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  1. B

    Hop on board the cbd train

    As soon as I can get my hands on a few ACDC clones, I'll be along for the ride too. I will mostly stick to the THC types, but with this, I can treat my dog's arthritis and not get him high. This strain has the highest CBD:THC ratio I've found at about 20:1. Medicinal Organics ACDC Midnight...
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    Need help determining sex!!!

    There does not seem to be anything in the pictures to indicate you have males. Is it the swelling in the first picture that is worrying you?
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    high elevation gorilla grow!!

    The cold mountain nights will probably do you in before you have to worry about early frost or snow in the fall. They might survive, but I think it could be a tough grow for little return.
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    Cloning question

    Moist. Really wet will harm or kill it. If you have, or can make some sort of clear cover for the pot & plant to keep humidity up, that will help.
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    What's going on with this one?

    Wouldn't the result of that be more similar to topping? Don't you cut through the leaves when fimming?
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    After fimming, How long do you wait to start flowering?

    I agree that it is probably safe at any time, but if you want to be extra safe you could wait a little bit rather than put two types of stress on the plant at once. Wait until you see growth again after the cuts and you'll know it has bounced back. Should only take a few days in most cases.
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    Why is my new growth growing like this?

    Looks a bit like a reveg.
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    Pot Size?

    You've already told us how big it is. If you want to know its volume, fill it with soil then measure what it holds.
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    So I tried to transplant.

    Next time start them in those containers, and by the time you have to transplant they'll be good and strong and you'll have less to worry about.
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    So I tried to transplant.

    The plant will be fine. Transplanting cannabis is not a delicate operation. Just moved mine from 1qt pots up to 2gal last week and since I was a little late, the roots were tangled in the bottom half-inch of the pots. I just pulled the tangle right off to expose the soil, loosened the rest of...
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    Loamy soil

    Just buy some good soil instead of the perlite. Don't waste time and money trying to improve your clay for just five gallons of soil. Loam is the nice, fluffy and rich soil you might find on a forest floor. Clay is basically the opposite.
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    Wtf is eating my plant?

    You might have the culprit there in the background of your pic. My dog nibbles once in a while.
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    is my baby dying

    Other than being light-starved it looks OK. Get a lot more light and lose that blue bulb. Water on the plant's schedule rather than go for convenience.
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    Growing in Fairfield ca

    You can check via NORML's website. They've got each legal state broken down by city.
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    There's 14 hours in the longest day in san diego...

    I grow outside with a 14:45 longest day and usually start to see flowers start in the first couple of weeks in August, with harvest end of September through mid October.
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    Is this true guys? I am lost!

    Thinking Henry just might be here to have some fun at the expense of those willing to play.
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    Help 1st grow

    Looks more like a critter problem rather than nute burn. Last shot looks like a cat visited for a little nibble. Check the undersides of your leaves for sucking insects.
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    Along with saiyaneye, I can recommend the Chromium Crusher. I've been using the 3" model for more than three years and am entirely happy with it. Not sure what you are using now that break so easily, but short of trying to grind nuts and bolts or something, I can't imagine this thing failing...
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    When the leaves get yellow?

    If you are happy with your finished product, there are no bad effects from your leaves going yellow. The plant is approaching its end of life as it finishes flowering, so it is not unusual for it to show its age.
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    Anxiety related to Cannabis - help?

    We may be going a little too far now. Nobody but a specialist should tell someone who is reporting chest and left arm pain that they have no physical issues. There is plenty science out there documenting the fact that cannabis does indeed have a direct effect on the heart, mainly by elevating...