Im Back, just a few ?s regarding the build


Well-Known Member
So I've vegged under T12, T8 and T5 but I'll admit that I've never done a side by side. I'm going to change that in a couple of weeks. :). I've already got two identical veg cabs with T5s in both of them. I'll hit Home Depot this weekend and see if I can find a T12 shoplight that will fit. I might be able to put 4 20w bulbs in there but closest I can drop the T5s to would be 110w. I'm still not sure what the advantage would be since T12s put out more heat/watt that T5s do. Bulbs are more expensive and harder to find but I built the reflector/ballast for under $50.

See now your quoting specs & not experience,lumens are not the deciding factor,what is the deciding factor is the lumen output of t12's is more than ample to properly veg our plants,all those extra lumens mean zero unless your vegging 4 ft monsters which none of us are.

You only love the t5's you own because you havent ran them side by side with a t12 system of simular wattage,i loved mine at 1st too until i had a need to set up an extra veg area & broke out the old shop lights & ran em side by side,after seeing exactly how poor t5's compete against regular shop lights in side by side veggings i realized all i loved about them was that they were new,looked cool & were less hassle setting them up & nothing more,i was bummed out by their performance in side by side comparisons.

There used to be another old timer like me named "Mr Fishey" on this site who also vegged with standard shop lights & found the same as i did,dont get me wrong as i am not talking shit about your choice in lights,i too used the extra lumen output as my deciding factor when i dropped over $600 on my 2 t5 units.

I know how to grow & am more than qualifed to judge differences in plants in side by side operations,sadly the added performance promised with t5's simply is not there & ive seen it,i dont post reccomendations using speculation,only things ive tried first hand so this is why i say the added lumens do not tell the whole story.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry panhead but you are sorely mistaken. I've seen many many documented successful t5 grows. Veg to Harvest with some very top shelf buds. Dont believe me, check this guys page out all his earlier stuff was nothing but t5 grows.
Edit,i changed my response after further thought.

This stuff on riu has got to stop,members should be posting responses from their personal experience,from their grows,not video links of other guys grows.

The problem is this,anybody can watch a shit load of videos of what interests them,then use what they learned watching vids to formulate a grow method,then pass on what they have gathered from watching vids as evidence,this teaches nobody anything.

I do not watch youtube vids on growing nor do i read anything about growing at other sites,then pass what ive seen & read as fact,i only visit riu & post from personal hands on experience,anything less is hearsay or theory.

You dissagree with 1st hand experience saying "ive seen",this is the exact thing im talking about needing to stop,watch,learn then post as fact,no real info passed.


Well-Known Member
So I've vegged under T12, T8 and T5 but I'll admit that I've never done a side by side. I'm going to change that in a couple of weeks. :). I've already got two identical veg cabs with T5s in both of them. I'll hit Home Depot this weekend and see if I can find a T12 shoplight that will fit. I might be able to put 4 20w bulbs in there but closest I can drop the T5s to would be 110w. I'm still not sure what the advantage would be since T12s put out more heat/watt that T5s do. Bulbs are more expensive and harder to find but I built the reflector/ballast for under $50.
Any time ive vegged with 5's or 12's its allways been over 400 watts & the 5's are not any better after adding in equipment costs & bulb replacement.

I believe you have used 12's so with that you know its easy to get excellent results with them,once you do the side by side you'l be bummed,just like i was.
Edit,i changed my response after further thought.

This stuff on riu has got to stop,members should be posting responses from their personal experience,from their grows,not video links of other guys grows.

The problem is this,anybody can watch a shit load of videos of what interests them,then use what they learned watching vids to formulate a grow method,then pass on what they have gathered from watching vids as evidence,this teaches nobody anything.

I do not watch youtube vids on growing nor do i read anything about growing at other sites,then pass what ive seen & read as fact,i only visit riu & post from personal hands on experience,anything less is hearsay or theory.

You dissagree with 1st hand experience saying "ive seen",this is the exact thing im talking about needing to stop,watch,learn then post as fact,no real info passed.

Yeah, you're right, seeing "isnt" believing. Oh and just because I posted a video from someone else doesnt mean what I said was not coming from personal experience. But hey, keep making assumptions... only after being proven wrong. You couldn't possibly suck it up and admit it like a MAN. Noooo, you go and throw a temper tantrum. How pathetic. Dont give out false information when there are plenty of other people doing exactly what you COULDN'T!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you're right, seeing "isnt" believing. Oh and just because I posted a video from someone else doesnt mean what I said was not coming from personal experience. But hey, keep making assumptions... only after being proven wrong. You couldn't possibly suck it up and admit it like a MAN. Noooo, you go and throw a temper tantrum. How pathetic. Dont give out false information when there are plenty of other people doing exactly what you COULDN'T!
Now i remember who you are,your the kid asking members how to use your own giant cache of nutrients,whats a matter,none of your online chums over at myspace want to play facebook with you,now your bored & come here after growing at youtube.

You have zero grow experience except google & youtube vids of other guys shit yet you post like you know something,how can a guy post a thread asking the membership what to do with his nutes then a week later give advice,let me guess youtube by chance .

Hey guys i just watched a car video on youtube,im a race car driver now,thats what your silly ass video link equates to,post me a fitting link of a grower doing side by side veg grows using both types lighting,maybe then ill watch but until then your just another bored facebook user whos only here when theres nobody to play facebook with.

Again welcome to RIU,you will fit right in with the rest of the kiddie poo's playin weed baron grower in mommas closet.
LOL, you're completely delusional! Someone is raged because I proved him wrong. Awww, are you mad that you failed at what so many have done with ease? You're kind of cute with steam streaming out of ears. Calm down and realize that not everything you say is solid fact you egotistical prick.


Well-Known Member
How about the two of you taking your flame war into a private thread and stop hi-jacking EvolAlex's thread.


Well-Known Member
How about the two of you taking your flame war into a private thread and stop hi-jacking EvolAlex's thread.
Your right,thanks for the wake up call,i should new better from the onset,trying to argue experience vs google & youtube is futile.

Anyhow sorry for the hijack op.


Well-Known Member
everythings all good. Enjoy

So check it out ppls. Ive had these lovely ladies in here for a week and look at em. I show them girlies love.

They are rolling in fox farm ocean forest soil and i have only fed them a tiny bit of grow big a few days ago. Ill give the first full feed next feed.

Got both 600s running one 600 taking care of the bigger ones the other taking care of the little ones, seedlings doing fine, or at least most of em.

Plan to flip lights soon and throw a few in the veg cab for moms. Sorry no pics as of yet just another quick youtube vid. Enjoy
