2019 Election Talk

Yep. You can feminize cannabis but a female duck cannot fertilize another female duck .Weird huh? Almost like plants and animals are different or something.....LOL

Nice false equivalency.....swing and a misssssss. Speaking of breeding.... DON'T

Ducks can actually switch sex and impregnate other ducks..

Yeah we all took paycuts too, used to make $150-200k/year now it's like 80-90k/year

It sucks how many people got fucked over around that time.
I don't think you have a grasp on basic biology......
Yep. You can feminize cannabis but a female duck cannot fertilize another female duck .Weird huh? Almost like plants and animals are different or something.....LOL

Nice false equivalency.....swing and a misssssss. Speaking of breeding.... DON'T
According to Dr. Birkhead, a female duck, under certain circumstances, can reverse and fertilize another female duck. Weird huh? Almost like all of life is interconnected or something.......LOL

Nice try though.........the ball just went over your head againnnnnn....Speaking of biology.....DON'T


According to Dr. Birkhead, a female duck, under certain circumstances, can reverse and fertilize another female duck. Weird huh? Almost like all of life is interconnected or something.......LOL

Nice try though.........the ball just went over your head againnnnnn....Speaking of biology.....DON'T


Ah so sometimes maybe under right conditions? Got it....... Also, what do ducks have to do with sick parents feeding kids hormone blockers in relation to naturally changing sex? People aren't cannabis or the odd duck, there are physiological and physical irreversible changes to giving pre pubescent children hormone blockers, not to mention mental.
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Are these parent motivated by their own desire for a child of the opposite sex? Obviously the request didn't originate from the kids themselves, or if they did, shouldn't be entertained...

I knew someone years ago who everyone made fun of as a he/she... First time we met, this person was a she, and years later when we met again (bought drugs from them) she was now a he. Apparently he was born a hermaphrodite, had both organs... Someone, not sure who, either the doctors or the parents, decided they should be a girl, so she was raised a girl... When she got old enough, she switched to living as a guy, which was much better, apparently his upbringing really scarred him, he was really messed up...
Altering a childs sexual hormones permanently at such young ages IS child abuse since they don't know what it is let alone consent to a life altering irreversible decision. The only tough road ahead is the years of mental anguish they put their kid through because they thought a 3 year old was trans. With suicide rates of 40%+, far above normal rates and along the lines of serious mental illnesses that lead to suicide it's clear it's a mental health issue

The fact you dont want anyone discussing the issue says a lot. You may not like the facts but that changes NOTHING .No one said anyone is any less deserving of the same rights or respects anyone else is entitled to or that they are less of a person. Its a societal issue we face and are free to discuss as adults.

If you can't handle differing opinions you should probably just avoid humanity as a whole because not everyone is going to cow tow to your feelings or views, deal with it.
You have no idea what you’re talking about. Gender is a social construct completely different than biological sex. Let the parents and their children deal with it as they see fit and mind your own fucking business ya bum
Yep. You can feminize cannabis but a female duck cannot fertilize another female duck .Weird huh? Almost like plants and animals are different or something.....LOL

Nice false equivalency.....swing and a misssssss. Speaking of breeding.... DON'T
To think you are one google search away from curing your ignorance

Scientists have hatched actual fucking ducks from female ducks that have transitioned into males

God how hard you have to work at being ignorant of basic science and biology
To think you are one google search away from curing your ignorance

Scientists have hatched actual fucking ducks from female ducks that have transitioned into males

God how hard you have to work at being ignorant of basic science and biology

How many ducks have transitioned from their parents giving them " treatments " ?
None, you know why? Because ducks don't feel the need to sexualize ducklings. The Duck transitioned when it was ready to. I bet it even happened without any outside interference.
Only piece of shit people feel the need to justify the sexualization of children and anyone who does is a sick fuck .
Sorry kid no booze for you, but hey if you want some psych meds and hormones to change your sex have at er. GTFO

Cheers :)
How many ducks have transitioned from their parents giving them " treatments " ?
None, you know why? Because ducks don't feel the need to sexualize ducklings. The Duck transitioned when it was ready to. I bet it even happened without any outside interference.
Only piece of shit people feel the need to justify the sexualization of children and anyone who does is a sick fuck .
Sorry kid no booze for you, but hey if you want some psych meds and hormones to change your sex have at er. GTFO

Cheers :)
The discussion is about the social construct of gender and the fluidity of biological gender and here you are talking about “sexualization” of children like you’re some fucking pedophile

Mind your own fucking business and let parents raise their kids as they see fit you dumb angry bigot
This is a public forum so fuck you and that mind your own business line you love to use.
Also fuck each and every shitty ass parent who thinks changing their child's sex is ok. Seems to me sick fucks like you are a helluva lot closer to pedophile then those of us who have an issue with it. Child abuse is not ok.
Oh and sorry to hear about your good buddy Epstein. Must be a real blow to your " community "

Cheers :)
Here is a list of all the kids you can force your dumb, angry bigoted opinion on:

1) your own

There it is. You can force your dumb, angry, bigoted opinions on your own kids, and when you do, that will be closer to child abuse than anything you are telling about like a drunken caveman.

For all other kids, just shut the fuck up and mind your own fucking business

And stop sexualizing children, that has nothing to do with this conversation you angry pedophile
Mind your own fucking business and let parents raise their kids as they see fit

Many parents should absolutely not be left to "raise their kids as they see fit". There are parents who homeschool their children with Flat Earth, creationist, white supremacist ideals and many other ridiculous ideas like anti vax, but that doesn't mean we should let them. It's Libtards like you that are supporting stupidity and willful ignorance that will be the downfall of society.

A child has the right to identify as any gender on the spectrum, but taking hormone blockers and having transition surgeries should be left until adulthood.
If I had more kids, I'd cut off their legs, it would make it so much easier to keep track of them... They will thank me when they get older, right? ok, back to my own business
I don’t think chopping off a child’s legs is quite the same as helping them with their gender identity issues but some really stupid people do so there’s that