2019 Election Talk

Well thats a very fair argument. So I'll just list my points here.

1. There have been cases of pedos entering female washrooms and claiming to be trans as a means to gain access.

2. Trudy made it a punishable offence to misgender someone. (There are underlying issues here too.)

3. Parents are hormonally and surgically fucking up their children.

4. I dont want my 4 year old daughter in the same bathroom as a grown man who thinks hes a women. Not saying all transsexuals are pedos. At all. But i don't think its appropriate.

I understand that people are trying to make the trans argument on the premise that sex and gender are separate but hard ass science proves otherwise. I dont believe the mind is a prison. People do extraordinary things every day. You dont have to be confused about your gender to be exceptional. In fact that makes you mentally ill.

Having said that, i even have trans friends who are very good people and I respect their pronouns. It's not trans people I have issues with. It's the extreme side of it that is becoming prevalent in society.

If these are your real worries well lets just break them down..

1. Although there may be a case of this somewhere, statistically by an astronomical percentage it is more likely your kid is going to be molested by one of you or your partners close friends, their teacher, their church leader, or their coach than by a trans person.

2. This is simply not true, stop reading the rebel. The bill you likely believe to be making this illegal is C-16, the reason I know this is because fucktards on the right ran wild with it while at the same time clearly not understanding what the bill said (likely due a complete lack of actually reading it to begin with, much like M-103 where idiots didn't know the difference between a motion and a bill).

3. Not enough evidence to support this claim, this is belief you have, you do not have or at least have not presented data validating this statement however. Ethically and legally these procedures would not be available if the scientific consensus did not currently say that you are completely incorrect.

4. This is a you issue, you should be more worried about white males known by you or your partner being around your daughter statistically.

Yes there have been studies that show a "male and female" brain. What they dont tell you in these studies is that the brain starts to change ONLY after the individual has been given hormones and hormone blockers.

This is false, you making this statement tells me that you are not only dismissing studies by actual experts who know far more about it than either of us ever will, but you are doing so without even reading the work you are dismissing. Here is part of the actual text from one of them that you are dismissing "Brain activity and structure in transgender adolescents more closely resembles the typical activation patterns of their desired gender, according to findings to be presented in Barcelona, at the European Society of Endocrinology annual meeting, ECE 2018. These findings suggest that differences in brain function may occur early in development and that brain imaging may be a useful tool for earlier identification of transgenderism in young people."

I can accept that you are not going to change your views, as I said a week or so ago the questions I ask are to see how people come to their beliefs and how willing they are to change based on verified accepted expert evidence.
I am done with this conversation now (and "politics" on this board in general), all that needs to be said has been, I have verified what I believed from the beginning through the answers provided.

Don't take my disagreement with you as an attack on you or even a dislike of you, I simply disagree and was interested how you came to your views. I look forward to discussing cannabis in the future :peace:
If these are your real worries well lets just break them down..

1. Although there may be a case of this somewhere, statistically by an astronomical percentage it is more likely your kid is going to be molested by one of you or your partners close friends, their teacher, their church leader, or their coach than by a trans person.

2. This is simply not true, stop reading the rebel. The bill you likely believe to be making this illegal is C-16, the reason I know this is because fucktards on the right ran wild with it while at the same time clearly not understanding what the bill said (likely due a complete lack of actually reading it to begin with, much like M-103 where idiots didn't know the difference between a motion and a bill).

3. Not enough evidence to support this claim, this is belief you have, you do not have or at least have not presented data validating this statement however. Ethically and legally these procedures would not be available if the scientific consensus did not currently say that you are completely incorrect.

4. This is a you issue, you should be more worried about white males known by you or your partner being around your daughter statistically.

This is false, you making this statement tells me that you are not only dismissing studies by actual experts who know far more about it than either of us ever will, but you are doing so without even reading the work you are dismissing. Here is part of the actual text from one of them that you are dismissing "Brain activity and structure in transgender adolescents more closely resembles the typical activation patterns of their desired gender, according to findings to be presented in Barcelona, at the European Society of Endocrinology annual meeting, ECE 2018. These findings suggest that differences in brain function may occur early in development and that brain imaging may be a useful tool for earlier identification of transgenderism in young people."

I can accept that you are not going to change your views, as I said a week or so ago the questions I ask are to see how people come to their beliefs and how willing they are to change based on verified accepted expert evidence.
I am done with this conversation now (and "politics" on this board in general), all that needs to be said has been, I have verified what I believed from the beginning through the answers provided.

Don't take my disagreement with you as an attack on you or even a dislike of you, I simply disagree and was interested how you came to your views. I look forward to discussing cannabis in the future :peace:

1. I didn't say trans people. I said pedos using the bathroom thing as as a way to gain access. Not trans people. People abusing and manipulating the law. And yes, there are cases of it happening.

2. Here's the bill.. It's not the rebel. If a trans person finds your accidental "misgendering " offensive you could at least be sitting in a court room.https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/bill/c-16/first-reading

This link should have a first reading and final decision.

3. Cutting off your child's genitals when a majority of children grow out of gender dysphoria could cause an array of problems. An obvious one being that they may want to have sex with a women, but their parents decided Johnny was Jane and now Johnny is a man without a penis.

4. I don't want ANY man in that situation with my four year old. Just cause you say you're a women and put some make up on does not mean you are a women. You are still a man. Yes, I understand statistically that it's usually an adult close to your child that would molest said child. But its not %100 of the time obviously. You're basically saying "only a few kids have gotten molested this way so its not that big of a deal".

As far as quoting studies on the internet, there are many expert studies that refute your expert studies and we could easily share links back and forth until the end of time.

I can't believe I have to explain the differences between a pee pee and a gina to grown people.

Anyways onward with the cannabis talk. We agree on that!

1. I didn't say trans people. I said pedos using the bathroom thing as as a way to gain access. Not trans people. People abusing and manipulating the law. And yes, there are cases of it happening.
This I agree with. It's not about percentages, it's about opening the door to allow pedophiles an avenue.
Genuine trans people are not the issue - the issue is the Yanivs of the world getting protection instead of jail time.

2. Here's the bill.. It's not the rebel. If a trans person finds your accidental "misgendering " offensive you could at least be sitting in a court room. https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/42-1/bill/c-16/first-reading

This link should have a first reading and final decision.
You can look up news stories, like the one about Bill Whatcott, to better understand how this is being or may be implemented.
Not a red alert yet, but this sort of law can be abused because, once it's law, someone can file a legal complaint against you, which you then have to go to court to defend.

3. Cutting off your child's genitals when a majority of children grow out of gender dysphoria could cause an array of problems. An obvious one being that they may want to have sex with a women, but their parents decided Johnny was Jane and now Johnny is a man without a penis.
Simple solution: You can be trans any age you want, but you can't get gender re-assignment surgery or take hormones until you are 18/19/21.
This stops parents from making decisions on behalf of their children and also helps stop those that don't need this to happen.
Those that want it will have to wait until a reasonable ago to disrupt their personal biological development because that's just the healthy way to do it.

4. I don't want ANY man in that situation with my four year old. Just cause you say you're a women and put some make up on does not mean you are a women. You are still a man. Yes, I understand statistically that it's usually an adult close to your child that would molest said child. But its not %100 of the time obviously. You're basically saying "only a few kids have gotten molested this way so its not that big of a deal".
This argument can easily go both ways and it's always messy. Yaniv has proven that there are predators that will use transgender protections to get closer to vulnerable children. It's 0.01% sure, but we can't just let it slide. There are ways to accomplish both things, but not if everyone is a snowflake about every person's rights to be called what they want while they go to the washroom wherever they want.

As far as quoting studies on the internet, there are many expert studies that refute your expert studies and we could easily share links back and forth until the end of time.

I can't believe I have to explain the differences between a pee pee and a gina to grown people.

Why does the guy in the gif stick the knife in the pigs armpit? Supposed to slit the throat and hang upside down so it bleeds out. Amateurs.

Ok back to Brad vs Chad breath.....
unfortunately quad came into the picture more recently and does not know the past history context....
of a lot of the interactions...that have lead to this point.
Anyways No worries Quad...My statement was intended to be a "in general statement" and not entirely directed in your direction....
We have a long history of welcoming pretty much everyone...though it has also brought our share of trolls to this location....
Back to election talk.....Trudeau is going to dissolve parliament tomorrow - let the games begin. lol
Any guesses on the form of election fraud the conservatives will use this time?
I think the conservatives can just point at Trudeau and the conservatives will come out in hordes to vote against him.

We now have it confirmed: The RCMP have been investigating the possibility that someone in the Trudeau government obstructed justice in the SNC-Lavalin case.

The news was revealed in a bombshell report by the Globe and Mail issued less than 12 hours before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was to visit Rideau Hall and kick off the 2019 election.

This isn’t a matter of speculation or partisan spin. This isn’t something that Liberal supporters can dismiss as people inventing a scandal where there is none. We know the RCMP have been looking into the matter because they have been interviewing people involved in the case and seeking documents.

And the government has blocked them from doing so.

We now have it confirmed: The RCMP have been investigating the possibility that someone in the Trudeau government obstructed justice in the SNC-Lavalin case.

The news was revealed in a bombshell report by the Globe and Mail issued less than 12 hours before Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was to visit Rideau Hall and kick off the 2019 election.

This isn’t a matter of speculation or partisan spin. This isn’t something that Liberal supporters can dismiss as people inventing a scandal where there is none. We know the RCMP have been looking into the matter because they have been interviewing people involved in the case and seeking documents.

And the government has blocked them from doing so.
That's old news - they have done the investigation and found no crime. The RCMP has a long standing policy to not investigate politicians or parliament during an election, so pretending that this is breaking news is a lie and pathetic. I don't like Trudeau, but I'm a Liberal and the Reformers absolutely disgust me. Spreading misinformation on day one only demonstrates their desperation and willingness to do anything to get power. Remember how open to investigation the Conservatives were during their scandal-plagued decade? Me neither. Why they expect the current government to act differently is beyond me.
How conveniently shady that the G&M regurgitates a story on the day of the election call. I guess that puts an end to the CON conspiracy theory that the media was bribed to be pro-Liberal by the journalist fund.