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  1. Sand4x105

    New Climate Change News [It's not good]

    So what is really going on? Why the need for us scientist to lie and adjust the numbers? Can the general public, you liberals, and you conservatives not handle the truth? Quote: Careful analysts have come up with hundreds of examples of how the original data recorded by 3,000-odd weather...
  2. Sand4x105

    Which US Senator said this in 2004

    Which Senator said the following [Sounds like they were very opposed to gay marriage?] -------------------------------- “[Marriage is] the fundamental bedrock principle that exists between a man and a woman, going back into the mists of history as one of the founding, foundational institutions...
  3. Sand4x105

    Would You Vote for Rand Paul Now? He's for legal MJ, and running for president

    A president for legal pot? In my life time, my head just exploded. Quote from article: A high-wattage trio of junior senators — Democrats Cory Booker and Kirsten Gillibrand plus GOP presidential...
  4. Sand4x105

    MJ Laws Need To Change for Sports Sake!

    Why all the young NFL Brothers getting busted? What do these young men all have in common? Since Jan 1, 2014 they have been busted for some kind of Pot offence: Ahmad Bradshaw Joseph Randle Letroy Guion Leveon Bell Legarrette Blount Bashaud Breeland Justin Blackmon Jerome Simpson Marcell Dareus...
  5. Sand4x105

    I do not want a President who doesn't E-Mail, Do You?

    I don't want my next President to hide anything, e-mails etc. However, I do not want an IDIOT who doesn't even E-mail? What ? Who wants Lindsey Graham for President? This idiot "says" he doesn't even ever e-mail-Say What? Does he ride in a horse and buggy? Still use telegraph? WTF... Now I...
  6. Sand4x105

    Giving Blood on Good Friday

    Hello My Christian Stoner Brothers [and sisters] Friday April 3rd is "Good Friday" As you know, Christ gave his blood on Good Friday so we could have everlasting life... You know the rest, Christ rose from the dead, and ascended into Heaven on Easter Morn... So, I am calling all Christians...
  7. Sand4x105

    First Bi-Sexual Governor

    The Nations First Bi-Sexual Governor? Who cares if she fucks guys, or eats pussy? I am tired of people being defined by their sexuality. Why is the press "Homophobe" The press loves a story, and they...
  8. Sand4x105

    So Romney says: "Third time might be the charm"

    According to ABC News:
  9. Sand4x105

    Dumb ass quote of the sports year

    Mr President, why are you trying to make a bad matter worse ? I am not a Lions Fan per say, however, the call, non call was bad enough. Then, you Mr President you, must weigh in, and your opinion is stupid. I agree 100% with you Mr President, however, for you to say what I also think out...
  10. Sand4x105

    Congress [America] Run by a bunch of Christians?

    This has just gotta grind on some of you dope smoking atheists Congress members call themselves [91.8%] Christian The chart says that we are...
  11. Sand4x105

    Don't Get: "S.A.D." this Holiday Season

    Yes, we now can blame our lack of energy on getting: Seasonal Affective Disorder or S.A.D. for short, or sad for shorter... West coast, Ca folk, hell no, you don't get sad, no way jose.... you have the sun shining heck yes you say, I am going to go out and wash and wax my car on this beautiful...
  12. Sand4x105

    Racist Nation Approx 7000 blacks in the USA were murdered/killed at the hands of others last year over twenty per day! So, each and every day, 19-20 blacks get killed by other blacks and no one, bats an eye...
  13. Sand4x105

    OPEC Choice--Keep Production High!

    So reading between the OPEC headlines, and loving the cheap gas. Fracking--yes because of fracking and the availability of $60 per barrel Fracked Oil, the OPEC members decide to keep production high ! We win with lower gas prices for now! OPEC is betting that when crude hits $55 per barrel [gas...
  14. Sand4x105

    Supreme Court will overturn ACA--they have no other legal choice

    The court in early 2015 is scheduled to hear King v. Burwell, a case that challenges the legality of tax credits in those states. The law's opponents argue that Congress intended to limit the subsidies to residents of states running their own health insurance exchanges. Currently, only 13 states...
  15. Sand4x105

    Not another "Global Warming/Climate Change" Thread

    Yep Read this story: If true, yes, we the people have caused global warming. Caused by humans 100%, and I believe it. I trust the article. Climate change is caused by humans. And, unless you...
  16. Sand4x105

    How Much Water Do You Really Use?

    Reading the below article, I wondered, how much water wasting, we here really do. We pulled out our bill/invoice from the water company. We use around 430 cubic feet per month combined [two of us]. Which works out to less than 100 gallons per day for us, which is way below the national average...
  17. Sand4x105

    Cat Owners Beware... YOU might not like this research

    On the other hand, dog owners rejoice.... Parasites from cat poop makes you lazy like a mouse to be eaten... Taken from Article: This may seem bizarre enough, but over the past few years, some scientists have begun to suspect that the parasites alter human behavior in a similar way. Humans...
  18. Sand4x105

    Plant Something Green--- Soon, to save the planet!

    Well, it looks like all the fancy co2 models, that show plants absorbing low amounts of co2, yes, they are wrong, and you have been lied to again! Plants take up much more co2 than have shown in the...
  19. Sand4x105

    Cannabis Heals Brain Tumor in Child

    Really good, and very cool news:
  20. Sand4x105

    RIU needs a science section

    Did you know that there are 35 active volcano's in the world erupting RIGHT NOW? Did you know over 100 other volcano's are at "Un-rest" and having minor activity? So which came first, the Earth Warming beyond repair, or the Volcano's Warming the Earth beyond human repair...