Best Size Pots


Well-Known Member
What would be the best size pots to put my 5 auto northern light in?
and could someone recommend a good watering system x growing partner took old one :roll: :eyesmoke:
im using coco peat perlite mix for median i have 2x 600wat lights order a secret jardin today :)
"Once seeds have germinated , you have to decide whether to plant into a pre prepared planting hole or in a container/pot. When growing in pots make sure to plant into the pot you were going to use to finish with, i.e. a nice big container. Where as normally a soil grower will go through 3 sizes of pots (beginning , middle and end size pot) with autoflowering strains, to start in the big pot is best...around 10 litres is a decent size.When autoflowers grow, the root system likes to stretch out first before the flowers come on so, when the roots hit the walls of a container, the plant stops growing and the roots will start growing around the pot giving you a real small plant. So if you use a small pot to start the roots circle round and thinks "is this all i got" as well as (auto)flowering!!! Now, as I said, if you start in a good size pot say 10/11 litres the plant has enough soil space for roots to stretch out giving you a decent sized plant :-)"

That's directly from Big Budda himself. So anything starting at 2 gallons and up. Hope that answers your question.
Ok, well here, let me not come off as a jerk and tell you to do the most common logical thing... GOOGLE IT, YOURSELF! Are you really that helpless?