Seeds too old?


First post here, 2nd grow

I found some old seeds sealed in a jar inside a rubber maid yesterday. There is about 5 of them, I'm assuming they're from a previous grow (1 or 2 could be randoms) also assuming they're mostly berry bomb strain. I would estimate they've been in that closet for 3+ years now but I thought..what the heck.. if they pop then I will do a mini tent grow.

But now that I've spent the last day thinking over it, I'd really like to do a grow before summer. I am considering purchasing seeds, But should I give these seeds a chance before shelling out the $$? what is the average "shelf life" of seeds?


Staff member
Depending on storage process old seeds are viable for many many years
Try to pop em if they don't pop order


Well-Known Member
First post here, 2nd grow

I found some old seeds sealed in a jar inside a rubber maid yesterday. There is about 5 of them, I'm assuming they're from a previous grow (1 or 2 could be randoms) also assuming they're mostly berry bomb strain. I would estimate they've been in that closet for 3+ years now but I thought..what the heck.. if they pop then I will do a mini tent grow.

But now that I've spent the last day thinking over it, I'd really like to do a grow before summer. I am considering purchasing seeds, But should I give these seeds a chance before shelling out the $$? what is the average "shelf life" of seeds?
Definately worth a shot on those seeds ....if they were stored correctly then there's a good chance they'll pop ......but worth it for sure


thanks for the input!

They were store in complete darkness, temps from 70-80F I presume. I will attempt to germinate them, But knowing me I may end up ordering as it's been a minute and I am getting the itch to grow


Well-Known Member
I had 100s of 2+ year old seeds that I stored in air-tight containers with those silica packets. I only got 3 to make it. About 10% popped after scarification and soaking in water for 3-4 days. All of that 10% but those 3 just never made it. They'd linger around for a long time but didn't grow. In fact, the three that did make it took a really long time to actually take off. They would pop out but never grow past their cotyledons.