Well-Known Member
YESHave you ever feared being somewhere alone with a woman cause she may beat and rape you?
YESHave you ever feared being somewhere alone with a woman cause she may beat and rape you?
Are you honestly asking me why standards for child abuse shouldn’t be based on the dumb angry yells of bigots like you versus the settled science about the existence of gender dysphoria?
Toddlers do not struggle with gender dysphoria, toddlers struggle with shitting their pants before making it to the potty, sleeping and runny noses. Anyone giving hormone blockers or gender altering surgery to a minor is completely out of line, including the doctors involved.There’s nothing wrong in helping someone who struggles with gender dysphoria, you’re just fragile, insecure and brainwashed by right wing propaganda
Your fellow dumb angry bigot just posted proof otherwise while trying to contradict meToddlers do not struggle with gender dysphoria, toddlers struggle with shitting their pants before making it to the potty, sleeping and runny noses. Anyone giving hormone blockers or gender altering surgery to a minor is completely out of line, including the doctors involved.
Well get a law passed or get the fuck out of the country. You can leave if you don’t like it hereThe American psychiatric society disagrees with you, so science and stuff.
"Similarly children with gender dysphoria may express the wish to be of the opposite gender and may assert they are (or will grow up to be) of the opposite gender. They prefer, or demand, clothing, hairstyles and to be called a name of the opposite gender. (Medical transition is only relevant at and after the onset of puberty.)"
"For children, cross-gender behaviors may start between ages 2 and 4, the same age at which most typically developing children begin showing gendered behaviors and interests. Gender atypical behavior is common among young children and may be part of normal development. Children who meet the criteria for gender dysphoria may or may not continue to experience it into adolescence and adulthood. Some research shows that children who had more intense symptoms and distress, who were more persistent, insistent and consistent in their cross-gender statements and behaviors, and who used more declarative statements (“I am a boy (or girl)” rather than “I want to be a boy (or girl)”) were more likely to become transgender adults."
This is why we shouldn't allow parents to transition children, and I quote...
"Gender atypical behavior is common among young children and may be part of normal development."
Don’t need to have met one to know gender dysphoria is real and very documented by loads of scientific research
I was asking your fellow dumb angry bigot since he clearly dismissed the mountains of research and proof. Sometimes only seeing is believing, not that a bunch of shameless and depraved dumb angry bigots like you guys could make room in your empty shells for empathy
gen·der dys·pho·ri·a
/ˈjendər disˈfôrēə/
- the condition of feeling one's emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one's biological sex
YesLet me get this straight, and this is a serious question, not meant to further provoke:
Are you saying that a 3 year old can experience this, be certain enough about it to convince their parents that this is what they want? And the parents decide they must be right?
Or do the parents see the little boy pick up his sisters doll, and decide he must be a girl?
I can see a child slowly starting to wonder about their gender as they get older, but there is a reason there is a legal age where they may make certain decisions, and once they turn that age, they can do whatever they like.
There’s a diagnostic criteria, don’t be fucking stupidYes, to all?
So if I see my 3 year old boy pick up his sisters doll, I should book an appointment to see a doctor about transitioning him to a female? And you suggest that doctors would see that as a valid reason? You did answer yes...
You don't see anything wrong with that?
There’s a diagnostic criteria, don’t be fucking stupid
Are you saying that a 3 year old can experience this, be certain enough about it to convince their parents that this is what they want? And the parents decide they must be right?
Or do the parents see the little boy pick up his sisters doll, and decide he must be a girl?
There’s a diagnostic criteria, don’t be fucking stupid
There’s a diagnostic criteria, don’t be fucking stupid
Check the dsm-v insecure guyWhat was it like? Did they ask you a lot of questions?
the APA is in no way a part of the governmentSo, the state that wasn't responsible enough to make those decisions for the parents, will now be making the decisions for the parents via a list of diagnostic criteria.
Check the dsm-v insecure guy
How about you let their parents figure it out with them and you just mind your own fucking businessI'm curious why you think I'm insecure?
I didn't say that kids can't "want to be a different gender" or that they cannot be diagnosed with gender dysphoria.
I don't agree that they have the capacity to make a decision such as this that will alter their entire life. Stick with dressing and acting like the opposite sex, when you turn the age of majority, then decide if you want to start treatment. That's all...
How about you let their parents figure it out with them and you just mind your own fucking business
Treating gender dysphoria is the same as treating depression or anything else in the dsm-vBecause its monstrous child abuse. No shock Unclebuck wants kids to be able to make adult decisions or at least let their parents do it for them. Probably wants to see if his neighbors have babies for sale for his sexual amusement.