Plant Something Green--- Soon, to save the planet!


Well-Known Member
Well, it looks like all the fancy co2 models, that show plants absorbing low amounts of co2, yes, they are wrong, and you have been lied to again!

Plants take up much more co2 than have shown in the past---when science lies to us, do you feel dirty?

Time to learn something new... Your plant co2 absorption models--- All wrong...

Fooled again... The green plants save the day! Good News, it's all around !

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I think it depends on if the plants are republican or democrat

Republican plants do not belive that there is a need to absorb more green house gasses


Well-Known Member
I remember readin a few years ago in a study comparing how much oxigen plants used cannabis was like the highest rating at co2 usage.
Im not saying the human co2 output doesnt or wont have a detrimental effect on the planet but i thik there are those taking advantage of it and most likely distorting facts to keep being able to raise taxes on co2.