2019 Election Talk

Why are you so full of shit/poop/angst?
I have to take back what I just said about you at least not being a pedophile. I just looked and the sicko who brought “sexualization of children” into a discussion about the social construct of gender and fluidity of biological sex and he got one single sad little like - from you

Fucking sicko
You guys don’t have any opinions on gender dysphoria, you have a conspiracy theory that denies its existence completely because for some reason this condition threatens your insecure masculinity and heterosexuality

Hell, I’ll give you a tad of credit though, at least it didn’t make you think about raping children, like it did to jefferson77 and a couple other hopeless reprobates

No, I didn't deny it exists. I actually respect the right of an individual to choose which gender they identify with and everything in between. I just think it's bad policy to leave those decisions to parents, and I showed you examples why parents should not be left to their own motivations.
No, I didn't deny it exists. I actually respect the right of an individual to choose which gender they identify with and everything in between. I just think it's bad policy to leave those decisions to parents, and I showed you examples why parents should not be left to their own motivations.
Nothing says freedom like having the state decide how you will care for your own children because a bunch of dumb angry bigots on the internet are insecure about their fragile heterosexuality
Nothing says freedom like having the state decide how you will care for your own children because a bunch of dumb angry bigots on the internet are insecure about their fragile heterosexuality
Giving hormone blockers to toddlers is not caring for your children, it's fucking stupid and so are you for defending it.
That was actually @GreenHighlander on page 5 and you gave him a like for it

You must feel pretty stupid now that I point that out, eh?
No I don't feel stupid, but I am certain you are.
Only piece of shit people feel the need to justify the sexualization of children and anyone who does is a sick fuck .

Cheers :)
This is what I liked, how does that make me a pedo buck? You are confused.
Giving hormone blockers to toddlers is not caring for your children, it's fucking stupid and so are you for defending it.
Well if you deny the existence of gender dysphoria that would make sense but unfortunately for you gender dysphoria is real and exists so what you just said is pretty fucking stupid
No I don't feel stupid, but I am certain you are.

This is what I liked, how does that make me a pedo buck? You are confused.
Why would you bring up “sexualization of children” into a discussion about the social construct of gender and the fluid nature of biological sex unless you are some kind of a sick pedophile?
If you had even the slightest amount of reading comprehension you would of noticed not once did I deny anything.
Now go back to being ok with pushing pills on kids you sick fuck.

Cheers :)
What exactly made you start thinking of “sexualization of children”?

I was talking about how gender is just a social construct and thus how gender identity can be anything you want it to be. I was also talking about how biological sex is rather fluid, citing duck transitions and the existence of far more than 2 biological sexes as proof

For some reason this all triggered feelings in you about raping children and I just want to know what is going on in your fucked up, sicko head for that to have happened
What exactly made you start thinking of “sexualization of children”?

I was talking about how gender is just a social construct and thus how gender identity can be anything you want it to be. I was also talking about how biological sex is rather fluid, citing duck transitions and the existence of far more than 2 biological sexes as proof

For some reason this all triggered feelings in you about raping children and I just want to know what is going on in your fucked up, sicko head for that to have happened

I hope you one day find and receive the help you soooo desperately need.

Cheers :)
It is and it isn't. Have you ever feared being somewhere alone with a woman cause she may beat and rape you?
..in a small room
..packed with 18 to 20 NAKED chicks
.....all ready to beat yer sorry ass.
if yer not careful!!

YES YES and YES I certainly have lol (:
Nothing says freedom like having the state decide how you will care for your own children because a bunch of dumb angry bigots on the internet are insecure about their fragile heterosexuality

Pretty sure the state makes sure you do lots of things for your children, and some parents can't even handle the basics. Parents go to jail every day for child abuse, so no, we don't let families police themselves in regards to their children, because they've proven to be too stupid. Why should this be any different?
Pretty sure the state makes sure you do lots of things for your children, and some parents can't even handle the basics. Parents go to jail every day for child abuse, so no, we don't let families police themselves in regards to their children, because they've proven to be too stupid. Why should this be any different?
Are you honestly asking me why standards for child abuse shouldn’t be based on the dumb angry yells of bigots like you versus the settled science about the existence of gender dysphoria?