2000W Medical Garden, Prepetual Multi Strain Grow


Well-Known Member
hey there J check your tabs on that dip switch. in your last pic its not real clear, but looks like one of them might have got switched by accident.. it was correct in your other pics.. make sure 2 and 3 are on and 1 and 4 are off


Well-Known Member
you have a lead returning to the timer check all your connections and placements in sockets again. start at the 110v area i bet your problem is there.


Active Member
Going back up there in a few mins, am sick and its too hot to stay in the attic for more then like 10 mins at a time. Tryin to do all my ducts and electricty as quickly as posible and of course I would end up with an issue lol.


Well-Known Member
cool i will check back im off to the hydro store to get some h2o2 for my problem then gonna do some veggie gardening with the kids.. gotta get there green thumbs to work as well..

Che Paddy

Well-Known Member
Just read through your thread. Looks like your on a winning path. Starting to set my my grow and want to do a small tent for veg and a large one for flowering. Want to run NFT but was unsure of how to start them before placing them in NFT. Your aeroponic set up looks perfect.

Anyway pulling up a seat to watch and best of luck


Active Member
Just read through your thread. Looks like your on a winning path. Starting to set my my grow and want to do a small tent for veg and a large one for flowering. Want to run NFT but was unsure of how to start them before placing them in NFT. Your aeroponic set up looks perfect.

Anyway pulling up a seat to watch and best of luck
Welcome aboard. You might like the flowering setup when I finish building it tomarrow. It is going to be based on Stinkbuds setup that is Aeroponics/NFT and ends up also using DWC techniques as your roots fall down into the res. I am liking the veg part of the system so far, and I think the second part of the system is even better then the veg based on the design. I will try to take pics as I am building it if I am feeling better so you can see what I am talkin about.



Active Member
hey there J check your tabs on that dip switch. in your last pic its not real clear, but looks like one of them might have got switched by accident.. it was correct in your other pics.. make sure 2 and 3 are on and 1 and 4 are off
Jumpers are correct, still no timer on the 120v even though the timer is working on the 240v. gonna go up and verify wire position next time I go up in about 20 mins or so


Active Member
Got the timer fixed. It was wired wrong in the timer box itself. Jumper was going to no instead of com, and the 110 was going to com instead of no. Switched em and now it works perfectly! Now just the 8 inch to instal and my light hangers... Almost done


Well-Known Member
well if its working for you thats all that matters. but I just looked at my diagram and your previous pic and you had it right the first time... jumper is suposed to be on no and no2.. funny stuff it works in reverse I cant think of any dangers of you using it like that except maybe damaging the timer so run with it if you must..


Active Member
well if its working for you thats all that matters. but I just looked at my diagram and your previous pic and you had it right the first time... jumper is suposed to be on no and no2.. funny stuff it works in reverse I cant think of any dangers of you using it like that except maybe damaging the timer so run with it if you must..
My diagram is differnt then that one bro, it has the jumpers to com and com2, with the timer hots going from no and no2. Thats how I have it now and it works. maybe just a new gen circut pannel in the one I have?


Well-Known Member
sweet well why didnt you just show me that then geeez.. lol hows the rest of the work going.. hot as hell up there I bet.. its still 82 were im at..


Active Member
sweet well why didnt you just show me that then geeez.. lol hows the rest of the work going.. hot as hell up there I bet.. its still 82 were im at..
Still over 100 in the attic right now, am on a break. just cut the 8inch hole so i could pull the air hose up to nail in my light mounting studs. Have prolly 2 hours more of work to do tonight if I want to get the hood mounted. With all the pullys and what not that I need to install. I either have to finish before I go to bed or risk being off schedule to start flowering wed..... but I am sick and i cant stay hydrated from being so hot up there trying to finish so not sure what I am gonna do


Well-Known Member
I remember that heat I was just a young strong lad 27 when I lived there and I remember crawling in them attics when they were like 125 fuck man I do feel for ya..


Active Member
I am officaly off schedule now. Not feeling good and the attic is just making it worse so I have to stop if i am even going to be able to move tomarrow. I will take some pics in a little bit, and I owe a new veg photo update so I will be doing that as well.



Well-Known Member
for sure man stop working its not safe to work all day in them conditions... a day or two isnt gonna cause a meltdown is it...?


Active Member
for sure man stop working its not safe to work all day in them conditions... a day or two isnt gonna cause a meltdown is it...?
I have to have everything ready by 7 pm on wed so I can start flowering. I am very strict with myself on not letting a res go a second past 7 days, and wed is res change day. Have 3 plants I was flowering in a rubermaid tote that I wanted to get out of the tote is why i wanted to finish tonight lol. Also if I dont set firm deadlines I have a tendancy of holding off too long on finishing things lol. I would prollly finish tonight but in all honesty there is no point. I cant install that big assed hood the way I want to by myself so I have to wait for some help tomarrow anyways so its all good. I am just bummed that I am off my schedule. Guess it gives me time to finish setting up my tracking software on the rooms laptop huh?


Well-Known Member
I hear ya I tend to slack off myself when I dont follow my gameplan.. heck man my problems in the grow room right now are a perfect example of that..
well the babies are looking good without the dome, but im still afraid to leave them all night without it... guess I will stay up late so I can check on them a few more times. I want them strong so I can leave it off all day tomorrow while im gone..



Active Member
I hear ya I tend to slack off myself when I dont follow my gameplan.. heck man my problems in the grow room right now are a perfect example of that..
well the babies are looking good without the dome, but im still afraid to leave them all night without it... guess I will stay up late so I can check on them a few more times. I want them strong so I can leave it off all day tomorrow while im gone..

They are looking good. Are they allready rooted?