First grow help. Light warrior only?

Free American

New Member
Dude at hydro store told me to use light warrior only and top feed bat guano and worm castings. Then I feed with kelp for veg and bloom nute for flower.

Got 6 rooted clones and grew them for two weeks in party cups and transplanted them into 3 gallon smart pots a couple days ago. 6-8" tall. Going to flip them before 12"

The light warrior doesn't hold water and I've read that using it start to finish is bad. But I've already potted! What should I do?

Can I top feed FF ocean forest?
Should I repot?

Thanks in advance

Cereal box

Active Member
You could re pot I into oceans forest. I've never used light warrior so I'm not sure I'm not sure how bad it would be. I'd think worst case scenario is you'd have to water and feed more often. Although I'm sure someone on here has more experience with light warrior. Perhaps they could shed some light.
Being a noob, and making common noob mistakes, I would say that's a well suited medium for ya. Ur gonna have a heavy hand watering and feeding so better to have the aeration there then to have em soakin in it. Just my .02

Free American

New Member
Thanks for the replies. At this rate I'll be watering a crazy amount it seems. From what I've read LW is basically like a soilless mix it drains so quickly. Problem is hand watering a soilless system sucks.

Maybe I'll just repot them in 60/40 ocean forest/light warrior.

I think I'm going to start mixing up a batch of super soil now so it'll be ready to go in a few months. I like the idea of not mixing up nutes every other watering.