2019 Election Talk

Treating gender dysphoria is the same as treating depression or anything else in the dsm-v

Not sure why this makes you think about raping children, I think that makes you a sicko even more than your disdain for basic science

OK Psychopath.

Here's what your favorite social constructionist psychopath thinks about child rape. And suggesting a child can make this kind of decision which is beyond life altering is suggesting they can consent to anything you sick fuck. And yeah a lot of you sick fucks occupy positions all through government and various medical associations.

Here's what the father of the social constructionist retardation thought about child rape:

One day in 1867, a farm hand from the village of Lapcourt, who was somewhat simple-minded, employed here then there, depending on the season, living hand-to-mouth from a little charity or in exchange for the worst sort of labor, sleeping in barns and stables, was turned in to the authorities. At the border of a field, he had obtained a few caresses from a little girl, just as he had done before and seen done by the village urchins round about him; for, at the edge of the wood, or in the ditch by the road leading to Saint-Nicolas, they would play the familiar game called ‘curdled milk.’ So he was pointed out by the girl’s parents to the mayor of the village, reported by the mayor to the gendarmes, led by the gendarmes to the judge, who indicted him and turned him over first to a doctor, then to two other experts who not only wrote their report but also had it published. What is the significant thing about this story? The pettiness of it all; the fact that this everyday occurrence in the life of village sexuality, these inconsequential bucolic pleasures, could become, from a certain time, the object not only of a collective intolerance but of a judicial action, a medical intervention, a careful clinical examination, and an entire theoretical elaboration.

The harm in this scenario, according to Foucault, was the ‘authoritarian investigation’ which forced the ‘village halfwit’ to speak about giving ‘a few pennies to the little girls for favours the older ones refused him’.

J. C. Jones provides further information of Foucault’s treatment of this incident of child sexual abuse. She details how

with the publication of Abnormal — the 1974–75 lectures at the College de France — we now know that Foucault’s treatment of the case in The History of Sexuality was not his first. On this occasion he gives more detail about the ‘obtained caresses’ than he was willing to put into print, while nonetheless retaining his stance of steadfast obfuscation and assuring his audience that the matter “you will see…is extremely banal.” …The farm hand named — amusingly Foucault imagines — Jouy, was, we learn, “denounced…by the parents of a little girl he had almost, partly, or more or less raped.” The assault occurred on “the day of the village festival” when “Jouy dragged young Sophie Adam (unless it was Sophie Adam who dragged Charles Jouy) into the ditch alongside the road to Nancy. There, something happened: almost rape, perhaps.” But this is nothing to trouble ourselves about. Jouy, you will be reassured, “very decently gives four sous to the little girl” who entirely unperturbed “immediately runs to the fair to buy some roasted almonds”.

Sexual violence and child abuse are ‘extremely banal’ for Foucault. He presents the giving of money as purchasing the child’s consent after the act and thus changing the reality of the event. The notion that changing the discourse changes the experience and truth is particularly useful for queer theory which promotes men’s sexual rights and paedophilia.

Despite the supposed banality of adult sexual activity with children, Foucault remained concerned with age of consent legislation. In 1977 Foucault signed a petition to the French Parliament arguing for the abolition of all legislation regarding the age of consent, the effective legalisation of paedophilia.

In 1978 Foucault participated in a radio broadcast which once again argued that age of consent legislation should be abolished and that children’s sexuality and supposed desire for sex with adults should be acknowledged. Published as ‘The Danger of Child Sexuality — an interview with Michel Foucault’, following Foucault’s introduction Guy Hocquenghem sums up the position of the three male thinkers:

Six months ago we launched a petition demanding the abrogation of a number of articles in the law, in particular those concerning relations between and decriminalization of relations between adults and minors below the age of fifteen. A lot of people signed it, people belonging to a wide range of political positions.

There we have a justification for the legalisation of paedophilia based on its supposed popularity. This radio broadcast also included a startling defence of videos of child sexual abuse. Hocquenghem argued that

When someone says that child pornography is the most terrible of present scandals, one cannot but be struck by the disproportion between this — child pornography, which is not even prostitution — and everything that is happening in the world today- what the black population has to put up with in the United States, for instance.

Yes, in this radio broadcast of a conversation between Foucault and two of his contemporaries it is being argued that because black people suffer racism in America that the sexual abuse of children should be filmed and distributed. The mind boggles. Foucault responded that ‘the child, with his own sexuality, may have desired that adult, he may even have consented, he may even have made the first moves. We may even agree that it was he who seduced the adult’ and claimed that legislation regarding ‘the relations between child and adult sexuality [were]extremely questionable’.

That is the founding father of postmodernism and the underpinnings of queer theory. Hocquenghem continued the conversation alleging that

There is a whole mixture of notions that makes it possible to fabricate this notion of crime or offence against decency… which comprises both the religious prohibitions concerning sodomy and the completely new notions, to which Michel Foucault has just referred, about what people think they know of the total difference between the world of the child and the world of the adult. But todays overall tendency is indisputably not only to fabricate a type of crime that is quite simply the erotic or sensual relationship between a child and an adult.

Yes, these men publicly argued that adults penetrating children is a fabricated crime because people are ignorant and arrogant in asserting the separation of the world and understanding of a child and an adult. One presumes that their next campaign is for child prime ministers, child intellectuals and if they need medical care they will allow a child to perform it? When sexual abusers make the argument that children can understand and enjoy sex with adults they never carry it over to other aspects of life. This notion of child consent and child focus on activities regarding their genitals is something we see carried over by queer theory in the concept of the transgender child. With such an intellectual pedigree is it any wonder that alarm bells are ringing?

The third speaker, Jean Danet, offers more theorising on consent and paedophilia. Danet made the case that

When we say that the problem of consent is quite central in matters concerned with pedophilia, we are not… saying that consent is always there. But — and this is where one may separate the attitude of the law with regard to rape and with regard to pedophilia — in the case of rape, judges consider that there is a presumption of consent on the part of the woman and that the opposite has to be demonstrated. Whereas where pedophilia is concerned… It’s considered that there is a presumption of non-consent, a presumption of violence, even in a case where no charge of an indecent act with violence has been made, that is… with consenting pleasure — because it has to be said that this act without violence is the repressive, legal translation of consenting pleasure. It’s pretty clear haw the system of proof is manipulated in opposite ways in the case of rape of women and in the case of indecent assault on a minor.

There is some mighty projection occurring with the notion of ‘consenting pleasure’. The two are incomparable, women have the adult faculties and understanding to engage in sexual activity, children do not. Foucault was clear that ‘an age barrier laid down by law does not have much sense. Again, the child may be trusted to say whether or not he was subjected to violence’.


The tolerance for this shit is being quickly evaporated. Keep on chirping though pedophile fuckwit. I bolded the last part because you're a fucking moron.
OK Psychopath.

Here's what your favorite social constructionist psychopath thinks about child rape. And suggesting a child can make this kind of decision which is beyond life altering is suggesting they can consent to anything you sick fuck. And yeah a lot of you sick fucks occupy positions all through government and various medical associations.

Here's what the father of the social constructionist retardation thought about child rape:


The tolerance for this shit is being quickly evaporated. Keep on chirping though pedophile fuckwit. I bolded the last part because you're a fucking moron.
Who said anything about any child making any decision? There’s a diagnostic criteria, just like there is for depression or adhd or dyslexia

I don’t know why you’re so fixated on raping children. That’s not healthy. Just like how you want to shoot dogs.

Get some fucking help and break your addiction to this right wing propaganda that consumes you
Mind your own fucking business and let parents raise their kids

They don’t want or need bigot fucktards firing off their cock holsters about the tough decisions they and their children face

80% of children who experience gender dysphoria grow out of it. So that'll be nice when little Johnny wants to have sex but his parents cut his penis off.

The suicide rate amongst transgender individuals is around 40%. Comparable to Jewish prisoners in world war two. And no it doesn't fluctuate after hormonal or surgical intervention. It's ok if your child is experiencing gender dysphoria. Chopping them up is not making their lives any easier.

It's been documented time and time again as a mental illness and I'm not being insensitive. I think its insensitive to exploit it and now we've got parents pushing their agenda on their children and mutilating their genitals. Child abuse on a whole new level. It's disgusting. And i will always call out a parent who abuses their children.
I like to protect children from monsters like yourself. Please do the world a favor and eat a bullet.
You’re the monster here, leaving a child to go without the treatment they need to be healthy.

And you’re dangerously fascinated with violence and shooting dogs and raping kids

80% of children who experience gender dysphoria grow out of it. So that'll be nice when little Johnny wants to have sex but his parents cut his penis off.

The suicide rate amongst transgender individuals is around 40%. Comparable to Jewish prisoners in world war two. And no it doesn't fluctuate after hormonal or surgical intervention. It's ok if your child is experiencing gender dysphoria. Chopping them up is not making their lives any easier.

It's been documented time and time again as a mental illness and I'm not being insensitive. I think its insensitive to exploit it and now we've got parents pushing their agenda on their children and mutilating their genitals. Child abuse on a whole new level. It's disgusting. And i will always call out a parent who abuses their children.
Nice “facts”. Maybe try citing them

And the high suicide rate among those that struggle with gender identity is the result of abuse lobbed at them by dumb angry bigots like you
Because its monstrous child abuse. No shock Unclebuck wants kids to be able to make adult decisions or at least let their parents do it for them. Probably wants to see if his neighbors have babies for sale for his sexual amusement.
Bro youre a f'en blabbering jack ass. Stfu, youre too f'en stupid to be aware of your own pitiable cognitive deficits and hobbled imagination.. Respect yourself no one else will.


80% of children who experience gender dysphoria grow out of it. So that'll be nice when little Johnny wants to have sex but his parents cut his penis off.

The suicide rate amongst transgender individuals is around 40%. Comparable to Jewish prisoners in world war two. And no it doesn't fluctuate after hormonal or surgical intervention. It's ok if your child is experiencing gender dysphoria. Chopping them up is not making their lives any easier.

It's been documented time and time again as a mental illness and I'm not being insensitive. I think its insensitive to exploit it and now we've got parents pushing their agenda on their children and mutilating their genitals. Child abuse on a whole new level. It's disgusting. And i will always call out a parent who abuses their children.
"Fact time" ? stooge "facts" arent what they told you they are at imbecile hockey camp.
Lol hes upvoting with his obvious sock puppet. Its actually 90 percent. And I have seen many a horror story post operation where the person in question kills themselves not long after. But yeah you are really caring you sick fuck.
Go ahead and make up more fake stats that you’ll never cite
Nice “facts”. Maybe try citing them

And the high suicide rate among those that struggle with gender identity is the result of abuse lobbed at them by dumb angry bigots like you
You think transgenders are treated worse than Jews under Nazi rule?

These facts are readily available and well known.
"Fact time" ? stooge "facts" arent what they told you they are at imbecile hockey camp.
If you had refuting statistics, you'd be trying to prove me wrong. FACT TIME ROUND TWO. Men are men and women are women. And no amount of faux science can change that. However, i will respect pronouns and I don't hate people because they are transgender. I hate all the nonsensical, illogical bull shit propaganda that this movement has been cramming down the public's throat.
If you had refuting statistics, you'd be trying to prove me wrong. FACT TIME ROUND TWO. Men are men and women are women. And no amount of faux science can change that. However, i will respect pronouns and I don't hate people because they are transgender. I hate all the nonsensical, illogical bull shit propaganda that this movement has been cramming down the public's throat.
Bro youre f'en fapping, i dont GAF about your simple hopes and beliefs.
If you had refuting statistics, you'd be trying to prove me wrong. FACT TIME ROUND TWO. Men are men and women are women. And no amount of faux science can change that. However, i will respect pronouns and I don't hate people because they are transgender. I hate all the nonsensical, illogical bull shit propaganda that this movement has been cramming down the public's throat.

Your argument is that treating gender dysphoria is child abuse. No reputable organization would ever say this.

My argument is just let parents deal with their children’s gender dysphoria the best they can using proven science from reputable organizations like the APA.

Your argument is right wing propaganda and mine is sound advice to trust doctors and scientists

Sometimes biological males find their best fit in life as the social construct of a female, and that’s ok. They’re not hurting anyone

Your dumb angry loud bigotry does hurt people and it’s not even good advice
@UncleBuck starting to sound like he wants his balls waxed and doesn't care what you think.

Gender Dysphoria is a mental disorder that should NOT be treated by positive reinforcement through medically induced "gender" swapping.
If someone has a mental disorder we don't cater society to them, we help them cope with it so they can live a normal life.
Dress how you want, marry who you want, live how you want, but dear Lord stop giving children hormone replacement therapy when it is incredibly dangerous.

Arguing that parents should be allowed to inject their children with hormones because their CHILD decided they want to be a different gender is disgusting.
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I was talking about how gender is just a social construct and thus how gender identity can be anything you want it to be.

A. This is how the progressives lost the feminists. They fought for 1000 years to be recognized and now you can just identify as anything you want.

B. If gender is just a social construct, why do the kids need hormone therapy? Just say you're a boy or a girl or a ??? and move on with life.
The fact that parents give them hormones just proves they believe in 2 binary genders.

The density of some skulls these days...
@UncleBuck starting to sound like he wants his balls waxed and doesn't care what you think.

Gender Dysphoria is a mental disorder that should NOT be treated by positive reinforcement through medically induced "gender" swapping.
If someone has a mental disorder we don't cater society to them, we help them cope with it so they can live a normal life.
Dress how you want, marry who you want, live how you want, but dear Lord stop giving children hormone replacement therapy when it is incredibly dangerous.

Arguing that parents should be allowed to inject their children with hormones because their CHILD decided they want to be a different gender is disgusting.
edited but

uhuh! (:

Your argument is that treating gender dysphoria is child abuse. No reputable organization would ever say this.

My argument is just let parents deal with their children’s gender dysphoria the best they can using proven science from reputable organizations like the APA.

Your argument is right wing propaganda and mine is sound advice to trust doctors and scientists

Sometimes biological males find their best fit in life as the social construct of a female, and that’s ok. They’re not hurting anyone

Your dumb angry loud bigotry does hurt people and it’s not even good advice

You havent said anything that makes any amount of sense at all. That's what people who can't hold up their own end of an argument do. Name call and avoid the point. Its okay UncleBuck. Maybe you'll pull your head outta your ass one day.