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  1. hermex

    Grow light question (in regards to the wires in the walls)

    To answer the breaker can tell if you've overloaded the wire but not the breaker because you are standing out on the street tweeting a picture of your house up in flames and the fire department pulling out your grow equipment piece by piece. Breakers are designed to protect...
  2. hermex

    Yellow leafs help me plz?

    Sounds like you've gotten some good advice so far. Just follow the basics if this is your first time. A couple of the basics that have been pointed out already: 1) Your plants are young and focusing on developing roots, they will soon push out a bunch of leaves. While they are young, you...
  3. hermex

    60x pics 4wks and 2 wks

    My 60x scope with phone mounting kit came in the mail today (5.00 on ebay), here's some pics. It takes some getting used to, but not bad shots. Cheese at 4 weeks and here's trainwreck at two weeks, this one didn't get it's flower nutes in the last week of veg though, so she's a little behind...
  4. hermex

    Help My Seedlings

    These guys know what's up. Light too close (consider using CFL to save energy for a few weeks) and the girls are doing their work below the soil for now. Make sure you have an oscillating fan so that when they do grow they get nice, firm stalks. Good luck!
  5. hermex

    How do YOU think there doing?

    Looking good! I'd like a tent sometimes.
  6. hermex

    Need diagnosis on one of my little guys Curling/Clawing and i think i may have burnt

    Misting them is usually ok unless you're running really hot lights too close. For ladies that small I'd be using some CFLs if you don't have a t5. Keep them humid on smaller lights until they have some leaves to handle your bigger light. You could start nutes when you move to the big light.
  7. hermex

    Too long veg (again)

    Move the lights up or the plants down if you can. I don't see too many other options if you can't bend them. Tie the branches down to the plant as much as you can! You can clone some of the branches and start them back in veg, keeping them smaller this time. Good luck!
  8. hermex

    i wanna flower where do i start.....................................???????? ?????????

    There will be a number of threads addressing what you'll need to do. Everyone has their opinions on what works best! Read up and you'll be able to ask some more specific questions! Good luck!
  9. hermex

    Grow light question (in regards to the wires in the walls)

    If you have an outlet to use then just find out what else is on that circuit and add up how many amps are in use when your lights are in use. With some general construction knowledge- being generally handy that is - and being able to learn new things off of youtube, adding a dedicated outlet is...
  10. hermex

    How much it to much light for seedling

    It will be fine if you don't put it too close to it. Stretching isn't really an issue with CFL like it would be with MH. Have good ventilation to build up your stalk strength.
  11. hermex

    Another Yield Question

    Work with what you've got in terms of space, time, and light. If you have to flip then switch to your flower nutes one week before hand. Go to Tiger Bloom w/ open sesame soluble, cut out the grow big but eventually you'll want to throw in humic acid (fossil fuel is ok priced brand) and dark...
  12. hermex

    Away for a day HELP

    I would either buy a timer or just do a 24 hour veg all the time. If you want to grow good product you have to be consistent. A timer is the most very basic component of growing dude. Don't post any excuses for not having one or reasons for wanting to turn your lights on and off by hand.
  13. hermex

    Questions about 250w hps grow closet

    It sounds like you've thought of light, ventilation, soil, and nutrients. I've done cabinet/tent grows and can offer some advice, but let me first say that what you've outlined will work for you, you may just encounter temp issues. I'll mention number of plants too, but after talking about...
  14. hermex

    Help with my plant please

    STL is right Jets. You need less light and it needs to be farther away than you would think at this stage. I've used a cabinet with two pigtail CFLs mounted about 18 inches away from a daisy cloner and kept 6 rooted 8 inch plants thriving off of them. Don't rush things, follow STLs advice and...
  15. hermex

    cant get clones to take root please help

    This is something I was writing up today and some of it might be useful. First time posting something like that and sharing googledrive on here, so I hope it works. The pictures did not come through at all, but are...
  16. hermex

    Little black bugs on my plant

    Any bugs are something to worry about in my opinion! Do you have hanging pest strips? Not fly paper, but those little white grates with yellow stuff inside of them? Sorry I can't ID the bug for you, but there will be many threads about bugs and solutions to treat for them...I was just reading...
  17. hermex

    Which Cabinet Would You Go With ?

    Sounds like you are getting things under control. Legal or not, I try to keep everything hidden....mostly for dating purposes...or what if my niece stops by with my sister? She knows about the medicinal program and that I am in it, but she doesn't need to know to what extent. There are lots...
  18. hermex

    Multi vitamin water

    What a strange post. It seems pretty obvious what you were intending to do, but there I go assuming again, it sounds like you are talking about a beverage you buy at the gas station, but maybe you are just making your own mixture of vitamins. Of all the possible ways to structure your post...
  19. hermex

    If plant was left to dry .....?

    It'll be interesting to see what happens, you could always chop some and leave the rest, but that in itself is going to stress her out. I guess I don't know how long it takes to pop out a beaner or two, but I thought it could happen in a matter of days.
  20. hermex

    Is this okay to veg and flower with?

    I used a 150w HPS SunSystems in a 2x2x5 tent. Although I didn't flower under it, I was able to grow two plants in veg without problems. It gets kind of hot though. By blowing air into the bottom and letting it go out the top I was able to keep the temps at plant level in the high 70's. Don't...