2000W Medical Garden, Prepetual Multi Strain Grow


Active Member
Ah what the hell, why wait, I will show her off in the box, though you wont get her real perspective till she is hanging.

Step aside Raptor, the T-REX needs a bit more space!



Active Member
that is a beautifull big bitch. is that the hood that has the drop down lens isteed of the hinges?
yes it is. and like i said it isnt too much bigger then a rap, if i remember right its like 5 inches wider and like 6 inches longer. but still.... she is huge. weighs like 50 pounds or some shit lol.


Active Member
dude i cant believe you bought one of those hoods, i saw the ones your talking about.(bought 4ft long) they are too big IMO cant waits to see one lit up. dude at my hydro store tries so hard to get me to buy his shit so eveytime there is something new i have to hear about it.
I am prolly going to rig a pully settup for the two hoods so I never have to actually handle them, just handle some cranks on the wall to raise and lower them. Think its gonna be the only way to effeciantly work those hoods without throwing my back out. lol


Well-Known Member
yeah dont blow your back. honestly i dont know how to make a rig to do that maybe some pully and a chain and hook on the wall would be cheapest.


Active Member
yeah dont blow your back. honestly i dont know how to make a rig to do that maybe some pully and a chain and hook on the wall would be cheapest.
I am thinking of using the 400# test wire and using something like a boat wrench attached to the wall so i can crank it up and down. just havent looked for the crank and the pullys I want to use yet, and then put a saftey chain that would stop it from falling after i have it cranked in its place so all i have to do is go up, move the chain and be done. then it would be earthquake safe as well, and would be safe from the wrench failing and crushing my plants and destroying the hood.


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Build Update for 7-27-2012

Hows it going folks. First of two posts tonight. I got alot accomplished today and it looks like I will be done right on schedule as long as I dont run out of paint. I was able to finish all of the caulking, finish triming all of the foam, install the vent for the portable ac to vent outside of the room, cut in the paint along all of the corners of the room with 2 coats so I could roll without fear. And was able to get the first coat of paint up on half of one wall. Now that the caulk curing times are over its just a matter of painting, cutting 2 more holes and then finish installing all the gear. I am just hoping I dont run out of the paint, though its so thick its really hard to apply and I think I am gonna need a second gallon to get the coat that I want. Anyways, here are the pics.

Snooch to the nooch!


Active Member
Photo Update4 07-27-2012

Sorry for the back to back posts, but trying to keep the build seperate from the grow. Did a res change on Wed, set ppms to 1045. PH at res change was 4.5, but this is normal due to one of the additives for the nutrient line I am using. The plant amp lowers the ph at res change until the cleated calsium is abosorbed, then the ph levels off between 5.7 and 5.9 after about 18 hours when the plant has absorbed the cal. Sounds horible, but plants are looking great so they must know something with the formula. Thinking about toping again tomarrow since they come out of the veg unit on the upcomming wed. What do you guys think? On to the photos!



As allways, comments, advice, conserns are allways welcome. I learn more about what I am doing here everyday because of the assistance and the ideas from you guys!



Well-Known Member
wouldnt even worry bout it (the paint coat thickness) youll only have to go over it again later once its dirty.

and those plants look beautiful BTW.


Active Member
Oh I forgot to mention my heart attack in my veg room today. Went in to PH and saw a leave that looked liket it had been eaten, freaked out, went got my might wash, hit the plant with it ect. Once I finished and it dried I cut the tip that I saw. I could see the mechanical snip in the leaf. It was from the last time i toped, was too close to the side branching and i half cut one of the leaves, so it curled as it grew since it was near the tip of the leaf...... On the bright side, I needed to do my last few days before moving the gdp might wash prevenitive anyways so it all works out, but I was worried for a little bit there.



Well-Known Member
your girls are so beautifull J and the room is coming along nicely... I just singed on to post a pic of the just in case batch of clones I made and now its off to ZZzzz land..
chears see ya later


Active Member
hey does anyone know what all the white marks are all over the top of the container? Noticed them on mine and its got me kinda worried thanks
Yeah its just residue from the nutrient solution. In mine it looks like that because week 1 I used DynaGro and found out that it suspends way too much salt for my liking. The residue that is left has gotten much better since I changed nutes, but the way i have my veg station I dont want to pull them all quite yet to clean the top. When I transplant to flower on wed I will prolly move all the plants out so i can clean the top before I put the Fire OG into veg.



Active Member
I just have to say how awsome my fiance is. When I woke up this morning, she was in the new flower room repainting for me. She found some old paint that I had left over and started primering everything so I could save my good paint for when it wouldnt absorb so much into the dry wall. I think that is awsome since she is only excited about my girls when I have them cured and packed into the bowl usually.

Snoochie Boochies


Well-Known Member
wish i could gt my girl to help me do anything around he house lol, but she does alot on her own already.. oh well. sounds like you got lucky!


Active Member
hey J do you have a volt meter? the timer is wired correctly
I have a volt meter, but i cant find the damned leads for it right now. they got misplaced when I was cleaning out the area to build and now I cant find em. I fixed the issue with no power to the 110v, neutral wasnt connected on the 220v line which i should have expected lol. Now the 110v thats wired to the timer doesnt shut off when i turn off the box, or if I turn it on the timer where the green light goes off. not sure whats wrong.