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  1. hermex

    Successful Cloning

    Tip: Opening the thread in one window and the photos in another seems useful until I spend time captioning my photos. ------- Hi all, thanks for reading the thread. If you've been growing for a while, then you probably already know what I am about to post, but if you are new to growing, or new...
  2. hermex

    advice first time cutting clones hope i did good

    Sorry bro, no thread just a friend showing me what to do. Learned it from a friend who, learned it from a friend who, learned it from Jesus himself.
  3. hermex

    advice first time cutting clones hope i did good

    Honestly, it looks like you chopped them up quite a bit and left a lot of exposed stem for them to deal with. When I said that the cut isn't important, I mean on the node from which most of the roots will grow (when you get an aeroponic cloner you will see that roots develop all up and down the...
  4. hermex

    advice first time cutting clones hope i did good

    Genetics and experience will get you there. For a first grow, 4oz would be great and I hope you get it.
  5. hermex

    advice first time cutting clones hope i did good

    careful dude. You can clone in just tap water. A cutting that is sitting in just a cup of water will stand straight and tall. Adding nutrients is not going to make them stop drooping.
  6. hermex

    advice first time cutting clones hope i did good

    Yep, I wasted a lot of time and money on cubes and humidomes only to find that, despite success, anything that comes out of a cube system will be 2-4 weeks behind what comes out of an aeroponic cloner when transferred to pots. Ebay clone king $75 US for a 36 site cloner. If this is your only...
  7. hermex

    Drooping and yellow (pic)??

    I'm indoor only, but I have tomatoes outside. The ones I planted in the native soil are yellowing, small, unhealthy looking, and have little to no fruit. The ones that I put in raised beds that were a mixture of promix, miracle grow, and native soil are looking really nice and have a bunch of...
  8. hermex

    Roots growing way to fast

    That pot is plenty big for that size plant. If you are buying pots, go with smart pots, yield pots, or some other breathable-fabric container. I've heard one gallon per week of veg...Personally, I have some 7 and some 10 gallon containers and end up with about 2 months of veg, sometimes less...
  9. hermex

    advice first time cutting clones hope i did good

    There will never be a shortage of people telling you that something won't work, but there is always a shortage of people doing things. Cloning in cubes is tough! Yes, soak cubes. Yes, there should be water in the tray! When you press on a cube it should gush with water. The cube is sucking...
  10. hermex

    feeding clones

    Clones have a lot of work to do building their roots. When I take clones, they get food in the cloner (clonex gel and nutrient solution), but then once they are in their dixie cups they get only water. They spend about a week or two in the dixie cups. I give them just water when I transplant...
  11. hermex

    Is my plant a hermy? Is it dying? Is it ready for harvest?

    1. That looks a little suspect to me because there is no hair coming out of it. The one photo even looks like a sac that already burst...which would explain the seed if it is one. Buds looks good though. 2. Old leaves die. The dead and dying yellow and brown leaves that you see look like a...
  12. hermex

    flushing halfway through what do I do

    Simple flush: 1.) Ph a few buckets of water to 6.8 (water that has been sitting out and aerated for a few days, my tap water might kill a bitch). 2.) Water until it begins to drain out of the bottom of your pot (for me 2 gallons of water) 3.) Add at least as much as you already did (for me...
  13. hermex

    Switching from t5 to hps

    The switch to HPS won't hurt anything and your ladies will probably enjoy the extra power :-) A 440 cfm fan should be enough to cool a 600w. Use the back of your hand as a gauge to tell you how close your light can be to the tops of your plants. With the light and fan on, hold your hand under...
  14. hermex

    Shatter E-CIG Oil, Yes, it works!

    However it is that you end up making it, you can refill the mark ten e-cigs by pulling out the four holed cap, removing the rubber piece behind it, and re-soaking the wick that is inside it... I used vegetable glycerin with qwiso hash heated in a water bath off and on for over a week...yeah, it...
  15. hermex

    Bug Problem? Not really sure what these are

    I found a worm on my shirt after a bike ride and before going into my I have a dusting brush for all and cavity searches for guests...hope it wasn't in the soil, but I've heard of worse. I'd try any of the natural remedies like chili powders or tea mixtures, but you'd have to look...
  16. hermex

    harvest time

    Sorry bro, it's too hard to tell from the photos, but they do look nice and icy. In general, the individual trichrome is this mushroom looking thing that stands up and diffuses light as it hits the plant. Look for the trichromes at the edges of a leaf, this will give you a profile image that...
  17. hermex

    harvest time

    I see no reason why you couldn't remove ducting, I've rerouted it into my house to use the heat in other rooms. You would probably still want to exchange new air from somewhere though.
  18. hermex

    Yellowing of buds!

    If you can, take a picture using the flash immediately after lights out (and then get out of there so as not to disrupt your dark cycle any more than you have to). That will help people see the symptoms. I'm soil and HPS, so no help at this point, sorry.
  19. hermex

    Need Help w/Cooling 5x5x6'8 tent 600watt

    For the soil not drying, you could use smart pots or another fabric pot. Other than that, it's based on plant growth and relative humidity. Speed up the plant's metabolism and you'll speed the rate at which your pots go dry....which brings me back to the A/C, which may be beating a dead horse...
  20. hermex

    Seedling soil and depressing seedlings

    Definitely just let them chill a bit before trying to transplant. "hot" soil refers to having too many nutrients, not to the temperature of the soil. For future seedlings, do what Dannyboy said above.