2000W Medical Garden, Prepetual Multi Strain Grow


Well-Known Member
I wish.. if I didnt lend my girl my cloner than they would be real close right about now... I think she will be done with it sunday. just in time for me to make another batch.. dude that chem looks like it is ready to put out about another 20 clones right now, by sunday prob 50.. and the sourD is right there with her just a little slower cause she is mostly indica.. so just give me the word and as many as you want from the next batch are all yours..


Active Member
Flower Room Build Update 7-30-2012

As I said, I am officaly behind schedule. However I was able to do a few tests today before I cut in the 8 inch hole. I am able to drop the room to 68 degrees durring the hottest point of the day, so it looks like my temps should end up being just right when I have the 8 incher blowing through the hoods. Also When I finish everything, it will end up taking me about an hour to make sure everything in the room is completly sealed if I decide to do CO2 later on. I still havent decided if I will use CO2 in the future or not since I would rather just keep my temps lower. But that wont happen until I put in the second hood and light, and install the carbon filter in about 3-4 weeks. Anyways, on to the photos!

If you have any questions about the build, or anything you need me to explain please let me know. 1 More day of construction, and it gets to work on wed..... soo excited!


Active Member
I wish.. if I didnt lend my girl my cloner than they would be real close right about now... I think she will be done with it sunday. just in time for me to make another batch.. dude that chem looks like it is ready to put out about another 20 clones right now, by sunday prob 50.. and the sourD is right there with her just a little slower cause she is mostly indica.. so just give me the word and as many as you want from the next batch are all yours..
I am a patient person on it, only need 2-4 of each since I will end up picking the strongest of them to mother and then just flower the rest. How is your Ribbon mother btw, might see if I can grab a cut or two of it two. I need a strain with a high CBD potential.



Well-Known Member
she is still tryin to grow.. looking real good at the moment but still about 2-3 weeks from taking any clippings.. if I had the room I would have been spraying her with liquid light and she would have been ready right now.. I will take a pic of her tomorrow to show you how happy she is in the bucket...


Active Member
Veg Room Update 7-30-2012

So veg is going well, ph balanced out this time at 5.7 so I didnt mess with it. I am loving these nutrients, even though it seems completly insane to leave a plant with a new res with ph's of 3.9-4.2 but that seems to only last about 8 hours and the plants pull all the cleated cal out and the ph hits the 6.1 range. One hit of ph down at that point and then it seems to lock in and not need adjustment again. PPM's have gone from 1085 down to 858 so nute uptake is there and I am happy with the growth.

I am amazed I even have any plants left in the veg room. Yesterday I was doing some maintnance and I unpluged my cycle timer. Then I started working on the flower room build and the veg lights went out. When they came back on I realized I never pluged my lights back in since I walked into the room and found all my girls drooping so badly the tops were hitting the top of the tote. I pluged in the cycle timer and literaly after 2 cycles (14 mins total) they were all standing up nice and tall in my T5 sun. Happy as can be. I got really lucky, 6 hours in an aero system with no spray, I am sure if they could my ladies would have been bitching me out for hours and hours. Anyways as allways any questions or comments are welcomed and appreciated.



Snooch to the mutha fuckin nooch!


Active Member
Nice setup,nice grow going.. I like the way your plants just bounc e right back in that system.
Thanks for stoping in and for the comments. I just hope I can keep them this healthy all the way through flower this time. I was so disapointed in myself last grow.


Active Member
Flower Room Update 7-31-2012

1000w of the 2000w room is finished!!!!!!

With the exception of installing the outlets in the wall and the plates to cover them, the room is now complete. I am sorry for the shitty HPS glow pics in this update, I will learn to take pics in there starting tomarrow when I begin flowering my 1st batch of Kens Grand Daddy Purple!!!!

Snooch to the Nooch!


Well-Known Member
thats what im talkin bout man, done son.! cant wait to see them plants nicely tucked under that huge beast of a hood... "al b fuct" if I were under that thing without sunblock...
well this is gonna be my one and only post of the night. think im gonna relax and smoke a "jay" of this killer smoke my nephew gave me, watch a movie and crash... big day tomorrow cause im gonna kick ass and try to get all my work done so I could still make the mountain trippp.. its well needed and even more deserved.
cheers J, once again looking good.. tell all these other cats whats up for me... catch you guys tomorrow.

ps, now I see what you did with the pullie'sss "plural" I thought you were gonna set it up so both sides lift together.. way lighter the way you got it...


Active Member
GDP Transition Day 1 - 8-1-2012

First off bare with me for the photos. I havent had HPS lighting before and I dont know enough about my Rebel camera to take better picutres as of yet but I will be learning as we go on this flowering journey. If anyone knows how to operate a Cannon Rebel XT please help me out. I know this camera is capable of amazing shots, I just sadly do not know what I am doing with it as of yet. Anyways, my 6 GDP entered the flower room today at lights on time, and they will live there the next 8 weeks. Hydro has been running for 3 hours now in there and they arent showing any signs of shock and they actually seem to be enjoying their new home much better then they enjoyed the PAR T5's in veg. Hope you guys enjoy my new setup.

I dont think I am going to end up scroging the GDP as I dont expect them to stretch enough to do so if they do the same thing the clone I did that I just flowered out after a 6 day veg to play around with. it only doubled in size, so I think this run I am just gonna see what they will do, I can allways scrog them when they come back up in 9-15 weeks if it turns out they will get large enough to do so. my Fire OG, the Chem and the Sour D that will be run in here will def be able to stretch to fill a screen durring transition so they will def be scroged. but we will see in a week or so, if the stretch is good enough I will scrog these girls.

Snoochie Boochie Noochies!


Active Member
that system is looking real good J.. them girls are gonna thrive bigtime right now..
Did I explain what i was doing well at starbucks yesterday compared to what you see in the photos now bro? And what do you think on the Scrog, think those GDP will stretch enough for me to make it worth it to scrog or should i just put support strings up and grow it tall?


Well-Known Member
everything looks shmick to me mate! love the light pulley system, you have ALOT of room there for that setup, you may want to think about enclosing a section with a curtain of reflective material to maximize the HPS, they lose alot in dispersion, and if you can reflect that back onto the plants....massive bonus.


Other than that! subbed :)


Active Member
everything looks shmick to me mate! love the light pulley system, you have ALOT of room there for that setup, you may want to think about enclosing a section with a curtain of reflective material to maximize the HPS, they lose alot in dispersion, and if you can reflect that back onto the plants....massive bonus.


Other than that! subbed :)
Yeah I am going back in there tonight to mount the strip, just hadnt gotten to it yet lol. Thanks bro, sorry for askin ya over from your thread but i have come to trust your advice!



Well-Known Member
FUCKING A+ works jsam! looks great i would worry less about dispersion and put that other 1000w in ther;)

and hes absolutely right even if you got to put a screw in the wall for that power strip to hang on DO IT! ive gotten zapped so many times i was electrocuting myself in my car the other day and didnt notice till my skin started to burn. :(


Active Member
Just for fun and shits and giggles, thought I would throw this on here. If you guys couldnt figure it out, I am a huge View Askew/SMODCo fan. Listen to Jay and Bob Get Old, Hollywood Babble On, SMODCast, and Tell em Steve Dave, weekly, as well as watch Comic Book Men on A&E all the time. Back a few months ago, Walt Flanagan and the guys on Tell em Steve Dave had a contest with a song that Walt wrote. Song was so awesome from these sisters from canada that I figured I would share it.

