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  1. hermex

    Pictures of Overwatering vs. Transplant Droop

    I wouldn't suggest doing this unless you have a lot of extra ladies in your veg/clone area, which I just so happen to have right now. The first and second picture are of a clone that has been overwatered. I was trying to have that be the only symptom showing. She started new growth in the...
  2. hermex

    Seedling soil and depressing seedlings

    Sounds like a recipe for success! If you do paint the pots let them dry for a couple weeks before putting your girls in or putting them in the room, the fumes can be killer and they do linger. I don't think they have to be white though, my smart pots are pots, or another...
  3. hermex

    Please Help

    Your girls look large enough to give nutes to. You also have a lot of normal, good looking growth showing. It looks like your leaves that are primarily affected are those that are no longer being used - or those that are at the base of a node that has long since turned into a branch. I...
  4. hermex

    Picking Off Individual early Calyx to smoke

    if by test you mean to look at your trichromes, then you can take a sugar leaf, it should be a pretty representative sample, but take a few from the top and the base to really see what's going on.....if by test you do mean smoke, then you still have to wait for the THC to be ready before it will...
  5. hermex

    Cal-Mag recovery

    I feed every other watering as opposed to every 3rd, but I'm using ProMix. I have a strain that develops a cal/mag deficiency late in flower, so I don't treat it and it really just affects the older fan leaves anyway. I've trimmed off a lot of fan leaves early in flower on multiple different...
  6. hermex

    harvest time

    Hey man, my operation started with one 600w HPS used for the first veg and flower until my harvest cycles allowed me to buy a veg light and more flower equipment, here's the current setup...there's 6 different groups in there currently at various stages of flower, I take down a minimum of 2...
  7. hermex

    odor control in a closet with no access to outside air

    length x width x height gives you cubic area, or the volume of your room. fans are listed as CFM (cubic feet per minute) and that tells you how many cubic feet of air it can exchange per minute. However, no dinky 6inch inline fan for $25 (duct boosters) is going to actually pull what it says...
  8. hermex

    Seedling soil and depressing seedlings

    Just leave them be. I can't say what the discoloration is from at this point. It is possible that the soil is too "hot" - or has too many nutrients for a small MJ seedling, commercial products will tell you whatever is necessary to make you think that the plant needs what they are selling - or...
  9. hermex

    harvest time

    Sounds like a good idea. How long have they been in flower? any small microscope will do, they are just commonly referred to as a jeweler's loupe...or a currency inspector. Radio shack has some awesome USB scopes. I like the portable ones because I visit other people's rooms and like to...
  10. hermex

    Seedling soil and depressing seedlings

    Leave them be and they'll likely recover. Next time skip the fertilizers until the plant is well established. Over watering can be a huge problem with young plants - they don't have the root structure to absorb a lot of water - and droopy leaves is what over watering looks like at the...
  11. hermex

    Bug Problem? Not really sure what these are

    I've had similar spotting on old fan leaves in one strain. Research of other people's photos suggested a calcium/magnesium deficiency, but I've come to think that this is strain specific and not that big of an issue, my results are still spot on for yield and quality without having done...
  12. hermex

    harvest time

    yum. that looks like a blueberry or blue dream. Delicious. I think you are right on with your estimate. 2 - 3 weeks should give you some nice swelling of the calyxes and you'll see the bud fill out in the areas that look a little leafy now. If you don't have a loupe, there's some great...
  13. hermex

    getting slammed by rats!!!!

    I've heard of using chili powder solutions to keep pests away...makes sense, eat it and burn your mouth, get it on your hands, burn your might be less likely to do it again, it should be safe for the plants...strike that, safe for all living things involved! :-) Or provide an easier...
  14. hermex

    Need Help w/Cooling 5x5x6'8 tent 600watt

    From experience, those little booster fans won't cool a 6in hood, I tried on my first grow and ordered a big fan after 15 minutes of monitoring temps. Let's get right to the issue though, indoor growing will usually require air conditioning in either the grow room or the surrounding area. You...
  15. hermex

    Butta Boom, Butta Bing

    And nothing is stopping you from getting creative with the chocolate once you have it all melted up.....
  16. hermex

    Butta Boom, Butta Bing

    FYI, one stick of butter is about 113g...this makes your recipes easier! The first pic is my latest butter batch (8 sticks butter [904g], 4 oz [452g] premium sugar trim, 32oz water, 4 hour simmer @ ~180F with 10-15 min 220-240F stirred very frequently throughout, water added as the level in the...
  17. hermex

    Ok, So I made Canna Butter for the first time...

    40g to a pound of butter is probably not enough, even if it is really potent trim or bud. To make two sticks of butter, I use 60 g. If I'm making 4 sticks, I'm using at least 4 oz of premium sugary trim (none of the non-sugary fan leaves or stems). Even if I was using straight up buds, I'd...
  18. hermex

    HPS of CFL for 5 pots

    Excellent point about useable light. Penetration is always a big issue indoors and a big HPS with a quality (I use digilux 600s) bulb is going to have more lumens, or more useable energy if I'm thinking of it correctly, farther away from the light other words, deeper into your...
  19. hermex

    Too Late To LST?

    Never too late is right! It does change how you do it though. The older the plant and more rigid the stem, the less you can bend it all at once. Some strains have very pliable stems throughout their lifecycle, others will be prone to snapping (and not while you are doing it, half an hour...
  20. hermex

    Purple strain that actually turns purple?

    I would imagine this would be a highly criticized response, but I have had numerous strains that I exposed to cold (65f or a little less) during night cycles a week or so preceding harvest), along with a cold, extended dark period after harvest, and had if not purple tinges, full blown deep...