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  1. somebody1701

    Freeze rapid rooter plugs?

    They don't die that I'm aware of. Just keep them in a zip-loc in a cool, dark place as others have suggested.
  2. somebody1701

    Mother plant pot sizing

    No matter how big your pot (and I'm a fan of smart pots myself), you're going to have to root-prune your mother at some point. I keep mine in a 1g and just turn a clone into my new mother whenever she gets too big and root bound and throw her into veg.
  3. somebody1701

    Will this help?

    Unfortunately, not.
  4. somebody1701

    Harvesting questions and Tips for Next Time

    They look close to me - at most a week out.
  5. somebody1701

    Attic/Rafters Setup

    I built a an attic room that I accessed via my garage through a ceiling door in a very hot climate and ran it for 4 years. If you insulate properly and have adequate ventilation/AC it'll be fine. If you are running HID, use air from through the roof (I put an extra heater exhaust vent in that...
  6. somebody1701

    Will this help?

    You should only supercrop or LST in flower if you are having height problems.
  7. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I like 25% perlite with 75% coir. Almost impossible to overwater. However, overwatering will slow growth. You need to let them almost dry out to the point they are about to wilt and then lift the pot to get an idea of what almost dry feels like so you know when to water.
  8. somebody1701

    Male or female?

    Definitely male. You don't have to worry yet if you want to keep them around a few more days.
  9. somebody1701

    Day 4 to tall for dome

    Clones don't really need domes either. I never use them.
  10. somebody1701

    Help with Deficiency

    This may not be a good method. I'm always surprised at how much variation there is in water consumption between plants even when they are in the same room and clones. You should be checking the weight of the pot. That's the only reliable method for coco, IMO.
  11. somebody1701

    8x12 shed w/ an 8x8 stealth room- completed

    Look great. Do you find that hanging those lights on the sides significantly boosts production?
  12. somebody1701


    I always have those lone calyxes with pistols on the stem below the fan leave stems. Male flowers are "balls on a stick."
  13. somebody1701

    clones going bad

    Are you sure all your clones were from the same mother originally? Are you keeping a mother or cloning from each grow? Is there an advantage to keeping the same mother versus just keeping one clone every grow as your next mother? I prefer just using an extra clone as my next mother but I'd...
  14. somebody1701

    Cannabis juice?

    You guys have some strange ideas about organic. Cow manure can be organic. Most composted animal waste is typically a great organic fertilizer. I'm growing 100% organic myself and I use blood and bone meal as fertilizer.
  15. somebody1701

    Help with Deficiency

    I'm a coco grower but I use GO nutes. I usually flush with 1 tsp vinegar, 1 tsp molasses per gallon if I'm worried about lockout/salts. Also, make sure you are getting 20 percent drainage with each watering to prevent problems.
  16. somebody1701

    Harvesting questions and Tips for Next Time

    Wait for 5% amber to harvest unless you have some compelling reason not to (like plant's dying, etc.). You miss out on a lot of bud development when you harvest early. I would never go 3-4 weeks without feeding -- just wasting your time. One week is OK. There no reason you can't stop...
  17. somebody1701

    Help with Deficiency

    Hard to say if you are feeding them all the same and they are all clones. Is that plant closer to a fan or something?
  18. somebody1701

    Powdery White Mildew or Sugar?? Help!!!!

    The focus isn't great, but my bud's never looked like that when I'm checking trichs. I think it's more than just "sugary" buds.
  19. somebody1701

    Coco Growers Unite!

    I feed every other day in 3g pots. I can go 3 days in 5g pots.
  20. somebody1701

    Can I use pond water to water plants?

    Well water typically sucks, IMO. At least around here. Very hard and smelly. I wouldn't wash my car with the well water around here. If it's a large pond, I would use that before I used well water (from where I live).