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  1. G

    Bud structure

    No, Foxtailing is usually caused by heat stress but it also occurs naturally in some pheno's.
  2. G

    Bud structure

    Kinda sounds like you're describing foxtailing. Check out some pictures of it and let us know if you have similar results.
  3. G

    Can you only auto flower auto strain or does it not matter?

    You CAN grow from seed to finish with a 12/12 cycle.
  4. G

    500 Watt Blackstar LED Grow- 6 OG Kush

    davo... you sir are sorely mistaken. you're the one giving out bad information and in-turn making yourself look like a moron.
  5. G

    Hermie??? Pics!

    Yep, just pluck those little bananas and keep a close eye for more.
  6. G

    Why do people clip the fan leaves

    When growing scrog style, most growers tend to "lollipop" / trim almost everything under the screen Anything growing where light does not penetrate is basically diverting energy from the main canopy. Trimming the under growth is beneficial and will definitely save you time during the harvest...
  7. G

    Do auto flowering seeds need 2 rooms?

    "Starting Once seeds have germinated ,you have to decide whether to plant into a pre prepared planting hole or in a container/pot. When growing in pots make sure to plant into the pot you were going to use to finish with, i.e. a nice big container. Where as normally a soil grower will go...
  8. G

    when do you fim your seedling and how many times each plant?

    HAHA, i see you found one of Koma's youtube accounts. Sadly he has gone underground and all his current stuff is deleted. You are correct, Koma knows his shit quite well.
  9. G

    Sealing a sliding closet door?

    Hang some panda film. Winning.
  10. G

    500 Watt Blackstar LED Grow- 6 OG Kush

    I was crazy and a major asshole for giving this advice. You're humble...
  11. G

    Im Back, just a few ?s regarding the build

    LOL, you're completely delusional! Someone is raged because I proved him wrong. Awww, are you mad that you failed at what so many have done with ease? You're kind of cute with steam streaming out of ears. Calm down and realize that not everything you say is solid fact you egotistical prick.
  12. G

    Im Back, just a few ?s regarding the build

    Yeah, you're right, seeing "isnt" believing. Oh and just because I posted a video from someone else doesnt mean what I said was not coming from personal experience. But hey, keep making assumptions... only after being proven wrong. You couldn't possibly suck it up and admit it like a MAN. Noooo...
  13. G

    Best Size Pots

    Ok, well here, let me not come off as a jerk and tell you to do the most common logical thing... GOOGLE IT, YOURSELF! Are you really that helpless?
  14. G

    Best Size Pots

    Do you have downs? Link takes me to smart pots. Nice try though.
  15. G

    Best Size Pots

    What is that supposed to even mean? I linked you to a plethora of smartpots and their prices. Ungrateful much?
  16. G

    Best Size Pots

    "Smart pot? how much would that cost me? is there a thread with one in it by chance? "...
  17. G

    Side Lighting Questions Please Help!

    Could go even cheaper and get a couple t8 fixtures with 3k bulbs at a local HD.
  18. G

    500 Watt Blackstar LED Grow- 6 OG Kush

    Funny how I was the one that said you should have topped and vegged longer. I guess you forgot that I posted that in your thread, might want to go back and read again? Ever since i said that you've been repeating it like crazy. Bitter... nope, Hater... nope, laughing at how defensive you got so...
  19. G

    Best Size Pots

    "Once seeds have germinated , you have to decide whether to plant into a pre prepared planting hole or in a container/pot. When growing in pots make sure to plant into the pot you were going to use to finish with, i.e. a nice big container. Where as normally a soil grower will go through 3...
  20. G

    Im Back, just a few ?s regarding the build

    I'm sorry panhead but you are sorely mistaken. I've seen many many documented successful t5 grows. Veg to Harvest with some very top shelf buds. Dont believe me, check this guys page out all his earlier stuff was nothing but t5 grows.