers and the FED will have the price pretty damn close to what it is now! They don't want to miss out on the money!

Your dream is just that......

With all due respect, I had to give up when I got to the misspelling of marijuana. The earlier poor language I could deal with, but misspelling THAT word, in THIS forum, seriously!!!!

Apart from that, the entire premise is nonsense. To begin with: "NOT rocket science. Sure there is a learning curve, but the same exists growing high quality spices, tomatoes or even live stock..."
Who do you know that rears cattle in order to eat meat and what proportion of the population produce their own spices or tomatoes? Sure some people do it as a hobby, but they are an insignificant minority, statistically speaking. How many cigarette smokers grow their own tobacco? If any of these questions sound ridiculous, there's a good reason for that! THEY ARE!

Now, think for a moment about the nature of your average adult toker and the prospect of growing becoming mainstream as a practice becomes even more absurd. Sure prices may fall, but never to $50 an ounce. And I can tell you this, I've been visiting Amsterdam for over 20 years and have never seen cheap weed there. In fairness, I have read it's damned cheap in Uruguay now (although I have no idea about quality there), but their economic situation (as a country or as a people) and indeed the country's economic status as a whole in no way mirrors that of the USA (their president drives to work in a Beetle).
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I believe what you're saying OP. I have reason to think that 50 years from now I'll look back and see what we all paid when it first started going legal. I picture it heavily taxed but similar to how we have cigarettes now. It will no doubt be cheaper than now, but it will take a long time for the greedy growers to let the price drop that much. The variation and genetic possibilities will keep it in a higher/more desirable price range, kinda like micro breweries making high price beer. Some will smoke it, most people won't due to all of the medical reports that will come out and tests done on users in the future but huge corporations, like you said the Weed Marlboros and Copenhagens and others that are still to be created will run the show for the public- like a Coor's Light of weed.

Great points. I like the beer example. And I think weed will be similar. You will have choices from super cheap to upper tier. I just think it gets cheaper across the board to produce in legal areas. Of course there will be taxes to pay. Competition will drive the price discounting the taxes.
..... And just so you know, the practice of price-setting in most businesses has a great deal more to do with how much can be extracted from the consumer, that any underlying costs of operation, unless said costs happen to be very high, which in this case, you argue they are not.
Great points. I like the beer example. And I think weed will be similar. You will have choices from super cheap to upper tier. I just think it gets cheaper across the board to produce in legal areas. Of course there will be taxes to pay. Competition will drive the price discounting the taxes.

Yeah, that's kinda what I think. Of course there will be the high price expensive stuff still, but there will definitely be mass produced stuff too that will be pretty cheap.

The average American in my opinion, doesn't drink Grey Goose or Guiness or Patron they drink Budweiser. Whoever out there genetically creates a strain of weed that calms and sedates and alleves small amounts of pain like ibuprofen but not too much and doesn't completely fuck you up will be rewarded by becoming rich as all hell. I think that even like packaged marijuana cigarettes, maybe mixed with tobacco or something or other fillers so they don't fuck you up too much, would be a pretty good idea. Anyone who can create weed that's a casual smoke for someone taking a smoke break and not fucking them up to drive or work will be a genious.

I know, I'm pretty stoned, but imagining is always fun.
Who do you know that rears cattle in order to eat meat and what proportion of the population produce their own spices or tomatoes?

Well, my son raises a few head of cattle on his 15 acres and several pigs. He slaughters one every now and then to keep his freezer stocked and takes a deer or 2 every year. His wife makes these funky soaps every now and then with lavender from her flower bed and grows a garden every year. He don't smoke though and also has a really good full time job so they just do it as a lifestyle choice really. Yeah, none of that is rocket science either. lol
Well I hope You were able to convince Yourself.I'll believe it when I see it,but my bud will stay with with Me before it get's slung for $500 a Lb.....
The Colorado store owner quoted below thinks so. And I agree. At the end of the day, cultivating great weed is NOT rocket science. Sure there is a learning curve, but the same exists growing high quality spices, tomatoes or even live stock or manufacturing anything else. But, like good genetic stock, the upper tier seeds, the nutrients, the equipment and even the education is easily obtainable. And like all other things, experience is attained over time and that along with the training is available right here on the rollitup.

I mean let's face of it, if you take away the costs associated with having to grow in stealth mode and the risks of getting popped serving the black market for a premium, being a great marihuana cultivator is no different than becoming a great commercial farmer of tomatoes, corn or any other consumable. And, some upper tier vegetables are available that are grown organically, hydroponic and indoors for a premium. But, even for those upper tier consumables the premium does not equal thousands of a percentage markup once there is competition. At the end of the day, people are willing to pay more for better product but at what margins can producers charge and still compete with every body else that is cultivating?

I think the days of paying $3000 a pound are coming to an end where it is legal. I could easily see it falling to $500 a pound or maybe even less, unless the Feds step in to control it like they do whiskey. Overall, I see super cheap dank coming available for consumers in legal areas, like beer, and for the connoisseur like many of the rollitupers, I see it becoming easier and less expensive to cultivate for personal use like home brewers. For those who want stupid large profits though, they will only be found in the black market.

For example, I've made awesome moonshine, and I can attest that making it in small batches on a stove top still(5 gallons of mash, maybe 1.5 gallon of 150 proof final product), it is more expensive to make your own than to go to the liquor store and buy it. After you purchase a good quality distillers yeast, the sugar, fruit or whatever your mash recipe calls for, you've probably got $10-$15 bucks in it. Which isn't bad except you also have to consider the time it takes, including the 5 or 6 hours to distill, and there isn't any profit to make the product for sell on a small scale. Yep, the Walmart affect killed it. And I think you will see that same affect in cultivating weed for profit. Affordable is a good thing tho for consumers.

Below is a great article on how an over abundance of great weed will drive down prices of legalized marihuana. Even the top shelf stuff. See the link for the full article.


"“I would not be surprised, given the flood that’s going to happen, if we see $10 and $15 eighths by early next year,” Khalatbari says. “I would believe that. I could see ounces being sold for $50. I truly see that happening, because there is going to be so much competition [and] people are becoming so efficient in their production. They’re automating much more. We’re seeing best practices settle in. There’s less risk in operating because people are operating at a higher level. I think we’re going to become a very efficient industry very quickly. We’re going to see competition, and we’re going to see prices hit rock bottom early next year.” At that point, he predicts, the black market will dwindle away."

I like it! After all there is no sense in paying stupid astronomical mark ups for upper tier weed. I figure my costs for growing one dank ass plant, which would give back at least a couple ounces would be at most $60(very high estimate). That includes the genetics(seed), nutrients and electricity. $30 an ounce not counting my time and 2 o's will easily last me 6 months.

But, that's very small time like the example of making whiskey. If I scaled that up to an efficient commercial level, I believe you could get costs under $10 an ounce. Using natural sunlight in a greenhouse setting and buying your supplies in bulk quantities. $50 an ounce would make for a 500% markup! That would easily pay a good wage for your time on a commercial scale.

What are the start up costs for a tiny hobby grow? I do LED now and a decent one of those can be had for a one plant grow for $100. A fan $10, a hempy bucket($3) and nutrients for about $30 and would last 2+ grows. Perlite $10 and will last many grows. Add an O3 generator for odor control about $40. You can throw CO2 in there as well for cheap. That and some time is all you need! And remember, these costs will spread out over many grows. I write these costs off anyway, since, all hobbies and past times cost money. And I consider myself more of a connoisseur, since I enjoy my grow and mostly just smoke to relax in the evening and to help me sleep.

Yes this is my first post, but I've done a heckuva lot of lurking here and much respect to you guys for sharing the knowledge of dankness. I have never been involved in the commerce of weed on the black market and I say free the weed everywhere and let us all grow our own. This whole prohibition caused all the bullshat, drama, expense and violence associated with MJ, which is a total fail on the human end. It's just weed and it's been around for 1000's of years. Not hurting anybody. Making it legal makes it cheaper and a better safer product for everyone.
The Colorado store owner quoted below thinks so. And I agree. At the end of the day, cultivating great weed is NOT rocket science.

We’re going to see competition, and we’re going to see prices hit rock bottom early next year.” At that point, he predicts, the black market will dwindle away."

Making it legal makes it cheaper and a better safer product for everyone.
Lol $50 oz's of top tier?

images (10).jpg

I don't sell my harvest for profit. I just keep family supplied . I can say that I haven't had to buy a bag in almost 5 years. I don't even buy seeds . I bought a FLO plant years ago and I just keep taking clones from plants before I throw them into flower. Just keep rotating.
Damn all these long novel post! Haha no but seriously I agree with both sides of the argument.

For the good or worse, Cannabis has become a large industry, so prices will fluctuate to fit the systems needs. ie pay for wages, investing, expanding etc etc.

In my view, In a capitalist system, the grower gets the least amount, while the middlemenS get the much larger piece of the pie.

So personally I avoid the system, and Instead have trusted friends and patients whom which I donate my top quality SUSTAINED cannabis for as cheap as I possibly could. yes I know it's contradiciting, but as As long as everything is sustained, and people are happy, i will be happy in a long run.

Capitalism is not sustained, it will eventually destroy it self, or me ;)
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no weed is equal

and 50 a ounce is too little

@GrowUrOwnDank have you ever had a grow op before????

if you have then you wouldnt support this

in my past 3 grows it was more work then just putting a seed in the ground i worried constantly about if it was okay

i had to carry water down to the grow op and you have to address the plant's health problems

its like a really needy pet

and the at the end of its grow cycle and you harvest it you have to trim the buds

and to trim a ounce of bud would take a while so 50 bucks a ounce is wrong

if it were say 150 a ounce for everything then it would be better around

and the people growing for the dispenserys only get like half of that so think about this for a second

you spent every breathing moment worried about those little fucks you water it and heal them and then come harvest time you have to actully cut the buds off then trim it just so and THEN you have to cure it just right

not to mention if you have spider mites and you actually manage to get rid of them there will still be dead mites and when they inspect it theyll see it and not buy it so then your out money that you need to pay rent and feed yourself and to cover the expenses for growing

so people take that risk and they damn well better make good money off of it

50 a ounce is fucking ridicules for a grower
Well, that was written from my own perspective and not necessarily a one size fits all perspective. Since I am not involved in a commercial scale, I really can't fathom ever wanting or needing a pound. That would probably last me 7 or 8 years. An 1/8th would last me at least a week. Just saying, if you crunch the numbers on a large commercial grow, over time, $500 a lb could be very profitable. Now a small indoor gorilla grower may not see a profit at that price .
Only if you are one of those Mexican farmers who intentionally run seeded bud, then use a clothing bailer to compress it.

Talk to any outdoor seasoned medical grower, and he or she will tell you they wouldn't waste their time growing for $50/zip.

If anything, lower prices will cause a shortage of experienced growers willing to spend time and resources to produce it.

Which is why prices have remained stable.:peace:
Only if you are one of those Mexican farmers who intentionally run seeded bud, then use a clothing bailer to compress it.

Talk to any outdoor seasoned medical grower, and he or she will tell you they wouldn't waste their time growing for $50/zip.

If anything, lower prices will cause a shortage of experienced growers willing to spend time and resources to produce it.

Which is why prices have remained stable.:peace:

Blaming the Mexicans are we? Lol
Be carefull you might come off as one of those, racist, bottle growing, chem herb type of growers.
no weed is equal

and 50 a ounce is too little

@GrowUrOwnDank have you ever had a grow op before????

if you have then you wouldnt support this

in my past 3 grows it was more work then just putting a seed in the ground i worried constantly about if it was okay

i had to carry water down to the grow op and you have to address the plant's health problems

its like a really needy pet

and the at the end of its grow cycle and you harvest it you have to trim the buds

and to trim a ounce of bud would take a while so 50 bucks a ounce is wrong

if it were say 150 a ounce for everything then it would be better around

and the people growing for the dispenserys only get like half of that so think about this for a second

you spent every breathing moment worried about those little fucks you water it and heal them and then come harvest time you have to actully cut the buds off then trim it just so and THEN you have to cure it just right

not to mention if you have spider mites and you actually manage to get rid of them there will still be dead mites and when they inspect it theyll see it and not buy it so then your out money that you need to pay rent and feed yourself and to cover the expenses for growing

so people take that risk and they damn well better make good money off of it

50 a ounce is fucking ridicules for a grower

Yeah man those are the black market issues that cause so much worry. I am talking about in a legal market. Where growers don't have to worry about getting popped.

I'm all about the legalize and grow your own bru. Does sound like you worry a bit too much about your grow. Just give it the light it needs and proper nutes and a little attention daily and let it do its thing. Quality comes from genetics, nutes and light. As for bugs, try hempy. It's easy and I've never had any probs with it. I tend to under nute at least until mid flower and I have mostly grown autos. KISS method. Thanks for your contribution.