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  1. somebody1701

    Is this an iron deficiency?

    No way to tell with the HPS on. In my experience, iron deficiency is rare and if you have a deficiency, it's probably something else or not the root cause of your problem.
  2. somebody1701

    Soil automated watering system

    Hand water your first grow. How can you adjust your drip system if you haven't grown before?
  3. somebody1701

    If a seed doesn't sprout, is it a dud?

    How long did you wait before you dug them back up? I would say after a week, if a seed doesn't pop it's bad.
  4. somebody1701

    any ideas

    Damaged leaves don't usually recover so I wouldn't worry about it unless it's ongoing.
  5. somebody1701

    Seeds too old?

    I had 100s of 2+ year old seeds that I stored in air-tight containers with those silica packets. I only got 3 to make it. About 10% popped after scarification and soaking in water for 3-4 days. All of that 10% but those 3 just never made it. They'd linger around for a long time but didn't...
  6. somebody1701

    Starting from clone AND seed, timing help.

    I'm trying to find some other opinions on this and coming up with only one link. Maybe there's variation by strain? I planted four seeds and took eight clones this grow. Only three of the seeds popped. Initially, all three plants from seed were ahead of the clones. One plant from seed went...
  7. somebody1701

    Starting from clone AND seed, timing help.

    I've done it a couple of times and I would say seeds run about two weeks ahead of clones if you planted the seeds and cut the clones on the same day.
  8. somebody1701

    Temperature, relative humidity and absolute humidity - big discussion.

    I don't have the A/C power to get to 35%. I live in an area that is very hot a good part of the year and humid most of the year. My room is a basement on top of a weeping spring, lol. If I ever build another grow room (would be my 3rd), I will do a better job of sealing it against water vapor.
  9. somebody1701

    seed viability

    After trying to get 100s of old seeds to sprout and ending up with only 3 doing so, I found there's really nothing about how they look (other than obvious things like cracked, smashed, etc.) that's predictive. Darker didn't mean anything. Size didn't mean anything. Those all look viable to me.
  10. somebody1701

    New grower, two week old clones. Help.

    You cloned in rock wool and you plan to go to soil? Yellowing is fine with clones. Have they started to grow yet? They should start growing by two weeks unless you took them late in flower, then they can take forever.
  11. somebody1701

    Leaves starting to turn purple - week 5 flower

    No. Supercropping is to gently roll the stem between your thumb and forefinger until you can lay the stem over without snapping it. If done properly, all the bud on the stem is preserved and it can actually increase yield on that stem.
  12. somebody1701

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    WTF good is this sticky when the pictures are gone!?!?
  13. somebody1701

    Temperature, relative humidity and absolute humidity - big discussion.

    Glad to see someone else on this board actually understands how a dehumidifier works. To all of you saying otherwise, do you see condensation on hot or cold things? If you want to dehumidify without increasing temperature, you can't just heat the air.
  14. somebody1701

    Cheap LED lights

    For anyone interested, here are a couple of pics of my new lights in action. I'm very pleased with them so far. Building the frame and mounting the hardware was fun, but time-consuming .
  15. somebody1701

    Temperature, relative humidity and absolute humidity - big discussion.

    If you are bringing in cold outside air and heating it, it will be very dry (RH) without actually removing any water from the air.
  16. somebody1701

    Temperature, relative humidity and absolute humidity - big discussion.

    I run 65% whole life cycle plants love it.
  17. somebody1701

    Temperature, relative humidity and absolute humidity - big discussion.

    You can dehumidify and cool. Most air conditioners do this and most dehumidifiers (cool coils) do as well.
  18. somebody1701

    Temperature, relative humidity and absolute humidity - big discussion.

    Absolute humidity isn't relevant. That's the total amount of water in the air. Plants care about RH which is how much water is in the air relative to it's saturation point (which increases with temperature). Whether you raise RH with heat or lower it (and absolute) with a dehumidifier...
  19. somebody1701

    Cheap LED lights

    I should at least get the brand right -- I bought two of the 100W Timber kits. Just got them today. Can't wait to get the frame materials and get them hung.