Gettin overloaded with new acronyms and terms. PM, the milk and h202trick, this BT stuff that i should spray on my plant, my heads spinning guys.
PM= powdery mildew, can be controlled with a milk/water spray, the h2o2 basically does the same, 1part hydrogen peroxide, 3 parts water. BT is for caterpillars, which burrow into your best buds, lay eggs and webs and also lead to rot. You can apply the milk or h2o2 mixtures with a small spray bottle, the BT should be sprayed with a pump sprayer (Hudson makes a good one) as you can mix 1 gallon or 5, however many you need. Plants should be sprayed top to bottom. BT also controls and eradicates borer worms, which can wreck a harvest in 48 hours. It's a great preventative, where as the other two sprays, are a treatment to stop PM as it occurs. PM, or powdery mildew is visible as a light grey, or gray spots and splotches. It spreads quickly and is quite destructive.
Botrytis is the Grey mold. The nasty, white fuzzy mold, also called white powdery mildew, or white mold, is Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, and that shits nasty.

Now I could be wrong about some of these types and their effects, but not too wrong. The first thing you'll usually see is the Grey PM. You won't see the nastier stuff til it's deep in your bud, once it surfaces, look carefully and often.
Immediately cut out any infections, place them in a sealed bag and get them far away from your garden. Never throw leaves and cuttings on the ground.
And although you can't see it, there's billions of spores on those little grey splotches, and they can and will burst into the air, and spread. So cut the infected branch right into a bag qnd get it the hell outta there.
Lastly, we come to spider mites. They cause a mold in their own fucked up way, causing major damage.
This year, I haven't but should have, used a mite-cide. Growers Ally again, puts one out. They actually have a 3 in one called Crop Defender that I'm definitely using next season. Spider mites can also move in and spread very quickly, and fuck your whole cha-cha up.
Hope this helps, just a little intel. I've grown outside for a while with no sprays, no chemicals of any kind. With the organic boom, plant based sprays have come a long way. Like citric based fungicides.
Growing in Massachusetts is a humbling experience, one that has many ups qnd downs.
And that's all I got for now.
I hope this absolves you of many headaches that I've gone through.
Use Crop Defender 3 fungicide for plants to control pests and prevent mildew. OMRI Listed®, this formula works on spider mites, thrips, and more.