2022 Massachusetts Outdoor Growers

I may have some far from scientific data to contribute about PM.
Overall plant health I believe is the best way to fight PM, but adding silica is supposed to strengthen cell walls so the mildew can't take hold.

Right now, in the garden I have a mix of veggies, my girl's cannabis in the soil, my four plants in bags and an orphan I inherited in a ceramic pot.

Most of the veggies are getting PM, the zucchinis, some right next to my grow bags are getting hit hard.

My girl's plants which are overall fairly healthy, just not very vigorous are getting hit a little on the leaves and a fair amount on the buds.

My plants which are dense bushes and don't get the best airflow through them don't have one spot of PM. These have been getting silica supplements since they came from the clone bucket.

The orphan plant, which is a weak low vigor plant that takes forever to green up its new growth also has no PM. I transplanted from a solo cup in early July and it has been getting the same feed as my plants since.

So....I dunno if the silica is really helping or if keeping my plants green and healthy is doing it. I guess father time will tell.
If people are interested, I can take some photos as time progresses.
So had my first major “ahhh crap“ moment this morning… Opened my blinds, looked out my 2nd floor window this morning where I can see all (7) of the tops of my pretty ladies. I was shocked at first, as it looked like a few went missing. My first thought was that I had night visitors that helped them walk away but alas… not true! Instead seems they experienced a “wind fall” that initially toppled (1) of the ladies, causing a domino affect, that tipped (2) more ladies… (3) 7’ ladies laying on their sides <sigh>. These girls are in 10 gallon fabric pots, currently with plenty wet enough soil. To my own detriment… Hind sight reminds me that I knew that when using 10 gallon pots that toppling was a real possibility already, especially with their height and heavy tops, so I coulda, shoulda had them tied off to my deck rails already. My bad! The wife to her credit got up with me offering moral support and went out and helped me stand them back up without any more damage, so they’re back up AND tied off securely now (I think I’ll keep her! Lol ;)) Doesn’t seem like I lost to much as they were pretty well tied off within the pots in no less than (3) places up to the top of their bamboo posts already. Results look like just a couple bent/snapped side branches but no “broken” main stocks. Whew… looks like a disaster averted! Btw… Worth noting, 38 degrees predicted for Orange MA as the overnight temperatures tonight!
Glad you didn’t have a lot of damage. No tropical storms or much by way of thunderstorms this summer during the drought had me complacent as well, which is why I was out frantically staking the heaviest branches and retying the main stems higher up a couple of mornings ago just ahead of the thunderstorms.
Glad you didn’t have a lot of damage. No tropical storms or much by way of thunderstorms this summer during the drought had me complacent as well, which is why I was out frantically staking the heaviest branches and retying the main stems higher up a couple of mornings ago just ahead of the thunderstorms.
Thanks! I also reviewed and actually did do some individual branch securing before those storms too. Again hindsight, but seems I was just oblivious to locking them in vertically to their external sitting locations… Till this morning anyway! It was definitely a “duh what the hell were you thinking” moment. :D
I may have some far from scientific data to contribute about PM.
Overall plant health I believe is the best way to fight PM, but adding silica is supposed to strengthen cell walls so the mildew can't take hold.

Right now, in the garden I have a mix of veggies, my girl's cannabis in the soil, my four plants in bags and an orphan I inherited in a ceramic pot.

Most of the veggies are getting PM, the zucchinis, some right next to my grow bags are getting hit hard.

My girl's plants which are overall fairly healthy, just not very vigorous are getting hit a little on the leaves and a fair amount on the buds.

My plants which are dense bushes and don't get the best airflow through them don't have one spot of PM. These have been getting silica supplements since they came from the clone bucket.

The orphan plant, which is a weak low vigor plant that takes forever to green up its new growth also has no PM. I transplanted from a solo cup in early July and it has been getting the same feed as my plants since.

So....I dunno if the silica is really helping or if keeping my plants green and healthy is doing it. I guess father time will tell.
If people are interested, I can take some photos as time progresses.
What's the strain?
Was able to get up early like a good boy and spray before the sun fully came out.. soaked em good.. will go out later and remove any rot at all.. will keep you posted on the results.
A reminder of why we do this. Here is some of the fruit of my labors last year - a quarter ounce hunk of hash from last year’s Tirah crop. Dry-sifted in February in the cold in the middle of the night out in the garage, kept the kief in the freezer until this week, and made heel hash out of it the other day by just putting 7 grams on Saran Wrap, dripping a couple of grams of water on it, and into my sneaker it went for the day.

May not be the most authentic way of doing it, but I gotta stay within my limited skill set lol

So had my first major “ahhh crap“ moment this morning… Opened my blinds, looked out my 2nd floor window this morning where I can see all (7) of the tops of my pretty ladies. I was shocked at first, as it looked like a few went missing. My first thought was that I had night visitors that helped them walk away but alas… not true! Instead seems they experienced a “wind fall” that initially toppled (1) of the ladies, causing a domino affect, that tipped (2) more ladies… (3) 7’ ladies laying on their sides <sigh>. These girls are in 10 gallon fabric pots, currently with plenty wet enough soil. To my own detriment… Hind sight reminds me that I knew that when using 10 gallon pots that toppling was a real possibility already, especially with their height and heavy tops, so I coulda, shoulda had them tied off to my deck rails already. My bad! The wife to her credit got up with me offering moral support and went out and helped me stand them back up without any more damage, so they’re back up AND tied off securely now (I think I’ll keep her! Lol ;)) Doesn’t seem like I lost to much as they were pretty well tied off within the pots in no less than (3) places up to the top of their bamboo posts already. Results look like just a couple bent/snapped side branches but no “broken” main stocks. Whew… looks like a disaster averted! Btw… Worth noting, 38 degrees predicted for Orange MA as the overnight temperatures tonight!
Yo, Poco56, I'm west of you on rt 2 up by the bowling alley and the CT River. That same storm had me and my lady out there at midnight, tying shit up that fell over, was redonkulous. Pretty sure was same storm. I had one plant blown over, was some time before I got to it, and even though I fixed, tied up, tree-ahged it, mold set in quickly where the damaged crushed buds were, and that plant was eventually scrapped.
Been some wicked storms, if you ever go down Pisgah Mt road, take a right on Pisgah and the first right down to the meadows, you'll see a tornado hit there and absolutely destroyed hundreds of trees, the damage is jaw dropping.
A reminder of why we do this. Here is some of the fruit of my labors last year - a quarter ounce hunk of hash from last year’s Tirah crop. Dry-sifted in February in the cold in the middle of the night out in the garage, kept the kief in the freezer until this week, and made heel hash out of it the other day by just putting 7 grams on Saran Wrap, dripping a couple of grams of water on it, and into my sneaker it went for the day.

May not be the most authentic way of doing it, but I gotta stay within my limited skill set lol

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Is the sneaker a secret technique, or...? Something you've developed over time?
I may have some far from scientific data to contribute about PM.
Overall plant health I believe is the best way to fight PM, but adding silica is supposed to strengthen cell walls so the mildew can't take hold.

Right now, in the garden I have a mix of veggies, my girl's cannabis in the soil, my four plants in bags and an orphan I inherited in a ceramic pot.

Most of the veggies are getting PM, the zucchinis, some right next to my grow bags are getting hit hard.

My girl's plants which are overall fairly healthy, just not very vigorous are getting hit a little on the leaves and a fair amount on the buds.

My plants which are dense bushes and don't get the best airflow through them don't have one spot of PM. These have been getting silica supplements since they came from the clone bucket.

The orphan plant, which is a weak low vigor plant that takes forever to green up its new growth also has no PM. I transplanted from a solo cup in early July and it has been getting the same feed as my plants since.

So....I dunno if the silica is really helping or if keeping my plants green and healthy is doing it. I guess father time will tell.
If people are interested, I can take some photos as time progresses.
What type silica have you used?
No, the sneaker hash technique has been around for a while, Frenchy Cannoli and other hash gurus covered it - I certainly didn’t invent it. It’s just a way of applying a little heat and pressure to form the hash from powdery dry sift into something solid without having to tie your hands up doing it.
No, the sneaker hash technique has been around for a while, Frenchy Cannoli and other hash gurus covered it - I certainly didn’t invent it. It’s just a way of applying a little heat and pressure to form the hash from powdery dry sift into something solid without having to tie your hands up doing it.
Send me a link in messqge please, lol
Yo, Poco56, I'm west of you on rt 2 up by the bowling alley and the CT River. That same storm had me and my lady out there at midnight, tying shit up that fell over, was redonkulous. Pretty sure was same storm. I had one plant blown over, was some time before I got to it, and even though I fixed, tied up, tree-ahged it, mold set in quickly where the damaged crushed buds were, and that plant was eventually scrapped.
Been some wicked storms, if you ever go down Pisgah Mt road, take a right on Pisgah and the first right down to the meadows, you'll see a tornado hit there and absolutely destroyed hundreds of trees, the damage is jaw dropping.
Hey PVOG, Funny you should say that… I had to make a quick trip to Greenfield down Rt. 2 just this afternoon and obviously went right by that area but not down Pisga Mt Road of course. So far I’ve only found only (2) minor instances visually of bud rot, (2) different plants, (1) of them being one of the (3) that tipped over... but I’m well aware of what that means as you suggest and how vile rot and my distain for it is :finger: lol and now got constant eyes on them ladies. I got (2) that are pretty close so I’ll pull them if I feel its their best alternative. I pray to RA, the Sun god for just a few more weeks of drought! Thursday not withstanding with more rain expected already.:)
What type silica have you used?

I use Potassium Silicate. In the past I have used liquids like Armour Si and Protekt, right now I'm using Agsil16H powder to make a stock solution.
For the convenience factor after this batch of powder, I'm gonna pick up a gallon of Armour Si.

The medical plants are still going strong. The squashes right next to them are crippled by PM and got maybe a week left.