Search results

  1. B

    When to remove humidity dome?

    Much too young to feed at this point. Between what the seed itself and the soil contain, you've easily got a few weeks before feeding will be necessary. Start light, with no more than half-strength dosing for the first couple of feeds to see how they do.
  2. B

    When to remove humidity dome?

    Now. Usually no need with seeds anyway.
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    Anxiety related to Cannabis - help?

    Work your way back slowly and gently with heavy indicas, or even high CBD-low THC strains. Sativas and some sativa-leaning strains can cause anxiety in users even if there are no underlying issues such as yours. Get something like Bubba Kush, Blueberry or GDP and start with an amount...
  4. B

    Flushing. White ash. Post your pics & method

    Sometimes I flush, sometimes I don't. Sometimes my dog pees on my plants, sometimes I wash it off. Sometimes my ash is light grey, sometimes it can be darker. Know what? My stuff tastes just fine, does not go down harsh, numbs my pain and makes me feel damn good. One of the few nice things...
  5. B

    Day 33 Northern Lights Auto 125w/300w CFL auto - Feedback?

    Curious why you are using so little of the available space in the pots. Why not use smaller pots to hold the same volume of soil, and fit more of them into your grow? Good luck, and have fun with it.
  6. B

    Another question or 2

    Link: Cannabis Cola
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    Cutting Huge Leaves Before Flipping.

    Nice to see you've been working hard to improve your grow skills. Looking much better than your earlier efforts. ;)
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    Will indoor to outdoor work?

    Just did this myself with Red Dwarf autos. Two weeks inside, several days of hardening, then full sun. I'd suggest getting them out as soon as possible because 1700 lumens is not a lot. The sun will really get them going. As long as your nights are not too cold, you should be good. Don't mix in...
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    Santa Cruz outdoor grow experience 2016

    Good to hear from the SC Mountain crowd. I'm in Brookdale as I type this. I'm going blue this year too - Blue Widow & Blue Dream. Are any of you Mountain Feed customers? I spent some time there picking brains and getting ferts yesterday.
  10. B

    Getting soil in bulk.

    That's the small size. You'll need LOTS of those. The price is friggin ridiculous, too. Around here the large 1.5cf bags go for $11-13. Just see if you can get someone to order it for you and don't sweat it.
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    Can we stop with the annoying " bout pound" stuff already?

    Gotta give you a Like for reading my mind. Thought "would-be" was a little more gentle, so went with that.
  12. B

    Can we stop with the annoying " bout pound" stuff already?

    Maybe a forum dedicated to would-be comedians would solve some of these issues.
  13. B

    Can we stop with the annoying " bout pound" stuff already?

    Very good point, but most of us were there at the start, and there is nothing wrong with enthusiasm. Would bet that most top shelf growers of today have some shit in their past.
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    First grow

    Welcome, and good luck with your bloom and harvest. Sounds like you have your feet solidly on the ground and I'll bet you come to speed quickly. I'm basically in the same place now. Don't use a lot, but have a great respect for the plant and love working to bring out its best.
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    Can we stop with the annoying " bout pound" stuff already?

    While I don't disagree with you, realistically, you have to expect any forum to be clogged with crap. Just the way of the Internet.
  16. B

    How many lumens is too much?

    So he did a search and upon reading the results came up with a question. Problem? In fact, he probably would have been blasted and told to do a search if he had asked directly.
  17. B

    Watering plant question?

    Rootbound? I've seen many cases where the root ball gets so tight from crowding that water flows around the roots without much penetrating to the inside. Whether weed or anything else, I just get a thin rod, dowel, screwdriver, etc., and use it to break into the root ball and loosen things up...
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    Wood ash contains virtually no nitrogen as it is lost as gas during the burn. There are trace amounts, but most N-P-K ratios list it at 0. In fact, 0-1-3 is the common ratio you'll find for ash.
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    Looking for a name

    He's not asking for help naming this cross, but asking if there is already a name for it.
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    Popping Seeds