Soil: Fox Farm Ocean Forest w/ Black Gold Water Hold Cocoblend.


Well-Known Member
Starting my 2nd grow soon and i wanted to get some advice from the experts on the idea of mixing 1/2 and 1/2 Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Black Gold Water Hold Cocoblend and about a cup of dolomite lime per pot. With that mix i would also be adding a common tea mix of blood meal, bat guano, unsulphured molasses, cal mag. Based on their feeding schedule. My other question is about pot size. I used 10 gallon fabric pots last time and grew trees : )... not complaining, but this time i would like to save on space, soil, nutrients etc. by using 5 or 7 gallon fabric pots. Would it be better to use 5 or 7? Or is there a significant difference with those sizes? Thank you for the advice.
Whatever you do, don't use blackgold water hold. It does exactly what you don't want, HOLDS WATER. I used it my last outdoor, and it held so much water that I only watered every 10th day!! Crazy. I would suggest cutting it with light warrior to minimize burning seedlings. Also, they won't need to be fed anything for atleast the first few weeks of growth, OF has nutes already amended in soil. Teas would be over kill. I'd water and add molasses here and there for the herd. My exp is only with outdoor and 5 gal pots, but with 5 gal buckets, I pull 4-5 ounces/plant using organics.