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  1. T

    First grow help. Light warrior only?

    Being a noob, and making common noob mistakes, I would say that's a well suited medium for ya. Ur gonna have a heavy hand watering and feeding so better to have the aeration there then to have em soakin in it. Just my .02
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    16 plants vs 5 plants under 600w light

    ^^This dude smh. Anyways OP, your numbers are cool dude. Keep yourself a mom make clones n keep on chugging. 16oz/600 is a high g/watt based on your username. Benefits of high numbers is no veg time and a few extra harvests a year.
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    If I use a 250watt or 400watt light, what size tent do I need?

    3x3. A 400's footprint is gonna be perfect for that. If your gettin a 250 you might as well fork out the dough for a 400. You'll thank yourself later. Happy growing
  4. T

    Tap water is 250ppm, ph 7.0. Is this going to be a problem?

    That's some hard water. Mines 130-140 7.1-7.2. The airstone is overkill. I too thought adding o2 to water would be beneficial but it's not. For now letting the water set out atleast 24hrs to evap the chlorine, but chloramine won't evaporate off, hence another benefit of distilled/ro. If your...
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    Planning a perpetual grow? Tips?

    I prefer to stagger mine as I like to have a continuous harvest all the time, versus 6 a year. Know your strain and your rooting time on clones.
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    guerilla growing

    I've seen people pin fake flowers on plants, as well as leaf pinching. Also make sure surrounding vegetation doesn't brown towards the end of the summer, as your ladies will be a beacon of light to LEO. Good luck
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    I wanna try Jack's. Tell me how...

    Google. Jacks website has a locator feature, they'll find a vendor near you and if not, shipping' a breeze.
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    BioThrive line question

    I've used the GO products for 2 grows now. Yield is 20-30% less in my experience, but taste and smell is delightful. I use the bio root, bloom, biobud, and biomarine. Really like the bio root and bio bud. The recommended doses were on the light side IMO. I also supplement with molasses, crushed...
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    Soil: Fox Farm Ocean Forest w/ Black Gold Water Hold Cocoblend.

    Whatever you do, don't use blackgold water hold. It does exactly what you don't want, HOLDS WATER. I used it my last outdoor, and it held so much water that I only watered every 10th day!! Crazy. I would suggest cutting it with light warrior to minimize burning seedlings. Also, they won't need...
  10. T

    Smart pots 2 and 3 gallons good or bad

    I use the 3 gal pots. Roots are growing out the bottom and sides, but IMO there worth the buck. After stretch, the size is comparable to those I grow in 5 gal buckets. Also have the benefit of making overwatering virtually impossible**
  11. T

    Battling an Unknown Enemy.

    Yea blood meal is good stuff, but word of caution, it's EXTREMELY HOT. I really have to be careful with it from what I've seen on other threads. I can now tell you my RH is 60-70%, which is perfect I'm told. I'm gonna give Epsom salt a try, I hear it can't hurt and with the problem happening on...
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    Battling an Unknown Enemy.

    Well everybody, looks like I'm gonna end up killing 2/3. Both have completely stopped growing, 1 being so stunted and yellow its pathetic, and it was planted the sametime as one that has ceased growth at the beginning of the 4th node development. I'm sure my soil is a problem, it's a water...
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    Battling an Unknown Enemy.

    Yea heat is by far my biggest enemy right now, I'm playing with fan positioning today to see if I can find a way to optimize what I have. The significant other it totally in the DARK on the this so running a box fan into the room/closet or out of either isn't possible. Door is open most of the...
  14. T

    Battling an Unknown Enemy.

    Hey man believe it or not you've been a big help. I took a look at my fan positioning after you restated circulation and my fans were indeed recirculating the hot air, and only 1 6" fan was blowing fresh air in. Now I've switched it up to have 2 6" fans blowing fresh air in and a 4" as well...
  15. T

    becoming a GROWING problem...please help meh!!

    Yea that was a really bad idea of mine I tried to made some make shift Hempy buckets and yada yada yada I was making it more difficult then it really is. I'm just really, REALLY, hoping I can make it to my first harvest. I'm heavy handed with watering and gotten better about it, but using a...
  16. T

    Battling an Unknown Enemy.

    Nitrogen toxicity! The weird clawing and green foliage I'm such a fool! :face palm: if I'm correct, the heat is why she is spotting on top leaves cause she can't defend herself against heat stress, and the bottom yellowing I think is lockout. Sound right anyone? Remedies?
  17. T

    Battling an Unknown Enemy.

    Thanks for the help I appreciate it. I just bought a 24 pk of bottled water to freeze for now. The fans I have on the light inline, then another from door to inside, and of course the 2 4" ones that blow over the canopy to avoid heat pockets over my plants. I'm using a 150 HPS and I have 2...
  18. T

    Battling an Unknown Enemy.

    Well it's been one thing after another with my first one. Saw fungus gnat (singular) on one of my leaves, and I too dressed the soil with 1" of sand to suffocate the eggs, and picked up some neem oil. I accidentally put 3capfulls in quart of water, not a gallon. So the leaves start canoeing and...
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    becoming a GROWING problem...please help meh!!

    YES! That's what I needed to here
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    becoming a GROWING problem...please help meh!!

    Thank you for that. I have the first time grow problem of over analyzing, and trying to constantly better my grow. I'n very satisfied withy decision to go soilless, but I do believe for my first grow I need to simplify things as much as possible. I've come to the conclusion that hempy buckets...