Side Lighting Questions Please Help!


Hi there, i have a 2.4m / 1.2m / 2m height Grow tent, with 6 large plants lit up by 2 x 600W HPS. I am just wandering would it be beneficial to get some side lighting mounted at like half the height of the plants to get some more light to the lower buds, i was thinking something small like a 45W Red CFL maybe 1 per plant and i will continue turning the plants round daily to get the light evently round them.

Would this be beneficial at all? If so what is the best type of light for this?

As i am already running 2x600W in my flower tent and a 600W MH in my veg tent, i dont want to add too much more to my electricity bill ;), but i would like to if possible, get some extra light to the lower buds for higher yield in the end.

The plants are very bushy so dont get too much light below the top half of the buds and i dont want to start chopping away at branches / leaves id rather just give them more light :)

The red CFL are obviously intended for the flower tent not the veg ;)


Active Member
Sure it would help the more light the better. I do not think it will be a mind blowing difference but you will probably see some more, thicker, denser buds. Just get the highest watt 3000k temp bulb or bulbs you can find. You could also use a t5 HO with the warm bulbs as well. Personally I would use the HO T5's but it depends on how much money you want to spend.


Well i went ahead and found some bulbs, they are only 2700K though, is this any good? They are 1450 Lumen each.

I have them in all corners of the tent as i said.

They are a little warm when on, does this pose a fire risk at all if the leaves end up touching them?

Thanks for your advice so far too guys :)