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  1. hermex

    Ventilation: adding lights

    I currently run 2 6" 600w XXXL hoods cooled with a 6" 450CFM vortex fan drawing air from the top of the room, pushing it through the hoods, and out through the attic. I do not use a carbon filter. I am adding two more 6" 600w hoods. My plan was to add another 6" vortex to the system on the...
  2. hermex

    Too much trouble to diagnose. Please help

    How much light are you using, they look a little starved for light. First thing I'd do is trim off 90% of those leaves and branches. Using a more breathable pot like a smart pot greatly improves the overall health of your ladies...
  3. hermex

    Help with light choice

    That hardly seems like enough space. I have a 2x2ft t5 with external dimensions just over 24"x24". A cool tube would probably be the way to go for such a small space.
  4. hermex

    long ass flowering whats wrong

    I've never heard about amount of light influencing time to harvest, but I haven't heard everything either. Most strains I'm running take 9 weeks, but the way to tell is by looking at the trichromes.
  5. hermex

    Male or Female?? help (WITH PICTURES)

    I'm not positive you are looking at signs of preflower, it looks a lot like new leaf growth. My clones show what are unmistakably pistils...honestly I've never seen male preflower signs as I've never seen a male plant! Healthy looking plant though!
  6. hermex

    Guessing sex of a seedling?

    Well, if are using bag seeds then you could very well have a couple phenotypes of the same strain, one that grows bigger. Even if you ordered your seeds you could be seeing traits of different phenotypes. Best bet for sexing is to flower them. and then clone your females.
  7. hermex

    Power went out in middle of 12-12

    That sucks man! Hopefully you won't see any problems! From what I know (which isn't much) the plant gets triggered to flower because it receives that 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness which allows it to build up sufficient levels of the chemical that 'tells' the plant to produce flowers. Long...
  8. hermex

    Newly transplanted clones looking bad, please help

    You could give light nutes to try and help with the yellowing, but I'd make it a light mixture. Clones always turn yellow when they switch to root production. As for the T5, the reason people usually keep lights farther away from young plants is because they are using a hot MH, never had any...
  9. hermex

    When does flowering actually begin?

    Wow, look at you arguing over who has the best use of terms. Every single grower that I talk to and just about every person on here can be heard to say "I switched her to flower" or "since I put her in flower", personally my calendar is marked according to the day "she joined her mom in the...
  10. hermex

    Oh, so annoyed with myself -- let cubes dry out!

    bummer, hate messing with seeds!
  11. hermex

    First time growing is my set up ok? any advice would help so much!

    Personally, I'd re-think using CFLs. If you are running over 600w, why not have a nice HPS bulb? I know that with 11 bulbs you are dealing with as much heat as a good HPS. With a 2x3 closet I'd be using a 400w cool tube with a reflector that just about covered the area. You may have 44k...
  12. hermex

    Grow Room in basement? Wash with bleach, vinegar, or ammonia?

    I'd love to have a basement again! When I did have one I paneled off the underside of a counter top and caulked it up really nice. All remaining surfaces were painted with Killz. That was pretty white, so I called it good. If you go over the killz, then go with flat white. I think I used...
  13. hermex

    Does this look right ?

    cheese looks better. if it was already pollinated by the other one then you will have some unique seeds from her. If your dark area is not 100% light proof, then she could hermie (grow nuts and jizz on herself) and look a little like the guy you're yanking. tighten up ship, unless you just...
  14. hermex

    New grower

    Treat her right then. Good air, good food, good soil, good equipment.....Looking good man, just make sure you have a plan for what you are going to do with her. If onsticking with a closet grow then I'd look to a ballast/light combo that is both metal halide and high pressure sodium so you...
  15. hermex

    Does this look right ?

    no, you're no good. I didn't even think that was marijuana when I looked at it. If it is, then it's male. Throw it away and try again!
  16. hermex

    fox farm trio worth a try ???????

    I have great luck using them along with tiger bloom, fossil fuel, and dark energy. I give the open sesame a week before flower and then follow the schedule for an 8 week grow. My girls are always happy and my yields are good. I say use them!
  17. hermex

    please help as soon as possible i got a pic to

    on another note, you are going to waste time and money on this if you aren't willing to figure out what you are doing. You'll end up with some crappy bud and you'll blame it on something else. Knowing what vegetative stage is and looks like is a pretty simple thing. When this plant gets less...
  18. hermex

    please help as soon as possible i got a pic to

    You can flower any sized plant. You won't miss anything by letting it wait longer. There is no "too late". Usually I will let a plants get about 3 feet tall before flowering, but that's kind of because of the amount of space I have...Good luck.
  19. hermex

    HELP! Stealth grow in a small enclosed Cab, having heat issues!!

    Tough little problem. Heat is always an issue and only gets worse when you reduce the amount of space. If you can't upgrade to an armoire or utility cabinet, then your options are going to be limited. First off, two hours before the lights come on around here the heat goes down to 67 if the...
  20. hermex

    Grow light question (in regards to the wires in the walls)

    It sounds like you are fine. I'd google your question about true amperage. In my experience, the types of lights we use are ok on most outlets. It's when you get into running AC or multiple lights that you might trip breakers. Tripping a breaker doesn't hurt anything, so I like to plug and...